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Daisy's Mom
07-04-2001, 12:14 AM
You won't beleive what happened yesterday. My father kept telling my mom that he heard Daisy barking. We just laughed and said "no, you can't hear her! It is probably the beagles next door." Well, a few minutes later, a guy walked by with a big fat Basset boy! Of course I went running out to it, suffering from Daisy withdrawal (I am on the second week of a two week vacation in New Hampshire without my baby!). My while family came out with me. The dog's name was Flash and he was so gorgeous! I asked the man how old his dog was, and the he, "Almost three." Just like Daisy. I asked where he got Flash, and he said, "Ayer, Massachusetts." Just like Daisy. I asked the breeder's name, but he forgot, but remembered that the mother dog was named Snuffles. JUST LIKE DAISY! It was Daisy's brother!!!! How weird is that!? The man said Flash's name while at the breeders was Lucky, and then I remembered holding the pup! We actually thought about getting him before deciding we wanted a girl! It was so cool to see him. Too bad Daisy wasn't here' we'd have a full-fledged family reunion! I just thought I'd share that with you, because I am still amazed :) It really is a small world!

07-04-2001, 12:38 AM
Bridget...That is absolutely amazing!! It is truly a small, small world! How nice that you were able to at least see Daisy's sibling while you were away from her to ease your "Daisy withdrawal" or maybe it even made it worse! :eek: I hope you got a picture!! Does he live in NH or was he just vacationing there? Maybe you could meet again when Daisy is with you. By the way, we have vacationed a couple of times in the White Mountains of NH (Franconia area). Beautiful country!!! Enjoy your stay! :)

07-04-2001, 07:32 AM
Wow! What a small world. Was he as cute as Daisy?

07-04-2001, 10:38 AM
Oh my goodness! That is awesome! Things like that amaze me! God must have wanted to ease your Daisy withdrawl by introducing to the next best thing.. HER BROTHER!

Dixie Belle
07-04-2001, 10:47 AM
That is pretty cool!!

07-04-2001, 10:59 AM
That is so amazing. What a small world we really do have. That's funny because our daughter ended up adopting the mother and father of our daughter-in-laws two Schnauzers. The lady had to give them away because she was moving into a condo which wouldn't take dogs.
I'm sure Daisy is doing o.k. and is counting the days before Mom gets home. :)

07-04-2001, 11:30 AM
Wow! Isn't that a wonderful coincidence? Wow! :eek:

07-04-2001, 12:58 PM
Merlin says,"Way Cool!!" me too

Daisy's Mom
07-04-2001, 10:18 PM
Isn't that weird? Yes, it is helping my Daisy withdrawal, but I sure do miss her! I took a lot of pictures today and will do my best to show you them. They DO look alike! They both have a stripe down their noses, freckles, loooong ears, and droopy brown eyes :) We talked with the owners today and found that Daisy and Flash have a lot in common... he even knocks the trash over!!! :) He and his family live in Wilmington, MA, which isn't even near here, Westminster, OR Ayer, making it all even more ironic. They are here on vacation too. I just think this is the coolest thing! :)

Pam, I have been to the White Mountains too! We camp there, on the Saco River. But right now we are at my grandparents' house at the ocean on Seabrook Beach.

07-04-2001, 10:57 PM
Bridget, that is so neat!!! You got a little "Daisy" fix, without seeing Daisy, but one of her brothers. How special for you and your dad!!!

Not long now, until you are back at home with your precious Daisy by your side!!!


07-05-2001, 10:22 AM
SERENDIPITY What a special moment for you to savor. Sometimes things like this happen for a reason, not just a coincidence. Don't suppose that grandpa was out there making oohs and ahhs over Flash. ;)

07-05-2001, 10:46 AM
Wow!!! What a unique and ironic event. :eek: Too bad Daisy wasn't with you to share it.

Daisy's Mom
07-05-2001, 11:56 PM
LOL no Rachel, he doesn't leave the house too much, and no WAY would he leave it to look at a mere dog :)

I do wish Daisy could be here to meet her brother. Oh well :(