View Full Version : pocket pooch?!?!

02-21-2003, 11:30 AM
a friend just bought a chihuahua. just i'm affraid she got it for the wrong reason. she carries it around in her purse all day. carries her around everywhere.

she told me guys have been crawling all over her now that she got Dottie. she said it's nice to have a dog that goes well with all your outfits. that made me sick. what can i do???

02-21-2003, 11:33 AM
Just make sure that the little pup is loved and well cared for, and that she gets some training. Both that she gets housebroken, and that she gets some obedience training, as she IS a dog, no matter how cute she is!

02-21-2003, 12:14 PM
Who'd a thunk a Chi would be such a guy magnet?
Whenever I take my cute lil' Cairns anywhere, all I
attract are Lil' old ladies and kids.:)


02-21-2003, 02:04 PM
I look at it this way--the dog is getting to spend a lot of time with her, and the pet/human bond is so important, plus she is getting socialized very well, goiing out all the time.
As long as she is taken care of at home, even if it is a guy magnet, I'm sure the chi will be fine.

02-21-2003, 05:13 PM
ok. sounds fair.....i would like to have my own chihuahua. do you know where i could get one? i would like to get one from a breeder. not a rescue. i know that rescue groups are great. but i would like to start out on a puppy. with papers. if you know anyone with a puppy or young adult they would like to sell, or heck give away. i would be glad to take it. i have another small dog.and there is a small child that lives here.

02-21-2003, 11:36 PM
where abouts do u live? so i know possible places to get ur chihuahua...

02-22-2003, 09:06 AM
i live in central INdiana. close to IL.
i would like it if you could help.

02-22-2003, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by lute
ok. sounds fair.....i would like to have my own chihuahua. do you know where i could get one? i would like to get one from a breeder. not a rescue. i know that rescue groups are great. but i would like to start out on a puppy. with papers. if you know anyone with a puppy or young adult they would like to sell, or heck give away. i would be glad to take it. i have another small dog.and there is a small child that lives here.

I would still contact rescue groups, they may have puppies with papers ... Why are "papers" important to you? Do you plan to compete with it as a show dog? Rescue groups (go to the AKC website http://akc.org) then to the breed, and they will have breed rescue links ... anyway, they may also be knowlegable about local breeders - who is good, and who is a "backyard breeder" to avoid.

02-22-2003, 12:10 PM
i plan to do local shows.and maybe a few others. i would like to breed to improve the breed. try to eliminate any health problems.

02-22-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by lute
i plan to do local shows.
i want to do that too, when im older...

02-22-2003, 02:09 PM
here are some breeders in indiana and illinois...ill try to find more
Angeland, Clara Vowell-Breeder, Fairbanks, IN 4/14/00
Chihuahua pups for sale.
Ask for Clara!

Sharon K TBarthel-Breeder, Freeport, IL10/25/02
Chihuahua pups for sale.
Ask for Sharon!
Betty's Puppy's Mulkey, IL6/8/00
Fine Chihuahuas available
Ask for Betty!
Tammy Tyrrell-Breeder, [email protected] Sycamore, IL 2/13/02
Chihuahua pups for sale.
Ask for Tammy!

Cisco's Mom
02-25-2003, 09:11 AM
Hey Lute, welcome to Pet Talk!!

I agree with the others. As long as the pup is getting all that it needs than there is nothing to worry about. I have a chi and from the day that I got him he has gone every where with me. I mean he went out of town with me the day I picked him up at 9wks old!! Ever since if he can't go I don't go! It is alot of fun, but one needs to watch for dangers while out with the pup. For example, big dog syndrome, birds of prey, other poeple's feet ectc...

Good luck with your search!!

Here is a pic. of Cisco:D

02-28-2003, 11:00 AM
I have a 5-1/2 Yorkie that I take everywhere with me. I have a bag that I put her in and her head can stick out. She loves it because she's with mommy. I think lots of people with Toy Dogs take them along when they go out. Not to mention all the oohing and aahing from people who see her.

02-28-2003, 06:12 PM
OMG ciscos mom! that is so cute!! do have other pics?

if you have posted a thread with them please send me the link!:D thanks!