View Full Version : Chocolate - how much is too much?

03-18-2003, 10:15 AM
How much do dogs need before its harmful? My nephew gave Zeke one of those chocolate eggs..the mini egg ones..I know it probably takes a lot, but does anyone know?

03-18-2003, 10:20 AM
I think it depends on the weight of the dog. I would just watch Zeke very carefully...if he doesn't act sick, I think he will be ok.

A while ago my mom gave my niece a bowl of chocolate chips. She set the bowl down in front of Nebo! :eek: He ate a few, but he was fine.

Of course, then there's Smokey the 10 lb poodle who ate an entire bag of hershey's kisses and didn't even get sick........but that's another story!

I don't know what Smokey's deal was, but chocolate really can be deadly to dogs, so I'd watch him carefully!

03-18-2003, 10:38 AM
Thanks. I think he'll be ok, it wasn't that big, but I will still keep an eye on him. Just wanted to check :D

03-18-2003, 10:48 AM
He'll be okay since he's so big. Its lucky it was a mini one !!!! Reece has gotten into chocolate at my sister's place and got VERY SICK off of a little bit. I think Smokey is Super Poodle.

03-18-2003, 10:53 AM
I'm pretty sure he'll be fine.. Like i said my neighbors labbie girl had gotten into a huge bag of reeses and nothing happened but pooping out colorful tinfoil!:p

03-18-2003, 01:22 PM
I think Zeke should be fine--just keep an eye on him for a while. A while back, my uncle had a lhasa named Ginger (RB), and she at chocolate all the time--he didn't know any better. She lived to be 15, and never had any problems. I'm not advising anyone to give their dogs chocolate--mine aren't allowed near it!!!, but just emphasizing my point that Zeke should be ok!!

03-18-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I'm pretty sure he'll be fine.. Like i said my neighbors labbie girl had gotten into a huge bag of reeses and nothing happened but pooping out colorful tinfoil!:p

:D lol This just made me think of when once Mickey ended up eating a page of a comic book. He was popping up the jokes, it was so funny :D

I hope Zeke is okay but I am sure he is :)