View Full Version : I don't know what we are going to do NOW!!!

05-03-2003, 05:57 PM
Our local Animal Control (Lane Country Animal Regulation Authority) has STOPPED TAKING CATS!!!! Our Humane Society is so full, they are so helpless and I feel so bad for them and the cats and kittens, especially since now is kitten season! There are literally hundreds of cats and kittens now that the pound no longer takes them. Can anyone help?

My neighbor is going to foster an older adult cat and I may take a litter of kittens who need bottle feeding. If anyone wants to adopt a cat/kitten please look into adopting one, or donating money or supplies to our local Humane Society! We really need it.

For more information please visit our website at


Thanks to anyone who helps in advance! :)

05-03-2003, 07:54 PM
Since they are taking no more.... I HOPE that means they don't kill???? Most county shelters kill to prevent overcrowding, so if yours doesn't that is at least a GOOD thing!!! GOod luck!

05-03-2003, 08:13 PM
send all the excess cats to my house!!! :D

How does one go about opening their own shelter? I guess it depends on where you live and if they are government funded or what regulations are upon them. hmmm...

05-03-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Since they are taking no more.... I HOPE that means they don't kill???? Most county shelters kill to prevent overcrowding, so if yours doesn't that is at least a GOOD thing!!! GOod luck!

We don't euthanize too often. We have some cats that have been there for almost a year. :( We have a nice cattery but it is still no place to live out the rest of your life. Lane Country transferred all of their kitties to us because Measure 8 didn't pass and they just do not have the funding. :( It's just so sad! At least, at least they sent the cats to us though and they were not "disposed" of or sent off to testing facilities. :mad:

05-04-2003, 03:57 AM
oh no! do some shelters send them to testing facilities? oh that makes me sick, just like the other day someone told me that when she told her vet she was giving her cats away, he told her to be careful... I guess some sickos out there use them for pit bull fights. oh I am sick to my stomach, I can't hear these things!!:mad: :( :( :mad: