View Full Version : Tubby got to go outside too

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-20-2003, 04:34 PM
Seems so many kitties got to go outside this past weekend because it has finally started warming up a bit. Well, Tubby wanted you to know that he got to go out too, it's just taken his mommy a few days to get the pics off the camera (my boss has been in all day every day this week so far - ugh! He's finally out and about today - whew - I get a little breather:))

So here's Tubby enjoying his first day of the year outside.

I was cutting down some old dry mint plants we have there. They must have still smelled just enough to get him interested. Mint smells suspiciously like catnip so he was having a good ol' time with it. :D

He was doubly happy because normally I don't let him go off the patio, but I did this time because everything was still brown. It's ok if he chews on brown stuff, but green stuff upsets his tummy. So he was almost over to the neighbors one time before I looked up and reined him in. Unfortunately I was trying to get the flower beds in order so I wasn't taking pictures of him while he was exploring. What was I thinking? :rolleyes: :confused:

And Peanut came out for a bit too, but when they're both out it's hard to get pictures because they always keep getting tangled in each others ropes. They get tangled and can't move, then start complaining about it so I spend all my time either trying to keep them away from each other - or untangling. :rolleyes: I'll have to have Terry take pictures next time. ;) :)

03-20-2003, 04:36 PM
awww he is soo cute! Looks like he was having a grand old time!

03-20-2003, 05:15 PM
Oh Tubby, I just love your little tummy-wummy!!!:D So glad you helped Mommy with the gardening.....

03-20-2003, 06:23 PM
Tubby is so cute...he looks so happy out there. :)

What is it with them eating green stuff? That's all Noel and Olivia do when I let them on the balcony.

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-20-2003, 06:36 PM
Tubby you look like you are having a wonderful time outside!! How sweet of your meowmie to let you explore while she tackles the flower garden...and how sweet of you to not distroy the flowers she is trying to plant!!! Your tummy is just too tempting.... *SCRITCHES FOR TUBBY'S TUMMY*!!

03-20-2003, 06:53 PM
Great pictures! I have a question for all of you folks who take your "inside" kitties outside occasionally. Once they know it's OK to go outside (with leash!) do they try to go out when they see an open door, or heaven forbid - dart out?? :eek: I would really consider bringing my two outside but I am afraid to give them a taste of the great outdoors (except through the window screens) for fear that they might like it and dart out. Now when I open a door they actually back away.

03-20-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I have a question for all of you folks who take your "inside" kitties outside occasionally. Once they know it's OK to go outside (with leash!) do they try to go out when they see an open door, or heaven forbid - dart out?? :eek: I would really consider bringing my two outside but I am afraid to give them a taste of the great outdoors (except through the window screens) for fear that they might like it and dart out.
I always wondered the exact same thing

Great pictures of Tubby. That first one looks like he's asleep in the great outdoors.

Steffi N
03-20-2003, 10:19 PM
Going Outside

Lovable will dart outside, but will stay within close range. He walks about slowly. I follow him around and make sure he stays within the safe area of my courtyard (near the apartments and away from the parking lot) If he sees a dog or a stranger he will go back up on my stoop. He has a leash but it keeps coming off.

Tubby, you look so relaxed in the garden.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-21-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Once they know it's OK to go outside (with leash!) do they try to go out when they see an open door, or heaven forbid - dart out??

Yes, that is the only problem I've ever had with taking Tubby out. But it just took a bit of training and he learned very quickly what NO! means. Now he will come to the door, and will not back away when I open it, but he doesn't dart out either. So that could be a problem, but if they back away now, that's a real good start.

It's funny though, because Tubby knows what it means when I say "Wanna go outside?" and hold out his leash. He will come over by me to have his collar put on - with only a little protesting - then he will run for the back door and jump out the second the door is open enough for him to get through. He knows it's ok with his leash on. And if I don't get to the door fast enough, he'll sit there looking at it meowing frantically. He loves being outside.

Peanut on the other hand, has never been a door dasher. She will not come to me to have her collar put on. I have to sit out on the back step with the door open and wait for her to tentatively sniff her way out. Then I grab her and put her collar on and she goes exploring. It's funny because it's like she's kind of afraid to come out, but once she's out she's a bold little explorer and will go as far as I let her. She loves to sit and watch the birds.

Anyway, to answer your question, there is the possiblity that they will start dashing for the door, but they can be trained to not do that. If you take them out a lot, I would think they would be more likely to be a door dasher, whereas if you only take them out once or twice a year, they will be less likely to associate the door opening with them being let out.

Good luck, and if either of you attempt it, please remember the cameras! :)

03-21-2003, 10:05 AM
Awwwwww.....he looks so happy to be outdoors! I admire all of you with the will and the way to keep your kitties safely indoors. I know it is better, and I will say that both of mine spend far more time indoors than outdoors, but they do go out at will. Thankfully, neither of them ever venture far away from the house, preferring to hang out on the deck railing, or in Butter's case, a little mouse hunting, now and then. :)

Russian Blue
03-21-2003, 10:06 AM
Spring is such a happy time for snow stressed humans and animals!

Way to go Tubby!


03-21-2003, 10:29 AM
T & P's Mom - thanks for the info! I really think that Trevor could become a door darter but I don't worry too much about Andy as he is afraid of his shadow at times :rolleyes: and I think the outdoors might seem like a scary place for him. The other day I was standing at the door and noticed some furry movement out of the corner of my eye. Assuming it was one of the dogs and without really thinking, I opened the door. It was Trevor. :eek: He didn't dart, but I got the definite impression that if the door had been left open any longer he might have decided to take a stroll. Maybe I will purchase a halter for him, (if they make them in his size ). :o

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-21-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Maybe I will purchase a halter for him, (if they make them in his size ). :o

You're welcome. :) I think you'll have no problem finding one in his size, but just in case they don't have one, you might try the dog collars because they go from really tiny to really, really big - which would be way to big for Trever, even if he is a big boy. ;) :)

Good luck, and don't forget the camera. ;) :)

03-21-2003, 12:07 PM
Such a luvverly tummy waiting for lots of rubbies and scritchies!!
Tubby maybe Meowmie can ask Mz.Edwina if she has any gardening hats she no longer needs!?
**Mr Tubby the Gardener** has quite a ring to it!

Great pics., Debbie - he's such a lovely poser!!


03-21-2003, 12:39 PM
Aww, Tubby I just love your tummy! I didn't even know that you had another white spot of fur on your lower tummy!:)
Here is a photo of Samantha taken outside a couple of weeks ago. I have more new photos of her outside but I haven't put them in the computer yet.

03-21-2003, 12:43 PM
Yes....now that Olivia and Noel know about outside, I'm always on the look out when I open the slider. Luckily, they all associate the front door with the vet, so they NEVER go out that one. ;)

Another thing the girls do is whine whenever I'm out there because they want to go out too.

For those that allow their cats outside like this...do they "talk" while they are out there? As soon as Olivia is out, she chatters and chatters. Its too cute! ;)

03-22-2003, 08:20 AM
I must admit mine are VERY interested in the door, and half of them are 'darters', especially Allie. Once they know Spring has sprung, I can't even go into the back room without a chorus of cries that sound like this, "let us out now you bad kitty mommy or we will cry for hours". I have now been trained to open the front door and let them out on the tiny enclosure every am....half the time forgetting to close the door before work....:eek: :eek:

I must have the strangest cats. I have said this before, but, mine DO NOT go anywhere...they just hang out with me. When they start towards my neighbors porch (which is ten feet away...I live in the city limits in a very tightly compacted neighborhood :( ), I just call them, and back they come (course, I tell them, 'Dakky, do you want my hand on your bottom?' :D ).

My only problem with the outdoors, is the two kids, Allie and Dakky are little python hunters, and it makes me sick to my tum-tum to see a mighty python in their mouths, or under their feet. I am forced to swallow my fear/bile, and get the snake out of thier control.....my other kitties only hunt canned food...:D :D

03-22-2003, 09:34 AM
Juke joint joseph is a darter and at 16 pounds he can jump and open the door himself as the latch doesnt hold too weell. But he is timid and when approached , will race back into his sanctuary , like a bolt of lightning , gray and white , that is!