View Full Version : Prayers for the animals

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-18-2003, 07:32 AM
I am in the Middle East. As you can imagine the tension levels here are high, and everyone around the world is dreading the loss of human life which seems to be inevitable.

The local SPCA has done wonders for animal rights here, but they are always severally short of money and resources. Now with the war pending many people are leaving, and just dropping off their pets without a second thought as to how much they will cost to feed / re-home etc! The SPCA here has a policy of never destroying a healthy animal - I hope they can continue to maintain this now that their resources will be stretched to breaking point.

Join with me to pray for the strength of those kind people who find it in their hearts to care for these abandoned animals, who witness terrible abuse, who work long hours without thanks or payment, but continue to do so because they love animals.

They problem of stray and abandoned animals has already exploded here. I'll do what I can to help financially, with food etc, as I work full time, and cant give my time.

Your prayers are appreciated.:(

03-18-2003, 10:01 AM
Oh my goodness, how heartbreaking. I will definately be saying prayars for the innocent souls. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. And thanks for helping out, I'm sure any cent counts!

K & L
03-18-2003, 10:12 AM
This is so sad! Best of luck to you! Thanks for caring so much for the innocent animals left behind.

We've noticed a significant increase in dumped cats at the park. This could also be the reason why.

Steffi N
03-18-2003, 10:41 AM
Thank you for all who are caring and doing so much. Mercifully this nightmare will be over soon.