View Full Version : A Gracie Update (Adding #6!!!!)

05-02-2003, 03:45 PM
Well, it seems that Gracie is going to out our new outdoor cat. I hate that she has to be outdoors, maybe she can eventually come in if she can learn to like people.

Here's the scoop...

Today is my last day at this job. I arranged for an organization to provide me with a safe, humane cage and will be trapping her Sunday evening. Monday morning, I take her to the local animal shelter for her spay and then taking her home. She'll get to stay in a kennel type cage out on our balcony for two weeks. The woman said that would be a perfect amount of time to get her to realize that's where she lives.

There is no other place for her. This building will be here until June 2004, but its not a safe place. Its so cold in this city (its at the base of some hills) and the gardner wont allow any type of shelter for her. :mad:

So, Gracie is our new outdoor cat. If anyone has any advice, PLEASE offer it here.

You all know how I feel about having an outdoor cat, so please also let me know what you think can help her be more safe once I let her out of her cage.

P.S. Because an outdoor cat on our balcony will really upset Noah, we aren't going to foster the two kittens I talked about. That's just too much for him to handle right now.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-02-2003, 03:51 PM
I'm glad you're taking Gracie, but sorry she has to be an outside kitty. What about the shelter you volunteer at, couldn't they help find a home for her?

05-02-2003, 04:11 PM
Congratulations on number 6. :D

So what's Gracie's story?

Why does she have to be outside ?

05-02-2003, 04:40 PM
I'm glad you're getting Gracie, but why does she have to be outdoors? BTW, do you know how old she is?
Well, sorry I don't have any advice for you, but Good Luck!

05-02-2003, 04:42 PM
Hmm.. well i'm not sure other than you saying she doesn't like people for why she's gonna be outside...???
Maybe in the time she's being acclimated to her new home, you can spend a lot of time by her area.. just doing normal people stuff.. and feeding her and such.. so that she learns to trust humans...

as for keeping her safe outside... no fence? enclosed area? Maybe micro chip and collar her then?

Just a start. I'm sure others will have some tips for you too!

05-02-2003, 05:13 PM
Gracie's Story:

About six (??) months ago, I saw a beautiful grey long-haired cat with green eyes in our parking lot. I've been feeding her since then. She lives outside our (large) building, her shelter is a huge drain pipe (not in use).

I've been trying to figure out if she's feral or a stray. She isn't all that afraid of people. But, she wont allow me to pet her. If I walk towards her, she'll run away. But...if I feed her and she's out already, she's fine with me at a distance. She's been known to play in the parking lot, away from people. Her only food source before I saw her have been birds and such. I guess she's been here for many years, but I've only seen her recently.

She's NOT an indoor cat, I'm not sure if she's ever been one.

05-02-2003, 05:29 PM
Here's Gracie's detailed story:




:) :) :)

05-02-2003, 05:29 PM
Maybe you could make her an inside/outdoor cat eventually. It does sound like she'll need to spend some time outside but she could have a safe house to return to ?

Best of luck... When do we get a photo ? :)

05-02-2003, 07:11 PM
I do not believe that Gracie (or any cat for that matter ) HAS to be outdoors. I am not saying that you need to be the one to bring her inside, but she should have a chance at an inside home. Lucas and Biddy were outside kitties. They LOVE the indoor life. Amber, Sterling, Fern, Rutherford, Willow were all brought in to their respective shelters as strays found on the street. And not one has complained about being inside. Bonnie was an outside kitty. She may still be frightened, but she is doing quite well indoors nd she will make someone a fine house pet soon.

You should try to find someone (person or organization) who is willing to keep her indoors and train her to live life as a pet.

Just my opinion.

05-02-2003, 07:51 PM
I can't really do anything until her spay and we know what her disposition is. I know she's been living in/under our building for YEARS. Our maintainance guys say she's had many litters of kittens. :(

So, I have no idea how old she is, if she's feral or if she's going to give me rabies when I try to feed her. That's the problem. I have no contact with her in that way and there is no one else willing to help.

Every rescue organization I've found only does the catch-fix-release. No one has room for a cat that isn't your standard adoptable pets. (At least in the few that I've spoken with) I've had many organizations in the area only have a message machine at their phone numbers saying they have NO room and to only leave a message if you are able to help THEM.

Our Humane Society isn't set up for ferals. I tried that.

I need to take this one day at a time. She's been living safely outdoors for what seems to be her whole life, how ever long that is. She's going to have to be OK until she's able to be inside, be it my house or someone elses.

You all know how I feel about having an outdoor cat. It makes me sad that she's been used to that life. :( I've been trying to figure out a solution since the day I found her, this will have to due for now.

I'm paying for her spay and any shots they can give her. Its discounted, but I'm still the one paying for her. At least that's something in her favor.

She'll be in a kennel/crate type cage for two weeks out on our balcony. (CALIFORNIA....) Its warm and shady and she'll be MUCH more comfy there than being outside (or stuck inside for that matter). Its the best I can do for her right now. I just hope she'll be OK with that for now.

Anyway....done with that tangent.... :) ;)

She'll be getting a collar while she's asleep. I don't want to be the one to attempt THAT one! ;) I plan to spend lots of time outside with her. Talking and reading to her.

05-02-2003, 09:07 PM
Coming back here, I guess I never adressed WHY she can't come in. Sorry about that. :)

I can't traumatize my cats. It isn't fair to them to disrupt their lives because of Gracie's situation. We've decided that five IS our limit.

I guess my "Adding #6" was misleading. Its her home for now and then we'll see what we can do. I'm willing to get her to the point where she trusts people, we just can't take her in.

There HAS to be some reason she's a 'feral' all by herself. She had to get pregnant somehow, so its strange to me that she's the only one. I wonder if that's her choice...that's something that worries me if I were to even attempt introducing them.

So, bottom line, I don't want our cats effected by this. They've already had to deal with Oliver, they don't deserve to have thier home in an uproar just because "I" wanted to help Gracie.

Does that make sense??

05-02-2003, 10:09 PM
I think you've explained plenty ;) .... thanks for helping Gracie out when you didn't "have to"!!! :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-02-2003, 10:21 PM
It is just so heartwarming to know you are there and willing to help her. I have heard of people taking in ferals before and as soon as they are given some time and love they make wonderful house cats!!!:)
I think your plan sounds good. As soon as she can earn your trust I bet she will be able to settle into a good home.....
Keep us updated and I will be praying for you guys!

05-02-2003, 10:43 PM
I think you are doing a wonderful thing helping this cat. Hopefully she will come to love and trust people and maybe someday can go to a home of her own. And even if she remains an outdoor cat, at least she will be getting spayed, fed and loved. Derfinatly more then you "have" to do :)

05-03-2003, 12:26 AM
I'm so glad to hear that you're going to be helping Gracie. :D Hopefully in time she'll begin to trust people and will eventually make a great pet for someone. Please keep us updated. I'd also love to see a picture of her. :)