View Full Version : The Sims

05-09-2003, 06:46 PM
LOL I LOVE this game! It's so addicting, and I'm on it more than I am online... which makes things difficult, because I have an online relationship <I know, I know, they never last> But we may have something special...

Anyway, This game cracks me up, and me and my bro are always fighting over who gets to play. I made a house with 8 Sims, and already one died in a fire and two of the Sims had a baby and it was taken away from me by the Social Service lady because I was in a different part of the house and didn't hear it crying... :rolleyes:...

But anyway, share some Sims stories! Plus.. I know the cheat code to make more money... Ask me if you want to know!


05-09-2003, 06:58 PM
I know the code too and a bunch of other codes, plus links to where you can download a bunch of great skins and objects. I love playing the game and making crazy stories with them. I'm really into the story-making for some reason. My friend downloaded this baby from a website so she pretended this 8 year old ended up with a kid and someone kept dying and having a kid and so on. It was so funny :D

And I agree, very addicting!

05-09-2003, 07:38 PM
I don't play much anymore, but it is fun :) Right now I have like 4 ppl in a house and I can never keep all their stats up so they're all really upset all the time :x

I made a house once, 2 floors, the bottom being a pool..the ENTIRE bottom floor was a pool, except a small island in the middle where their stove, fridge etc was ;) Don't ask. So anyway, they'd have to cook their food, then take it and swim to the side and go upstairs to eat ;) Once the stove caught on fire and the neighbors were blocked my ppl from doing ANYTHING but some how they survived ;) One of my other ppl died in a fire in a diff house..truely tragic..:p oh well, my friends purposely kills her sims..she'll put them in the pool and take the ladders out so they drown :x Morbid, no? lmao ah, the good ol' sim days

05-10-2003, 03:57 PM
I know the code to get more money too, its rosebud right? You know any other cheats? Some don't work, I've found some on the internet and tried, but it doesn't work.
My favourite part of the game is the pets and breeding the cats and dogs. I'm so addicted to this game too!
I'm really stupid. I got the sims game and the expansions a long time ago, but only a few weeks ago I found out I had more than 2 neighbourhoods:rolleyes:

05-10-2003, 05:12 PM
I believe if you do rosebud!;!;!;! I bunch, or osmething like that you get more money. I haven't done it in forever so I don't remember :confused:

05-10-2003, 05:24 PM
or maybe its rosebud;!;!;! (etc) :confused: lmao

05-10-2003, 05:34 PM
You need to press down on Ctrl+Shift+C and then type in the gray box ROSEBUD;!;!;!;!;!;!;! ....;!;; then press enter

I noticed that those two semi-colons at the very end helped my Sims get more money at a time. The more ;! you put, the more $$ you get ;)

05-10-2003, 05:38 PM
Bah, I never can remember that ;) Thanks prima :p

05-10-2003, 06:34 PM
I love the sims. I have 3 ppl in my house & 1 dog. so far my sims have shitty jobs, but a growing house. but I think I will cheat tonight heheheh... I gotta get all the skins & extras again. including the skin patch.. some of u know what I mean... hehehe its soooooooooo funny.. well to me anyways

05-10-2003, 07:22 PM
I dont know what it is i dont have any CD's ...ever since im online i NEVER play computer games anymore but sometimes i will have the Tycoon game periods when its 24/7 and then when i get..

05-10-2003, 08:55 PM
I LOVE the Sims! It is sooooo addicting!!! It's soooo much fun!

One question, how do you make dogs and cats have babies??

Thanks!:) ;)

05-10-2003, 08:58 PM
Err - didn't you ask that question in bluekat's thread about the sims?

05-10-2003, 09:56 PM
Yeah, sorry! I think I did!:o

I tried what she said, and it didn't seem to work for me, though?:confused: