View Full Version : Shedding cats

L. Wayne
04-22-2003, 05:24 AM
My two white flame-point Siamese cats are shedding big-time. Of course this time of year, with the weather warming up, I expect some shedding to occur. Whenever I go through the house with a broom and mop, practically all the accumulated fur is white. I have figured that most of it is coming off of Happy. The other day I brushed him down along with Otis, and the brush was full of white fur. But what amazes me is that I have 2 long-fur furkids, Pepperspray and Mopsy, but neither of them shed as bad as my two DSH white fukids. Does anyone else have this problem with white cats?

04-22-2003, 05:38 AM
Monte ( my white) sheds like a banshee !!! I think that is why he always has hairballs in his tummy and why he throws up his food. (but I found a hairball remedy he loves, and it works great) I also find that my short hairs are much bigger shedders than my long hairs. And the season has definitely begun.!!!! There's hair everywhere!

04-22-2003, 05:26 PM
Well, Ebby isn`t white but is a shorthair, and boy, is she shedding right now!! Even with brushing her there is still hair everywhere! She is real competition for Bob in that area!:D And she has kitty dandruff! :)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-24-2003, 12:37 PM
Peanut is somewhat white - and has a little longer hair - and she isn't really shedding, but when I brush her it just comes out in clumps! I'm thinking and hoping this is because it's shedding season and not because she has some sort of skin condition. If it continues I will question this theory, but I'm going with it for now.

Tubby has always been the one that sheds the most of my two, and this year he doesn't seem to be shedding that much at all. Maybe it's just because he's getting old and hair thins as you get older, doesn't it? ;) :)

04-24-2003, 12:53 PM
Same here as with Jen. Speckles (DSH) sheds all year round and because she hates to be combed or brushed it's really hard to control. Max the Persian, on the other hand, does not really shed so much but when I comb him, I could easily make a sweater out of it. And itty bitty tufts of hair fall off him sometimes when he's walking. Really annoying right after I vaccum the rug.

04-24-2003, 02:45 PM
Tibby is shedding like crazy. I brush her everyday and remove so much hair from her, but it doesn't seem to help. Everytime I pet her I end up with all her fur flying in my face.

04-27-2003, 09:51 PM
Ash sheds like crazy, hes my grey fluffball, he is kinda furry underneath, just a sneak of long hair in there i think, but he is short hair on top, i have noticed with my two black cats no problem, does anyone else notice black cats tend to shed less, well i only ever find grey hairs everywhere lol

04-28-2003, 12:32 AM
I have never seen a cat shed so much as Bastet! I brush her every week. But during the summer break I have to brush her on a daily basis because of the hair she sheds!

04-28-2003, 03:24 PM
I have one of each, short, medium & long hair. My short (Yoshi) seems to shed the most. Lucky who is a medium and happens to be black sheds the least, and Fluffy. Fluffy has long, long hair, beautiful until recently. We have had him 14 years so he is possibly 15 or 16, he all of a sudden hates to be brushed, and he needs it the most. His fur is constantly matted. Now that its warm out he will get his annual summer hair cut.......the famous lion cut. He just loves being shaved, its cooler and easier for him to keep, and I just LOVE it because I don't have to chase him down to brush him!! :)

04-29-2003, 09:36 AM
Sabrina is white but she DSH tortie, boy does she shed alot. When I'm petting her fur is flying all over the place and she tends to have lots of dandruff. So I try to brush her sometimes but she just hates being groomed. I have to hold her down. Toby, he is a shorthair, he does shed a bit but not like Sabrina and Joey he is my DMH, he doesn't shed that much. I don't she any fur flying out when I'm petting him.

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04-29-2003, 11:15 PM
I have a long hair cat and a medium/short hair cat. I have determained that they shed the same square footage of hair, but the shorter one has to shed more to make up the difference.:p That was the only reason I could come up with. Of course the shorter haired on does NOT like to be brushed, she gets overstimutlated and miust find a catnip toy to "gut" after a short time.:rolleyes: