View Full Version : A private PT meeting in OHIO tomorrow~

05-11-2003, 08:06 AM
He he he...Cincy's mom (Amy) and I are meeting for dinner tomorrow, as she will be in Cincinnati for several days. Won't that be fun? I am charging the digi cam batteries as I type!!!

Maybe we will see what Lillycat is doing, and if she is available, too!!!

Yippee! A private PT meeting as a prelude to the huge one the next weekend!!!!!!

05-11-2003, 08:16 AM
have fun, and yep, don't forget to take pics ;) ;)

05-11-2003, 09:49 AM
Oh sure, don't invite me.:rolleyes: 1st you won't vote in the nicest markings cat contest and now this. :rolleyes: What is this world coming to? :rolleyes:

have fun ;)

05-11-2003, 10:24 AM
Yeah yeah yeah rub it in! lol Hey, how come Lillycat won't come to Findlay? Come on Jo use your lawyerly skills to persuade her to come up there.

05-11-2003, 10:26 AM
Yeah Jo, threaten to subpoena her to Findlay Park :D

Have a wonderful day girls!! Don't forget to take pictures! ;)

05-11-2003, 10:57 AM
Have fun!! Pictures please.

05-11-2003, 04:20 PM
I'm excited to go!! I haven't been back to Cincinnati since my brother graduated 2 years ago...and now I not only get to go, with the company paying for mileage, I get to meet Binx and the tux herd ( and maybe Lilycat), and I get to see my brother! It is
like a mini vacation on someone else's dime!! I just it isn't quite so windy when I am driving down there tomorrow....

05-11-2003, 09:42 PM
Pics pics pics!!!!!!

05-11-2003, 09:48 PM
I'll be waiting for the pics!

05-11-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
I'll be waiting for the pics!
Have fun!!


05-12-2003, 08:21 AM
Oh how excting!! Amy, you are going to get to meet Binx! How awesome!! Be sure to take lots of pictures, please!

05-12-2003, 02:39 PM
Well, I'm in Cincinnati, at the University right now, doing some library research for work, but I'll be heading over to Jo's soon! Can you believe I forgot my camera?!? I may have to stop and pick up a disposable on the way!

05-12-2003, 02:51 PM
Having a blonde moment were we??? lol Have fun! Give Binx a hug for me.

4 Dog Mother
05-12-2003, 03:00 PM
Amy, Amy, Amy....

05-12-2003, 03:04 PM
You don't need a disposable! You can use my 35mm if you don't just want copies off of my digi! I am leaving work at 445, and will be home by 5!!! YIPPEE!!!!!

05-12-2003, 08:18 PM
I am not going to type too much now, because my brother has a dial-up and after being spoiled by DSL, it is just too slow but....

Thanks for dinner Johanna!!! We had pizza and ice cream and not just any ice cream, but Grater's!!! And of course I got to meet Binx and the tux herd! What great pets!!! The cats didn't even bother my allergies, although I still think if I lived with one it would :( Binx is such a sweetheart and a big goof!

I didn't get a camera...I stopped at a UDF, but they didn't habve any. Jo did take a few pictures of Binx chewing on me, so maybe she'll share those :)

05-12-2003, 08:33 PM
Lucky you, I would love to have been "chewed" on by Binx! Glad you had a nice visit:)

Ok Jo, let's see those pics!

05-12-2003, 08:47 PM
Oooooo - chewed on by "gummy" Binxy Boy ..... oh, but not anymore - Those little teeth are coming through!!!!

Can't wait for pics!!!

(didn't forget the tuxedo gang ............ hope we get pics of them too! )

05-12-2003, 10:18 PM
1. what is Graters?
2. what is UDF?
3. WHERE are our pics, Jo?! ;) :D

glad you girls had fun!!

Cinder & Smoke
05-12-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
1. what is Graters?
2. what is UDF?
3. WHERE are our pics, Jo?! ;) :D

glad you girls had fun!!

We tink the Photo Gurl zonked out onna BigBed... :p

We'll take a *stab* at Quizz Questshun nummer 2...

"UDF" - bein they wuz in Cincinnati... is prolly this OutFit:

United Dairy Farmers (http://www.udfinc.com/history/default.asp) ~ a chain of Milk & Ice Creme Convienence Stores.

4 Dog Mother
05-13-2003, 08:04 AM
I am not sure that Amy spelled Graters right but it is a chain of ice cream stores. At least they have Graeters in Columbus and Cincinnati and they have some of the best flavors!!!. I know that one of Amy's favorites is Raspberry chip. It is obviously raspberry flavored ice cream with huge chuncks of semi-sweet chocolate in it. It is the best!!!:)

05-13-2003, 10:30 AM
Phred!!! I wasn't sleeping!!!!!! Binx had a 720 am white coat visit...we were driving...he he he...got to see the dog general thred for more info.

OK, here is the whole thing...I left work, and got home at 455pm, and Amy was ALREADY there!! So, into the house we went for a greeting by the king Gummy Boy. Binx really seemed to like Amy...lots of wagging..I think he must have had his tail in the charger all afternoon!

Amy greeted EACH and EVERY one of my kitties, despite her allergies. She petted each one, which made me very happy. She even saw, but, did not pet, the elusive Ms. Minnie. I know Min-min wanted pets...but, she was too scared.

We went to dinner, and ice cream, and Amy DID get a raspberry type sundae, though I had to remind the young girl behind the counter that it came with whipped creme!

We walked back to my house, and sat out side for a little bit, and Binx did chew on Amy, bark at her feet, get his belly scratched, etc. I took a few pictures, and lets see if I can get them to post.

IT was very fun to visit with Amy, very easy and comfortable. Did you know she is a bio-chemist? WOW!! She told me some about her work, and I couldn't even pronouce half of the words!!!!! Sheesh, what a brain on her!!!!!

I have to do the photos later!!!!! Sorry!!!

05-13-2003, 01:08 PM
BINX TRIPPING OVER AMY'S LEGS...what a clutz he is!!!


Binx trying to convince Amy he IS a lap dog...


4 Dog Mother
05-13-2003, 01:24 PM
Like Binx would have to convince Amy of that? Amy thinks all dogs are lap dogs and that all people should want to be kissed by her dogs. (Just kidding, honey. But Sadie really does give baths more than kisses.) I am really glad Amy is such a dog lover. And it certainly looks like all had a good time!

05-13-2003, 01:44 PM
What great pictures!! More, please, more!!

05-13-2003, 02:59 PM
Great pics, have any more;)

05-13-2003, 03:29 PM
Binx the lap dog !:D

Great pictures, keep them coming!

Edwina's Secretary
05-13-2003, 03:48 PM
Look at the size of those feet???? I mean Binx of course....

Will he ever grow into those??

Miss Meow
05-13-2003, 04:52 PM
Any night with a dog, cats, PetTalkers AND ice cream has to be a great night - thanks for the pics :)