View Full Version : Swollen tummy

04-30-2003, 08:56 AM
I know this is normal after surgery, but I am having sympathetic pains for her....I know the pain won't last too long, but I just wish I could comfort her more...she won't jump up because she obviously knows it will hurt....just wanted to whine a little....i feel so helpless...I have her blankey for her...and she wants to feel good you can tell, but you can just see it in her eyes that she feels like total poo.....

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-30-2003, 10:13 AM
Oh poor little girl! I suppose all you can do is give her lots of luvvies until she is feeling a bit better. I hope she recovers quickly. I know how you feel - after Ally was spayed when I brought her home she wanted nothing to do with me, and I felt so sorry for her!

Ally sends kitten kisses, and hopes she feels better real soon!

04-30-2003, 10:45 AM
I hope Fluffy starts to feel better really soon. Hayley, Mandy and I are sending lots of hugs her way.