View Full Version : Uhmmm, Guess What Followed...

05-05-2003, 09:53 AM
I was off work last week, Wed-Thur-Fri. and out and about on Thur.... you will never guess what followed me home from a field 10 miles away......an absolutely precious, tiny, itty-bitty baby bunny about 3 weeks old! S/he is about 3 weeks old, a gorgeous bundle of honey brown fur, about 4 inches in length, weight absolutely nothing. OMG! I can't begin to tell you how cute it is......

He is part of a "dump" from a guy who has a couple of acres... The rabbits moved next door and the sanctuary was called to rescue them.... We managed to catch 8 babies about 4 weeks ago, couldn't catch any of the adults and now apparently momma has had another batch of kids. He was found on his back...a very bad sign...underneath a boat trailer and also has an infected eye.
I got him to the vet and he is now on meds and doing much, much better.

He's not named because OF COURSE I will NOT keep him, hah-hah-hah! When I brought him home and before we got to the vet, I put him in a tub with high sides and left to run an errand. When I came back a half hour later he had jumped out of the tub and was snuggled up to Noah and Maple, who apparently didn't mind at all. My heart just melted.... So he was apparently not as ill as he first appeared even though he was exhibiting signs of head tilt, which is very serious and highly unusual for a bunny so young. The eye has cleared up and the head tilt is better, I think.

I've taken pic's and will try to post if they turn out...I'm so fearful for him as he is sooo tiny and darts around like a bullet...very hard to catch, but when I do he loves to cuddle and will stay with me as long (so far) as 3 hours without moving....he clicks his teeth and sort of purrs.... Just too, too cute! I told someone I will never have a dollar to my name but these guys are sure worth every cent I spend on them.... I am so happy to be able to rescue him...he is a joy!

05-05-2003, 10:14 AM
He's not named because OF COURSE I will NOT keep him, hah-hah-hah!

Are you being Sarcastic? I can`t tell :D

05-05-2003, 11:10 AM
I am SOOOOOOOOOO jealous!!!!

That's the age at which Miz Sophie came to live with me! I *KNOW* how tiny/sweet/fun ~not to mention scary (healthwise)~ they can be... she was .4oz when I first took her to the vet (for tummy problems, imagine that. *heavy sigh*)

Two Questions! :D

1. Uppers or Downers?
2. Are you sure he's a HE? lol We've had a lot of "tricks" played on us lately! ;)

Congrats!! And I'm so glad you caught him! Any words on the other adults?

05-05-2003, 02:14 PM
Yes, Rottieluver, I am being sarcastic...I have no idea how someone could walk away from such a little ball of fluff. Certainly not me, and certainly not after he did the instant bonding thing with Noah and Maple. They are 5 & 6 lbs each and he can sit underneath Noah and not be seen, he so very tiny. And, yes, a bunny this age should never be taken from his momma but he was abandoned and ill and in the middle of the yard....there are always exceptions to the ideal nuturing environment.

And Zippy, he has "uppers".... I did see mom and dad...they are small...about 5-6 lbs each and the same identical honey brown color. We haven't been able to catch the parents. We're on hold waiting for the rest of these babies to venture out from their nest beneath the house so we can get them to the sanctuary. I'm not sure we're going to handle the adults....they are wild and my initial thought is we're either going to have to leave them be, or get a posse together and play roundup in a 4 acre yard....not sure if that's possible. :confused:

And yes, you are right again Zippy, he is much to young to be able to determine the sex....so it's just a guessing game right now... He's probably going to have to go into therapy because sometimes I call him a boiy and the rest of the time "he" is a girl....I have absolutely no idea right now how to handle that problem. Got any ideas?

05-06-2003, 01:20 PM
*cough, cough* weneedpictures *cough, cough*

:D :D :D :D :D

05-06-2003, 05:09 PM
I'm running in a roll o film tonight!!!! Now if only I had a scanner........ ;)

05-06-2003, 08:05 PM
Ok! lol! He`s an upper! How cute! I can`t wait to see pictures!