View Full Version : I'm going to get a dog but what breed

02-25-2003, 03:15 AM
My Lab died at the age of 10 months. My dad says soon we can get another dog, but what breed?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

02-25-2003, 03:20 AM
Your family may want a little time to come to grips with the loss of your Lab.

It can be an active dog, likes to play :) and run, and also dig :(, but I am in love with our beagle. She just got over a heart-worm infection, and I could not imagine our house without her. :)

02-25-2003, 07:48 AM
I would go to the shelter, and get whatever dog speaks to your heart! :)

But what are you wanting in a dog? Size, grooing, active/not active, watch dog, couch dog ...

02-26-2003, 02:36 AM
I just found out my Aunt has a friend who breeds Retrievers in fact she has one of them her self called Angel. So what do you think about Retrievers

02-26-2003, 07:48 AM
Retrievers often die at early age because of the problems most golden retrivers have. They tend to have athritis easier than any other dog.. but im not sayying not to get this dog because ive had one myself that died at early age becuase of athritis.. But this may be the dog for you if u really like it.. But what pecific things are you looking fo in a dog? Mixed dogs are great.. I have a Corgi Eskimo mix.. She is the sweetest cutest lil thing ever!!! I love her so much so it really depends on what tyoe of dog your looking for! Sorry if i didnt help but...

02-26-2003, 08:16 AM
go to this website **************.com its a golden retriever website... Maybe you will see something that intrests u

02-26-2003, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by Karen
I would go to the shelter, and get whatever dog speaks to your heart! :)

that is exactly my advize too!!!
Good luck!

02-26-2003, 12:40 PM
Goto your local shelter and look around, maybe youll find a dog that touches you in a way no other does :) ..

If you dont want to adopt then goto a RESEPTual breeder and get a Siberian Husky they are gret dogs :) CUte too ... :D

03-17-2003, 11:06 PM
I would recommend a golden. yes, I realize the risk of an early death, but the time in between is so fulfilling!!!! You never know how long you will have any dog. Get one you really want no matter what. I do also agree with going to an animal shelter. I would recommend reading a story from http://www.funnyjunk.com. GO down to the H storys and the story is called "How could you" The story isn't funy, but it will make you want to go find the dog that is about to be put to sleep and recuse it.

03-18-2003, 04:31 AM
I would recommend a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie). They are a very frendly dogs. The bark but the would never attack anyaone. :D

Dakota's Mommy
03-18-2003, 04:09 PM
Many people mentioned problems with some breeds. Personally, I think that every breed has some downsides that may make you not want that particular breed, including things that can cause death at an early age. Infact, any breed has the chances of dying at a young age. I agree with the people who are saying to go to the shelter and see what breed you thinks fits you, your family, and your lifestyle the best. Also, before you make this decision, get information on these such breed to know the health risks, the requirements for the breed, etc., etc., etc. that goes along with the breeds that you found yourself interested in at the shelters so that you can choose the best breed for your lifestyle. Good luck with this task, I'm sure you'll find just what you and your family wants and needs to fit into your life!

03-20-2003, 02:50 PM
A Golden Retriever would be best. They are are very Loyal, faithful, and truely love their masters.
Soo very sorry about your puppy! :(

03-20-2003, 03:48 PM
Either go to your local Library and check out a book on the different dog breeds, or go the local book store and buy one. Look at each breed and see what you like and see what would best fit your life style. After you decide go to you local shelter or dog pound and see if there is one there. If you decide on another lab remember that a lab mix will have alot of the qualities about them that you desire, as with any mix of a breed that you chose. If you don't want alot of grooming, try to stay away from the coated breeds. In the hound group there are plenty that i recommend. Foxhounds, Harriers, Beagles, Walker tree hounds. all can be a bit noisy, But do make excellent family pets, Greyhounds are big couch potatos. Check into a greyhound rescue. Just remember the dog breed you decide on should fit nicely into your lifestyle.

03-21-2003, 02:13 PM
Shelters are full of pure bred dogs that have been discarded for one reason or another. Also, there are rescue organizations for dogs in every state. I volunteer for siberian husky rescue. Just do your research before you get another one. Good luck.

03-21-2003, 02:26 PM
I would recomend going to a shelter also. But here are the ups and downs of my dogs:

:) My *cocker spaniel* Jordan

ups: Sweet, loving, cuddley, playful, loyal, and downright adorible!

downs: he sheds.... even though we cut his hair short!:eek: lol

:) My *maltese* Jewels

ups: playful, active, yet lovable, calm, cuddely, EXTREMELY smart, potty trained in two days!:eek: hehe doesnt shed.. ADORIBLE! :D

downs: she barks a lot :rolleyes: , needs lots of grooming for she is a maltese and has a long coat. But we keep her in a *puppy* cut so its perfect length and soooo cute!:D

04-11-2003, 10:38 PM
Cocker Spaniel, American or English.

04-12-2003, 12:04 PM
I recommend a Nova Scotia duck Tolling Retriever. ;) They have all the trait that Goldens and labs have :p plus they are a smaller size(medium)(bigger than the size of a cocker spaniel by a bit+-, some grow to 40 pounds +-) perfect for most households!!:) They are really smart, good agility dogs and are beautiful and cute in puppy and adulthood. Toller website: http://www.tollerzone.com they are also easy to train. My puppy can do tons of tricks and he is only four and a half months. They are really playful and love attention, but you can keep them alone at home by themselves for awhile when they are young, about 2-3 hours. But if the answer is american or whatever, I say American.