View Full Version : Vegetarians

04-19-2003, 09:18 PM
How many of you are Vegans? I am seriously considering being one. PLEASE - If you are not a Vegan, look at this website, but I am warning you beforehand, this is graphic. But before you go munch on another slice of bacon or a bite of a hamburger, remember the poor cow that was killed so you could gobble it down.


Please consider it.

04-19-2003, 09:22 PM
I don't think I will ever become a vegan but I am not big on meat anyways. I don't eat anything besides hamburgers, hot dogs and maybe spare ribs. And even at the ribs, I only eat a few. It's not that an animal died for it that bothers me (it does affect me sometimes) but I'm more of a pasta person :p

I voted 'No- who cares', but I do care. It's just that I'm not vegan.

04-19-2003, 09:27 PM
Yeah, I understand. That site just made me sick.

04-19-2003, 09:42 PM
I'm going vegan when I get more calcium. I lack it already, I don't want to risk anything. For now, I'm a vegiterian. :)

04-19-2003, 09:46 PM
Good 4 u FLS!

04-19-2003, 09:52 PM
I love meat and will always love meat. nothing will stop me from enjoying something i love. It's just the life cycle...If everyone became vegitarians the world would be overrun with cows. :)

04-19-2003, 10:28 PM
If everyone became vegitarians the world would be overrun with cows :)

lol, that's a funny way to look at it :p But also true =)

04-19-2003, 11:20 PM
I'm not vegan but I am a vegetarian.

04-19-2003, 11:23 PM
hey! thanks for PMing me, and thanks for starting this thread! I was gonna make this same poll cause I was wondering too! But you made it for me. lol Actually looking at the poll now, Id like there to be a poll of:
-Im a vegan
-Im a vegetarian
-Id like to be vegan/vegetarian
-I was vegan/vegetarian once
-Ive never been & probably never will be either
And yeah Im vegan. lol Been one for over 13 months! :D lol Its great. If anyone ever has questions or wants advice or anything you can PM me. Kater is a PT vegan too. AND!! Heres an awesome board just like PT but for vegans. :D Heres the url!!: http://www.veganrepresent.com/

And yes that site, its sickening isnt it? But thats the reality. Heres some sites you might wanna check out, with great info.:

http://www.veganoutreach.org -this is my fave, and they also send free vegan starter packs, they are awesome!!
http://www3.mistral.co.uk/traub/faqvegan.html -this is a really thorough FAQ on veganism. one of the first sites i went to after deciding to go vegan.
http://www.emagazine.com/january-fe.../0102feat1.html -really good article
PETA veg sites:
http://www.goveg.com -main veg page
http://www.goveg.com/l-intro.html -intro to veganism
http://www.goveg.com/r-mym.html -meet your meet real player videos

Theres lots of support online for people turning vegan. And that vegan represent board is an awesome place for support and advice too. Theres lots and lots of people who will prob bug you about veganism and vegetarianism, or tell you its dumb or wrong or whatever, but just get all the facts yourself, be sure and be knowledgeable about it, and the nutrition issues, and make the decision for yourself. Who cares what other people think?? And feel free to PM me anytime, or you can message me on aim or something too and we can talk about it. GOOD LUCK! It was the greatest decision I ever made. And its really changed my life, my outlook on life, a lot of my opinions on things, and its just really helped me become a better person I feel. Anyway.. lol

and now to reply to others..

"I love meat and will always love meat. nothing will stop me from enjoying something i love. It's just the life cycle...If everyone became vegitarians the world would be overrun with cows."

Yeah, I used to feel the same way. And yeah, some people do believe its part of the lifecycle, but some people do not. I personally feel its not natural, or ethical to eat animals, but that is my opinion.

And no the world would not be overrun with cows if everyone stopped eating them. First of all, if that ever does happen, it will happen VERY slowly, and secondly, the less cows people eat, the less cows people will breed. If anything, cows wil become extinct, but I know that would never happen, because people would keep them as pets instead.

04-19-2003, 11:26 PM
I actually didn't answer your poll cause none of them fit me..I eat meat, yes. And no I won't not eat meat, but on the same level I do care about the animals. I think if you look at the wild, which I think is the way the world should be, they have an equal balence of animals who eat others and animals which don't. all we did was unbalence it...which I don't think is right, but I don't eat a lot of meat as it is. My opinion. I have a lot of stupid opinions..I should start keeping them to myself lol

The Cat Factory
04-19-2003, 11:44 PM
I am a vegetarian :)

04-19-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by veegan

I personally feel its not natural, or ethical to eat animals, but that is my opinion.

So is it not natural or ethical for animals to eat other animals? Seeing that we're mammals which are animals.

04-20-2003, 12:04 AM

04-20-2003, 01:27 AM
"So is it not natural or ethical for animals to eat other animals? Seeing that we're mammals which are animals."

I was just stating what I believe personally. And no, it IS natural for other animals to eat other animals because they do not have the ability to make moral and ethical judgements. And they arent the ones who overbreed other animals, run factory farms, abuse other animals, neglect other animals, or assume their authority over other animals. I PERSONALLY do not feel its it right or fair to treat animals as being lower than humans. Plus we can live without meat.

And for the record lol Im really worn out from discussing all this like the past week on 2 other threads so.. yeah. Dont expect me to reply to any other posts, its really stressing me out. :eek: lol If you have a question for me PM me. thanks :) And Id be good if you read over the posts on these other 2 threads:

And I suggest everyone who isnt vegan go to those links I posted.. at least the vegan outreach one. or the FAQ, just so you can learn what veganism really is and why we believe what we do instead of just making uninformed posts. thanks

04-20-2003, 01:51 AM
I wonder if my posts are considered as uniformed? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yes it's your opinion and no I personally cannont live without meat.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-20-2003, 03:04 AM
Veegan, it sucks having to justify your decisions and personal feelings all the time. I understand why you're worn out. Congrats on thirteen months!

I am not a vegetarian or vegan right now. But I do think I will go vegetarian when I'm in the States. I just don't trust the meat industry over there.

04-20-2003, 08:11 PM
I am a vegetarian and have been for a number of years . . . as an animal lover I don't support breeding/slaughtering them for human consumption, or for any other reason.

04-20-2003, 08:19 PM
I'm not a vegetarian or vegan. However, I don't eat red meat (or seafood or lamb) and do somewhat try to avoid eating other meats (as well as avoiding buying products that are tested on animals...etc... although, I know I don't succeed at doing this all the time). My mother was a vegetarian for a year and I was for a small portion of the time along with her. However, we eventually became unhealthy and went back to eating meat. I am taking a few vitamin supplements now just because I don't get a lot of protein in the meat that I do eat. I'd like to try to go vegetarian again someday... but I just don't know.

Miss Meow
04-20-2003, 10:32 PM
I haven't eaten meat since I was 13, so that's [cough] 20 years now :eek: I have relaxed a little and eat fish occasionally. I find it challenging sometimes to eat well as a vege, so veganism hasn't been an option for me yet.