View Full Version : Sometimes owners make me sad and mad all at once.

02-23-2003, 05:19 PM
This post is going to be a bit of moan and quite long, but of interest I hope.
There are a quite a number of dogs that roam the estate I live on. They are not true stray dogs, they know where their homes are they are just left to wander at will. I ignore them as best I can (it is hard to do so) only intervening when I think a dog is a true stray, or in trouble in some way. I have however returned a number of dogs that I know for certain have escaped, and most times the owners have been pleased I have done so. I have called the dog warden to dogs I have known I couldn’t help. For example, there was once an unknown to me bitch that was in season and was being mounted by a dog I did know but had moved with his owners from the area some weeks ago and to where I did not know. I had nowhere to keep either or both dogs so I called the warden to take them. Their owners later claimed both dogs.
Last year there was a cute little dog called Poochie that I did truly rescue. It is a little Yorkie bitch and was being chased around and around by four dogs. As it was a Sunday there was no warden on call so I took her home, put her on a lead and walked around the part of the estate I found her on hoping she would take me to her home. No luck, so I took her back to my home. Kept her until the next morning when I could phone the warden (which was fun.. not! She didn’t like Bob and didn’t want to stay alone, I ended up crating Bob and sleeping with her on the couch.) Happy ending next day, I called the warden, her owner also called the warden and Poochie and owner were reunited with great joy. I didn’t know a Yorkie could jump that high!

All that was to give background to today’s events which began when I glanced out of my front window and saw this little jack Russell dog trying to mount a lot bigger bitch (or so I thought) of unknown breed (looked a little bit like Simba actually). Anyway, tried to ignore it but in the end I went out with a lead, got the bigger dog on it and stood behind my small fence away from the jack russell. Asked a couple of kids if they knew whose dogs they were and one of them thought they knew whom the bigger one belonged to. I asked if he would go to the house and ask. He did, it was their dog, which was, when I looked a male, called Max. So I found another lead for the jack Russell, who was still enamoured of Max, and we took Max home, hoping also that they would know whom the JR belonged to. They, or I should say she, didn’t.
I will point out here that Max had a collar on with a tag saying he was microchip, but no other ID! I asked her and her little sister that I saw later, if they would get him an ID tag also, but I think it may have fallen on deaf ears.
Ok, I was left with the JR now. I walked all over the place with him, just once I thought he may have been on track but he led me back to Max`s house! Was losing heart by now, thought I just walk a different way then, well, I didn’t what I would do then! Anyway, I met this guy with his dogs and he said it may be the one called Patch who lived just across the way from him, I took the dog there and the guy was right. Sigh of relief.
Conversation went like this. Me; is this your dog? Woman: yes, Patch where have you been you naughty boy. To me she said, thanks, he sneaked out when I went to the shops. Where did you find him? I told her and she asked if there was a bitch in heat around there, I said no, he was after a dog. She didn’t reply. I asked her if maybe she should get a tag for his collar, she didn’t reply to that, just said he would have found his way home anyway.

Todays result.
Two dogs successfull reunited with thier owners, good.
Two dogs who will no doubt be found roaming again, Patch because he needs neutering. And Max, well, he does have sort of caring owners but not caring enough, you see I have seen Max before, although I knew nothing about him then of course. I was out with Bob and he was running around the field and onto the road where he actually stood in the middle and if a car had not had good brakes he would have been a goner. I took Bob straight home and went back out to look for him but he had disappeared.

What`s to be done about such people? I will answer myself, not a damn thing can be!


02-23-2003, 05:32 PM
Oh, I do so understand. This happens ALL the time in our little town. I get so frustrated with these people!! I have taken so many dogs home. Sometimes the people are so happy. Once I found a medium sized dog (no idea of the parentage) and called the number on her collar to the vet. They gave me the owners number and they were ecstatic to have her back. A neighbor had knocked down their fence. Others are not so nice. We have a toy poodle next door that is allowed to roam the streets. You'd think growing up that way he'd have some car smarts? No! He just stands there in the road looking at you!! These are the same people with 2 large dogs in the backyard that never get any attention. :mad:

Sorry to vent in your post, but I felt a kindredness with you just now.:D

02-23-2003, 05:46 PM
micki76, feel free to vent as much as you want. Sometimes I get so mad, but most of the time it just breaks my heart. Today while I was walking Patch so to find his home there were a pack of five dogs just hanging about. One of them I have seen and spoken to a few times, a GSD bitch, she is so gentle and loving, it truly hurts me so to see her left to her own devices.


02-23-2003, 06:30 PM
So sad....people do not know how to take care of their animals. I'm glad you were able to help the dogs find their home, and hopefully the owners will keep their dogs at home!

The people next door to me just got a tiny little puppy. These are the same people with a bunch of kids that were throwing rocks at the dog behind me. Sticking crap through the fence at Nebo. I've had to yell at them soo many times. Now they have their own dog to tease, poor dog. :( It looks like maybe a beagle mix, but I couldn't tell...I only saw it for a second and they were already mauling the poor thing...

Some other people down the street have 2 beagles. They are both obviously old. The male is too big and he's fat, the female is tiny. They live outside. And they BREED them, ugh.

I know a yellow lab that has been bred every year of her life. Yeah, like we need more labs from backyard breeders.

So many people just let their dogs run loose, I don't understand it...it's just stupid. Usually they don't have tags either. I know this heeler mix that runs loose, and on garbage day he ALWAYS knocks down the garbage cans and makes a mess all over. And MY dogs have been blamed for that, along with pooping on lawns, and barking all day and night. !!! Yeah right!

02-23-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

I know a yellow lab that has been bred every year of her life. Yeah, like we need more labs from backyard breeders.

One of the men I work with got a golden for xmas from his girlfriend. Then they had the great plan to get female and breed them. He's such a stupid redneck hick. :mad: He really is. She'll be bred every heat, I gurantee.:(

02-23-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by micki76

One of the men I work with got a golden for xmas from his girlfriend. Then they had the great plan to get female and breed them. He's such a stupid redneck hick. :mad: He really is. She'll be bred every heat, I gurantee.:(

This lady comes into Petco all the time....she has 2 goldens, both very young, female (about a year) and male (6 months). She always wants us to shave their whiskers off and trim the nails, etc. They live outside she's "allergic")...she obviously loves them, but she has no idea what she's doing with them. And she's cheap. She decided to finally have us bath them (after we were nice enough to only charge her $8 to clip nails, shave whiskers, trim paws, and a sanitery clip so many times!). She knew how much it cost...$33 each...but when she comes to pick them up she won't shut up complaining that its too much! Grrr :mad: She only has one leash too! lol Talk about cheap!

Ok, so that didn't really matter...the thing is though, she keeps talking about breeding them...UGH...First she was asking another groomer about "what age" and I thought she was talking about spay/neutering them. I said, oh, my dog was neutered at 4 months, he's fine...and she gets this horrid look on her face, "OH no, I don't want to neuter them, I'd never do that!" Then she actually said something about "get the money I paid for them out of them" She said "I'll take them to California so I can sell the puppies for more money." She's a moron! I bet the female will be bred every heat also. :(

02-23-2003, 06:54 PM
I hate some people!:mad: :mad: Those were this guys comments too. Money, Money, Money ARG!!:mad:

02-23-2003, 10:18 PM
I don't blame you all to be annoyed. Irresponsible owners who don't care about their dogs make me angry too.
I can't think of an example right now, but all of the stuff I am reading about is awful--these people shouldn't even have dogs!!!

02-23-2003, 10:25 PM
It IS very annoying. Especially when you try to make the point that what thy're doing is wrong. They look at you like you're crazy. Or they get mad and say its their dog and they'll do what they want. Well, duh, but that doesn't make it right. The people next door really bug me. The poodle is so cute and sweet. I'm sure the two in stuck out in the back yard are too. :(

02-23-2003, 11:20 PM
People really can be ignorant. *sigh* And you know when they breed their bitch and she needs an emergency c-section, they won't agree to have her spayed then, either! :mad:

02-24-2003, 06:23 AM
Igonorance and irresponsibility! Drives me crazy!!

Chase's Mom
02-25-2003, 09:31 AM
People that can't afford to take care of their animals should never even be allowed to have them. And breeding is absolutely stupid since there are millions of unwanted pups already. Have a great day!:p :p :p

02-25-2003, 01:11 PM
I understand your feelings completely. I don't know if you remember the 2 dogs I found this last fall. I searched all day for the owners & just as luck would have it, a friend of mine dropped by & her daughter knew the owner. They both belonged to the same family.
Well, they have been coming to our fence now for some time. I, like you, try to ignore them. I've been to their house a few times, to let them know they were out, but it just keeps happening time & time again & there's not a darn thing I can do about it.
People infurate me:mad: If you can't take care of your dog(s), don't have them.

02-25-2003, 04:09 PM
Anna, yes, I think I do remember those two dogs you helped, no, saved! Weren`t they right by, or in the middle of the road at one point, and didn`t you take them in an bathe them and stuff like that, then spent a long time worrying and trying to find the owners/ or foster home or something, and there was also worry about Angus cos he wasn`t keen on one or either of them? Anyways, I may not remember all the details but I do know how upset you were, and can so understand how mad at the owner you must be at still seeing them roaming now, and real sad too for the dogs I would guess.

A couple of years ago there was a black labx pup called Nobby living a few streets away, he was so sweet, very boisterous but all he needed was someone to play with him and train him. But he was left to his own devices, always looking for a pup or pal to play with. I took him home a few times and they would say thanks etc then I would see him running around again a few hours later. The last time I heard of him, a young couple had found him soaking wet and freezing, they took him in and called the dog warden. They were thinking of keeping him but by law had to give the owners a chance to claim him. they were moving from the area at the time and I never saw them or Nobby again, I sure hope he did end up a good forever home, wherever he is.

When I took Bob for a walk at lunch time those four dogs I wrote about before, the GSD and three companions, were running about on the field. Who was chasing who or whether it was just a game I couldn`t figure out, and I couldn`t go too close either or no doubt Bob would have pulled my arm off as he would rush to join in the chase! Then later this afternoon when walking home from my sons I saw the GSD and one other dog lying around by a piece of ground not too far from where I think the shepard lives. I felt so sad for them, the other dog, a black labby type looks to have latched on to the shepard for company.

I have always wanted to live someplace out in the countryside and seeing these dogs, and many more like them, every time I go out, make me want to move even more. At least finding a dog out there would mean it was a true stray and maybe could be helped.
