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06-27-2000, 07:40 AM
I am interested in becoming a dog trainer but am not sure where to begin. I live in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. Any suggestions?

06-27-2000, 04:07 PM
Hi. I don't live in your area, but I have
some suggestions. There are probably dog
training schools in your area. They
probably advertise at local Pet Stores or
Veterinarian Offices. So, I would visit
as many Pet Stores and Vet Offices and try
to get recommendations for Pet Training
Classes. Then get in touch with the director
of each Pet Training program and inquire whether they have an apprentice program.

Good Luck!

06-28-2000, 11:34 AM
You might check out the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. http://www.apdt.com/

06-29-2000, 02:10 PM
I ended up teaching puppy classes for five years and getting my certification with NADOI (N'tl Assoc of Dog Obed Inst.) when I took my dog to obedience classes. I got to know the people who taught the classes and volunteered my services. After volunteering for one session of puppy training classes, it was clear that I had found my niche! We lost our building, or I'd still be training. When checking out training facilities in your area, make sure that your training philosophy "gels" with theirs.
Good luck! It's so much fun--I miss it!

06-30-2000, 03:10 PM
If you have a PETsMART near you check with them, some have training available to people that want to learn or can put you in touch with the right people.

But please don't buy a puppy from them!!!

Please Help Me To Be Half The Human My Kritters Think I Am!

Dixieland Dancer
07-04-2000, 10:58 AM
If you get into dog training make sure it is in accordance with your training style. There are several methods available. Such as clicker training, positive reinforcement(reward for desired behavior), collar training (correction for unwanted behavior), etc...

Most dog clubs now do positive training. There are several good books on the market about training. If you are not sure what style you prefer they may help guide you. Once you determine this find a dog training club in your area that adheres to your style. Volunteer when possible. Ask if you can work with the main instructor. There are AKC classes held for instructional and testing trainers.

Another link to follow for more information (although it's not in your area) is http://triplecrowndogs.com.

The best way to get into training though is work with your own dog and just get involved in a local club.

Gook Luck http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif