View Full Version : Favourite Treats

05-08-2003, 12:33 AM
What are your dogs favourite treats?

Kai's are anything I eat. ESPECIALLY hot dogs...we used those for training in obedience class. But...actual dog treats..would be Pedigree Marrow Bone

05-08-2003, 12:42 AM
Max is limited to treats, his tummy is to sensitive to diff foods. So he gets milk bones & flavored milk bones, & there is a special giant dog bone treat at pet value, that Max gets 2 once a year. they r homemade & don't have any crap in them, only good stuff & we only get thim the chicken broff (sp) one. He can't have the one with beanut butter in it, it'll kill him. If he eats nuts he'll die, we almost lost him twice due to nuts. after the second time nuts were banned from the house (we didn't know what made him sick the first time)

05-08-2003, 12:50 AM
Nebo--ANYTHING EDIBLE (or sometimes not!) :D :p

Hmmmm.....he's had just about every treat that exists, and loves them all. He really likes milkbones, yogurt drops, pupcorn, cookies from the Petco bar, dogwiches, and any soft treats..seems to especially like bacon flavored. Ok, so he likes everything, like I said. ;) Oh, and that big tube of dog food/treat stuff at Petsmart....he goes NUTS for that stuff! That must be his favorite. Every time I go near that display at Petsmart he starts biting them.

Human type treats.......he loves any bits of meat/cheese (duh) and he also really enjoys carrots!

He's never turned down food!

Reggie and Smokey really only like the soft treats, we buy them Canine Carryouts pretty often. Sometimes I give Reggie a big milkbone but it takes him forever to finish it.

05-08-2003, 07:52 AM

Abbey will literally eat anything--she loves all treats. I think she's had all of them too!!!!! Riley, same thing.
Kito is a little more picky--he'll usually eat a treat, but he doesn't just gobble it down like the other 2 do--he has to inspect it and play with it first.

05-08-2003, 08:36 AM
Cadeau goes nuts for Jalipino (sp) peppers. Everytime we order quiznoes they give us a cup full of the peppers & we I can't eat them, I get sick, it makes rob has nasty gas, & tom just isn't stupid enough to eat one. Cadeau will like them until we r ready to give them to her.. We don'y know why but shes nuts!!!

05-08-2003, 08:59 AM
Daisy and Molly like those Old Mother Hubbard Biscuits:) They also like Nylabone, Greenies, these turkey strips, and just about anything i eat!:)

05-08-2003, 12:32 PM

05-08-2003, 01:47 PM
Simba LOVE beggin strips, Nala loves anything! A good ole milk bone will do too.

05-08-2003, 01:55 PM
Ruby's favorite dog treat is Beggin Strips. She LOVES them! :D

Her favorite human food is probably peanut butter :)

05-08-2003, 01:56 PM
I haven't found a food or treat that my dogs don't like, but as to favorites:

Maddie's is Chicken.
Murph's is Peanut Butter.
Oz's is Popeye's Biscuits (although it's rare that he gets one).


05-08-2003, 02:18 PM
Mickey loves to eat watermelon, cheese, fennel, , apple and especially watermelon ;)

His fave dog treat are also Marrow Bones :D

05-09-2003, 01:26 AM
Foxy doesn't have a favourite treat. He loves everything

05-09-2003, 06:43 AM
Leo's favorite treat is the Science Diet Chicken Biscuits and the Bil-Jac Liver treats. We use the Bil-Jac for training and the Science Diet Hard treats for other times.

05-09-2003, 07:34 AM
Lucy really does go wacko for Schmakos, just like the ad says ;) Those'd have to be her favourite treat.
And she likes any other kind of food too. Cheese, ham, carrot, sausage, apple, biscuits, potplants, the hose, dirt :rolleyes:

05-09-2003, 08:00 AM
Innova and California Natural make these Health Bars that all three of my girls with do anything for! The Cal. Nat. ones are hard to come by, but much less expensive than the Innova ones. It is fun to watch those three yellow girls sit on command, even Murphy, when they know they are going to get a cookie!!! :)