View Full Version : Feeling a little down today

05-01-2003, 11:23 AM
I'm feeling down, and wanted to vent, and I felt like you folks would understand.

My parents are leaving Texas for Oklahoma today, having closed on their home in the country. It was supposed to be their "forever" home, so they are understandably upset; therefore, I haven't wanted to burden them with something that upsets me. I have no attachment to the house, since they moved there when I was in college; however, in 1996 our pomeranian Rusti died, and she was buried on their property. She had a little grave and plaque and everything.

My parents and I had talked briefly about Rusti's grave and briefly entertained the idea of transporting her body. However, it didn't seem like a sanitary thing to do, and it would have been further complicated by the fact that they don't presently have a new home to move into (they will be living with my grandmother until they can find another home).

I don't know what could have been done--and we haven't even had the luxury of burying most of our pets ourselves--but I feel really, really sad about leaving her there. I'm hoping that by sharing this with other dog lovers, I might be made to feel a little better.



05-01-2003, 12:19 PM
Oh, Smilla, I understand, completely, why this is sad for you. You just need to remember that Rusti's precious soul is not in that grave, but at the Rainbow Bridge. I know that a lot of people like to be able to remember their pets at their gravesites, and many others use cremation as a way to avoid what you are going through. But his spirit is obviously with you, just as all of our loved ones who have left us are.

Maybe you could make a memorial for Rusty at your home, or at your parents, when they get settled. You could plant a special garden or tree, or spring bulbs and there are beautiful engraved stones available for our pets. I would love to have one for my Kaycee. I may do that one day soon for my new home and garden.

I'll be thinking of you and I hope you will feel better soon.

Logan :)

05-01-2003, 12:46 PM
Hi Logan, and thanks. Your suggestion to create a memorial is a wonderful idea. I did find that my parents took the plaque, so they'll at least have that and can perhaps build a memorial around it. And my dad (sensing I was upset, I'm sure) told me that before they left he put an unfinished stone sculpture of mine on Rusti's grave, so that I would "always be watching over her".

Though I'll never know it if they do, I hope the new owners don't disturb her grave. My dad threw bluebonnet seeds all around it a few years ago, and in spring it really looks nice.

Thanks again--I knew I'd find a sympathetic voice here.