View Full Version : Phlegmy cough and cold - HELP!!!

03-05-2003, 06:35 AM
My Belang has been sneezing and coughing for more than two weeks! We've brought him to the vet and he's given him cold tabs and antibiotics. Its been hell trying to administer it to Belang and he cries so much when we try pilling him. it's been emotionally draining for us and we've resorted to smearing honey on his cheeks with it in hope that he'll lick it in. After two weeks the cold and phlegmy cough seems worse.

Will it be better? Or is it fatal if it's not cured? I am really at my wits end!:(

03-05-2003, 06:46 AM

If I were you , I would go back to your vet and ask to give the antbiotics in shots ! MY RB-cat Sydney was also unwilling to take pills ; he once needed anti-biotics too . The only way to give it to him was with a shot ! So had to go to the vet EVERY day for a week ; but I was happy to do so!! He got better!!
I was also once told that there exists a little instrument to "shoot" the pill right into a cat's mouth . Ask your vet , he will help you !

Success !! And keep us updated , okay ? We all care very much here at PT !!!

L. Wayne
03-05-2003, 10:04 AM
Jellico, welcome to Pet Talk.

If Belang is not getting over his cold, then I would visit the vet or another vet, and find why he is not getting better. Usually this kind of sickness may last for weeks before it becomes better. It is not usually fatal, but it is very discomforting to your pet. I know how difficult it can be trying to make a cat take a pill. What I have found that is easiest is to take the pill and mix it in with some favorite cat food, such as tuna. They will usually eat it without any problems. But if the pill is too big, then they may eat the food and leave the pill:D . But any way, if Belang is getting over this sickness, then be thankful for his recovery. He may or may not get it again, much depends on the weather and what bacteria and viruses it has within it. Keep him warm and allow him all the sleep he wants and make sure he eats. Possibly you may have to purchase something other than dry food, such as canned meaty cat food, in order to get him to eat adequately.

I have 3 furkids that all have colds. I have been giving them amoxicillin, a pink liquid, that they usually take without too much fuss, and they appear to be getting better.


03-05-2003, 11:30 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Jellicoe. I'm so sorry to hear that your cat Belang is so sick. :( I would take him back to the vet or another vet and try to get liquid antibiotics or antibiotic shots as was suggested earlier. He may also need a different kind of antibiotic or a larger dose. When my cats have had URI's I have usually noticed improvement within 3 days after giving them their meds. Good luck and please keep us updated.

03-06-2003, 06:25 AM
I am not an expert in this area, but I am told that kitty asthma often seems like an URI at first, so maybe kitty needs more testing. In the least, trying a different form of the medication is in order.

03-06-2003, 07:16 AM
thanks for all your concern guys. i'm taking belang to the vet again tommorrow evening and ask for an antibiotic shot for him. he's still pretty ill at this point, but not ill enough to knock my lemmings' cage this afternoon with his sidekick bintik (our bengal kitten)! i didn't know whether to be angry with them or not, but thankfully both lemmings were found and everyone's happy again.

i'll keep you guys posted. thanks again!