View Full Version : Abuse to Riches

03-15-2003, 09:13 AM
I decided to post some more pictures of "My Sweet Noel".
The reason: The last day at Dexter Elementary School on Ft. Benning. The Fathers were coming to the school to say good bye to their children as they were being deployed to go and serve and protect our Nation. Some of these parents may never come home. But one little puppy may have put a bright spot in these childrens eyes at a time when they are so sad.

For those who do not know Noel's Story, She was an abused puppy, beaten until she was blinded and ears cut off and left for dead. The Animal care and control center (dog pound) rescued her and she was adopted by P.A.W.S.(pets are worth support) an organization that does many things. website www.pawscolumbus.org
these were two soldiers that stop to pet and see Noel
one of the schoolchildren with noel
more children with noel
This was before the Children presented noel with their gift.
Noel sniffing her gifts.
Noel with the 1st grade class
just some of the food the children donated to Noels Fund over 700 lbs The children did it in 2 weeks.
And this is Noel and me saying a sad goodbye to Dexter as we move on to another school next week.

I hope you enjoy the adventures of Noel "A abused to Riches Puppy" And Please Keep all parents of the wonderful Children in your hearts and prayers as they leave their families to protect our Nation.

Cissie and Noel

03-15-2003, 10:22 AM
What a great program--the kids got all of that food--wow!! That makes me hopeful for our future generations.
How sad that the fathers were there to say goodbye--I will keep all of our men and women in my prayers.

03-15-2003, 10:33 AM
I forgot to mention, that all the food collected was given to different organizations in Columbus, GA Allied Cats- They trap the feral cats, get them spayed/neutered and vacc. and relocate to the feral communities and place food daily for them. all done with donations. Lonesome Dove Foster Care, Robin takes dogs from the pound to her place which she built by herself and helps the pound out to adopt all the animals to keep from euthanzining, and Meals on wheels, which takes food to the senior citizens and now puts pet food in for their pets .

03-15-2003, 11:15 AM
Thank you for posting and sharing Noel's wonderful rescue story and continued work as a goodwill ambassador. She brought a little sunshine to those sad children that day.

What an amazing amount of donated food for the animals that was collected. That is great!!! What a wonderful program.

Thanks for being her caretaker and angel, oodles!!

03-15-2003, 11:17 AM
I agree, what wonderful programs.
The meal on wheels, the spaying/neutering
of wild cats etc.
Noel, I love seeing your pictures, you are great ambasador.

03-15-2003, 11:39 AM
WOW!! Thats so great!!

03-15-2003, 12:09 PM
Awesome job, by you, Noel and the children. I didn't know that Meals on Wheels delivered pet food, too. What a great idea!!!! I'm going to sign up as a volunteer with out local program and will suggest the pet food deliveries!!:)