View Full Version : Introduction of real catnip plant

05-11-2003, 04:04 PM
I visited a plant nursery at the weekend with my mum. I bought a catnip & catmint plants to see what my cats thought of it. So I potted up both plants in a wide pot and placed it in the middle of the living room rug.

George went mental. He ran over to the pot, rubbing his head on the leaves and eating some. He slapped Milo, who tried to get some action. He even slapped me when I moved the pot out of reach. As George has always been cautious of Milo, this was unexpected dominant behaviour.


After George fell asleep, we brought the catnip out for Milo & Milly to look at.

Milly sniffed at the plant, then backs off shaking her head (Maybe catnip is an acquired taste for young cats ?)

Milo started eating and rubbing the leaves (So that’s 2 –1 for catnip). George woke up and joined Milo at the pot.

Milo rolling around on some leaves

PS. How much catnip should I let them eat ? Shall I leave the pot out all the time or bring it out weekly ?

05-11-2003, 07:02 PM
Some cats just love that stuff!!!!!!! I think they'ds get into a little less trouble if you bring the plant out at intervals when you can supervise.

05-11-2003, 07:04 PM
I asked my vet, and she told me that it is almost impossible for cats to OD on catnip. That is, she didn't know of cats suffering any ill-effects form it even if they have unlimited access.

I grow my own catnip outside, and I just clip off a leaf or two per cat per day and feed it to them fresh. When my cats are around potted plants, they tend to pull them out by the roots so I don't allow them access to the whole plant.

05-11-2003, 07:04 PM
Some cats go absolutely BONKERS over catnip. Others couldn't care less.

My cats love it! I'd bring the pot out in intervals. Otherwise there'd be none left!! :eek:

05-11-2003, 07:09 PM
Great pictures!!! I grow catnip outside and maybe once a week I break off a couple of leaves and bring them inside. My two each have very different reactions. Trevor gets all mellow and dreamy eyed and Andy gets wired. They usually wind up falling asleep, like a couple of drunks. :rolleyes: I don't think I'd leave the plant out for them all the time. I use mine sort of as a treat, and it's not fattening! :) Actually last year Bella ripped out a good bit of the plant when she was 'helping' me weed the garden, and I just recently noticed that what is left is starting to make a comeback. It is really quite hardy and spreads nicely. I have heard that young cats don't respond to catnip. Maybe in time Milly will develop an interest.

Here are a couple of shots I just dug up of my boys enjoying some 'nip.'

Here is Andy enjoying himself. Note the tight grasp he has on it. He doesn't want it getting away. :D


05-11-2003, 07:25 PM
Thanks for the advice.

Sounds like to avoid unrooted plants and fights . We'll have to house the catnip out of harms/cats way, most of the time.

I think we'll give them a Saturday treat of catnip. Hopefully the catnip plants will be able to survive that.

I do hope Milly learns to love catnip. As I feel mean giving George & Milo a treat, which she doesn't enjoy.

PS. Andy looks so cute holding onto those leaves. :)

05-11-2003, 10:27 PM
Great pics. :D All 3 of my cats love catnip but I've never tried the plant. I'm afraid if I bought one that they'd eat it all in one sitting. :)

05-12-2003, 04:03 AM
I've tried buying a catnip plant before and it doesn't seem to affect Corkscrew and Tibby just makes a HUGE mess out of it. So now I just buy the dried stuff in the container for Tibby.