View Full Version : Funny pics

10-12-2001, 04:42 PM
I put Graham's winter clothes on him today just for kicks, and I knew it would make me laugh trying to snap a shot of him walking with his booties on, but here is a picture that shows how uncontrolably I laughed when I was trying to get a shot of him walking towards me with his booties on :) I was laughing so hard because it looked like he was walking up imaginary 15 inch steps :) It's a horrendous picture but I think it's really funny because I was trying SO hard to hold my laughing body still enough to snap an action shot :)

In order to get a decent shot I had to tell him to stand, otherwise he'd walk and I'd start laughing and then the picture would come out like the first one :) Graham looks like he wants to wipe me off the face of the earth in this picture :)


[ October 12, 2001: Message edited by: AdoreMyDogs ]

Daisy's Mom
10-12-2001, 04:48 PM
LOL oh poor Graham! Is Mommy laughing at you tyring to walk with those dumb bootes on? Daisy hates her boots too! She'd kill me if I even dared to laugh while she struggled in them!

10-12-2001, 04:57 PM
Graham, your stylin in that blue, but now c'mons.. whats up with thoose bootes? So out of fasion! uhg. LOL Keep thoose pic comin' Leslie! ;)

10-12-2001, 05:09 PM
Actually, I think I had slippers like those when I was a kid! Graham, you are beautiful no matter what you wear!

10-12-2001, 05:21 PM
Awwww Graham boy, you're so cute! I loooove the booties! Guess what? I just got back from PetSmart and Petco and in Petco I saw a dog wearing her new booties too! And the dog happened to be the spitting image of our sweet Bella. I just had to stop the woman and ask her all about her dog (Misty) and give the sweetie kisses. I kept accidently thinking it actually was Bella!

10-12-2001, 05:42 PM
How adorable!!!!!!!

10-12-2001, 06:43 PM
Yes Leslie I'd say he is none too pleased! :D :D First the caterpillar picture and now this!! :D I am sure he would just die if he realized how many people were seeing these pictures, but tell him we all love him to pieces and he would be adorable in anything that his mommy can put on him. I think he should get an "A" for cooperation! I personally think the booties are adorable.

Aly thank you for the nice remarks about Bella. I am just like you. I can be in PetsMart or anywhere else for that matter, and if I see a little cutie I am immediately down on the ground introducing myself! :D Fortunately pet people understand!

10-12-2001, 06:57 PM
Graham, what is your mama doing to you??? Poor baby, having to put on the snow boots, when there is not any snow!! (Leslie, it probably is good "practice" for later) Hey, Graham, you just let us know when you have had enough. There are enough "Cyber Aunties" out here who will come save you from these awful picture taking sessions!

Bless your heart...you just know that we love you in each and every one of those pictures!!!! And we think you are always a very handsome fellow, and we're so glad your little paws will be protected in the winter!!! :)

10-12-2001, 10:26 PM
hahaha..he looks so cute in those booties :D

10-13-2001, 08:19 AM
I think Graham will tell you that there are some Cyber Aunties that are worse than his mommy when it comes to picture taking sessions.

I think I know why Graham has to wear booties. You see he is a PAW model, having the most perfectly groomed and shaped paws ever, so he has to take extra precautions to keep them that way.

Graham, you are the most handsome dog on the earth with clothes or without, so don't let mommy's snickering bother you.

10-13-2001, 09:39 AM
Soo cute!! luckily, S'pore has no winter so I don't have to put winter clothes on Cookie. She hates wearing anything except her collar and she'll howl and cry if you put anything on her. We tried it and she scratched me by accident while she was struggling to get away! :D

10-13-2001, 04:05 PM
Graham, don't listen to those other cyber mommies tease you, I think you look adorable in your outfit, in fact I think I'll look for some of those rain booties for Daisy and Perry. I'm sure if they could type they would thank you for reminding me. :D You look very handsome and I think you should be on the GQ cover.

Golden Smiles
10-17-2001, 07:34 AM
:eek: THOSE ARE REALLY COOL BOOTIES!!! He looks darling! Will he keep those on??

Dixieland Dancer
10-17-2001, 09:41 AM
Graham, you are a sweetie in everything you wear. Even the caterpiller outfit was beautiful with you in it.

Dixie also wears booties in nasty weather. It beats scrubbing carpets and washing paws everytime we get yukky weather. Dusty's never seen snow or muddy ground due to weather yet. But he'll be wearing boots too! :D

karen israel
10-17-2001, 09:47 AM
Uh....I think it's the very 1st photo I've seen of our Graham-cracker, where he's NOT smiling!!! :( What a good sport! He is just SOOOOO sweet! (The booties are cute though but don't tell him I said that!) And your outfit for Cassie is...? :confused: