View Full Version : bathing cats

04-06-2003, 04:12 PM
anyone know how often you should bathe your cat?

04-06-2003, 05:58 PM
It really depends. I am a pet groomer, and people bring their cats to us anywhere from every 4 weeks to once a year. I personnaly do mine 2 times a year. Long hairs need more grooming obviously than short hairs and those that go outdoors would need bathing more often as they would get into more dirt. So unless they get into something that NEESD to be washed out, I think every 6 months is sufficient.

04-06-2003, 07:04 PM
We get Noah (long-haired) groomed twice a year. The others only get baths if they REALLY need them. We prefer to use those cat wipes, they work really well.

Russian Blue
04-07-2003, 10:55 AM
If you have a short haired cat, you shouldn't have to give the cat a bath. Unless you are doing it because you have allergies or the cat got into something I've never known a cat to have a bath.

As long as the cat grooms themselves and you groom them with a brush there really is no need. Plus, over bathing a cat can end up giving the cat more problems such as skin irritation, catching a cold, and getting water down the ear canal. All things you want to avoid.

I've never dealt with long haired cats, so the above is only my experience with the short haired variety!


04-07-2003, 11:01 AM
well ya toby gets into stuff sometimes and I have to give him a bath, like last night. He had an "incident" with his poo, and got it on his fur .. so before he trotted his way into bed with us (lol) he made a little trip to Mr.bathtub. Bathing itself is not a big deal for me cause toby don't mind it, I just didn't know how often you could.

Edwina's Secretary
04-07-2003, 11:43 AM
I am much too fond of all my body parts and the condition of my home to think about bathing Edwina! On occasion I have washed her feet (mud...or on one notorious occasion -- furniture stripper.) But she is quite good about cleaning herself -- so our deal is I tend to my own bath and she to hers!

04-07-2003, 12:54 PM
As long as the question is how often COULD you bathe your cat, then I'd say as often as every 2 weeks. As long as it is a shampoo made for cats and ALL the shampoo is rinsed out and they don't catch a chill (proper drying). The act of bathing in itself would not cause skin problems. Shampoo left in the coat might, or an allergic reaction to the shampoo might, but not the actual bath. If the cat has any type of skin problem to begin with you'd want to choice your shampoo and frequency with care, though.
Consider this: Cats get into the same pollutants that we get into (dust, anything airborne, and dirt if they go outside, etc) and we wash it out our OUR hair. Just because the cat licks himself is not a just reason to not bathe them with soap and water. The more "stuff" they have on their fur, the more "stuff" they will injest.

04-07-2003, 01:54 PM
Thanks =D
So what danger is it if ALL the shampoo doesn't get rinsed out? I have rinsed him before and he was itching to get out, so I did it as quickly as possible, but I don't think the soap was completely rinsed out :confused:

04-07-2003, 02:03 PM
well, the soap would have a drying effect on the skin most likely causing a lot of scratching. It would also form a film and then flake and be ingested. and even if these items did not affect him, it would leave the coat feeling badly, stiff or sticky.

04-07-2003, 04:14 PM
I bathe Bastet every 6 to 8 weeks in winter and weekly in summer (because even for a short hair it gets terribly hot). I do this because of her fur. She is a pale kitty and EVERYTHING shows in her fur.

It also tidies up those bits she can't lick herself clean with.

I use a natural cat shampoo that is ok for her to lick out if there is any left (usually there isn't).

She doesn't mind it provided i don't get her head wet :D

04-07-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
I bathe Bastet every 6 to 8 weeks in winter and weekly in summer (because even for a short hair it gets terribly hot). I do this because of her fur. She is a pale kitty and EVERYTHING shows in her fur.

It also tidies up those bits she can't lick herself clean with.

I use a natural cat shampoo that is ok for her to lick out if there is any left (usually there isn't).

She doesn't mind it provided i don't get her head wet :D
Yes....I'm noticing that with Micah too. They are both fawns, right?

Do you bathe her in the bath tub? Or the sink? How long does it normally take you?

04-07-2003, 11:50 PM
I bath her in the tub because then she can splash and get wiggly if she likes.

Yes she is a fawn *grins*.

I use a natural shampoo as well. It must smell horendous to Bastet but its lovely to me - its strawberry natural stuff.

It usually takes me around 30 minutes from woe to go. I don't tend to dry her because the blow dryer scares her too much. I don't want to cause her any undue stress. Although she does get thoroughly rubbed down with her own fluffy towel.

She doesn't like to be bathed but she realises it is neccessary so she doesn't scratch. She just growls and hisses and spits and wiggles a bit but I haven't been lacerated or anything like that.

I ususally do it all in one day - the ear clean, nails clipped - fur brushed before bath - and fur brushed after bath. Then the kissy face, smoogey look and snuggles before a nice sun :D

What a life hey!

smokey the elder
04-08-2003, 06:51 AM
I know show cats get bathed very often. I think if a good quality shampoo is used and completely rinsed out it shouldn't be a problem. The MD bills for meowmie, on the other hand...;) :p