View Full Version : New Breed of Dog

03-20-2003, 07:09 AM
Well down here in GA. it has been raining for I know about 3 weeks straight. And they say we are in a drought. Well not where I am at. Been Stuck in the mud three times in the drive way and had to get my landlords tractor. And it Stormed here last night really bad. Now I know you are thinking "What's this got to do with a New Breed Of dog." Well here goes.

Let my 2 boarding dogs out this morning. The owner had them groomed yesterday to come to my house. Golden Ret. and Lab.
Well when I let them in, I will stop here and tell about letting Riley,Gannie and Pearlie Mae out, they are poodles, then I let them in. I now have a new breed of Dog. It's called------


Harley the golden is black in mud. K.C. the lab has mud face and the poodles, I think we all know what I am doing today on my day off.

Anyone else get this new breed of dog at their house once in a while?.

03-20-2003, 08:33 AM
I had one of those last week--I wonder where they're coming from???
I'm sure it is only to get worse here--it's raining today, and these 2 loooove to play in it:rolleyes:

03-20-2003, 11:54 AM
The snow has been melting here and it rained yesterday. So now we have "Mudsters" recognized mostly by the mud from the feet to the knees and on the undersides of the belly. They can be tracked by the trail of footprints across the carpet, vinyl and hardwood. Of course when not on the floor, you can still track through from the footprints across the couch, chair and bedspread. We even occasionally get footprints across the lap and on shirts because they are soooooo happy to see us! Oh well, gotta love 'em!


03-20-2003, 12:04 PM
I have a muddy Golden Retriever too!! My other Golden and our Lab refuse to go outside because it has rained and rained. But Honey will not be stopped! She is now a beautiful "brown" dog instead of the lovely blonde that she usually is! :rolleyes:

03-20-2003, 12:17 PM
I can relate to this! Buddy who is yellow lab/husky mix who is almost white - has many mud spots! Abby my redhead got pushed in the mud today and her whole one side is mud! My floors look terrible and they have been on the carpet...............They sure look happy though!:D I just locked the door and hope for no company!

Dakota's Mommy
03-20-2003, 03:38 PM
Every storm we get, especially the medium sized pup in our house, at least for now!!!!!!!!!!!