View Full Version : ooh, that makes me mad!!!!!

Jesus Freak!!!!
05-13-2003, 08:59 AM
hello, i just thought that since you guys know what else is happening. you see, my grandparents on my moms side never really wanted more than one grandkid. the first one was too early, second one too soon, third one, mom was crazy and fourth, well, in their eyes, they had lost their minds!!!!!( i happen to be the 4th!!!) but after a while, they started to come around. when we decided to adopt my little david, they didnt want a black child. i was so angry. they pitted me "because i am the youngest, not that thing!"! they were okay about katie. we thought they were ok with dominic, but half way through the adoption, they said that we were forsaking our bio kids because we spend more time with them! well, i said that i hope my mom spends more time with the younger ones, i dont want to be watched 24-7!! now they are complaining that we did not say hi on mothers day!! we thought it would be best if we left them alone on that day, since they were upset.

get this, the kid they least wanted to have as a grandkid ends up to be their favorite!!! that would be me!! they take me out for my birthday, give me money and no one else!!! it makes me so mad!!!

please pray, for my mom is really stressed over this!!!!!

05-13-2003, 01:55 PM
Families are weird. Sometimes you're damned if you DO and damned if you DON'T. It sounds like a no win situation to me.

Jesus Freak!!!!
05-13-2003, 04:11 PM
ya, really!!!!

05-13-2003, 06:13 PM
I apologize if I am a little confused by your post, but if your mom is stressed then prayers are on the way. I wish her and you all the best.