View Full Version : Help save the pits...

02-19-2003, 04:25 PM
http://community-2.webtv.net/@HH!16!74!0DA2CB7EBE3A/PRECIOUSFORD/HelpSTOPHumans How could anyone turn down this face?

Ever since the horrid Shenica Accident in Vancouver B.C. Canada the S.P.C.A and many shelters all over Canada and the world has gottin Pitbulls left right and center as if they were nothing. I think it is very harsh that people have these stereotypes mushed into their head. Most of the people think that all pitbulls are visiouse and will rip you up .. They arnt they are actully one of the most best family dogs out there is. http://pitbulls.iwarp.com/images/duke_017.jpg

There has been a bunch of pure bred Pitbull puppies *with beautiful markings* in the Kelowna S.P.C.A since the Shenica inccedent and non have been adopted with ease .. People have been terrified of them, thinking they will grow up to be monsters..
http://www.solutionscenter.com/newimages/MVC-3dogz.jpg How could anyone turn down these faces?

I would like to see what you guys think. Thanks .. http://www.pitbulls.freeservers.com/newintro.jpg

02-19-2003, 06:12 PM
They are such cuties!!!

I agree, our neighbor had a pit, and it was so sweet--they had a baby, and he loved to play with her!!!

I would love to have one someday!!

02-19-2003, 07:25 PM

I REALLY REALLY wish I lived in the USA, I would be there in a flash. (Would have to run down my mother to get there first though :D )

I hope they find homes soon. They are beautiful.

The one in the front of the main picture, looks like the dog we had many years ago. She was a Pit, and she was fantastic.

02-19-2003, 07:26 PM
Oh my God Pit Bulls!! :eek: I mean look at this mean thing!


LOL I think pits are one of the best dogs you can get! Couldn't imagine a better dog for me!

02-19-2003, 07:30 PM
Oooooooooo :eek: - what a scary dog you have :D :D

02-19-2003, 07:35 PM
it is soo cute :)

02-19-2003, 08:33 PM
i love pitbulls, i think they just need good owners...some breeds need more attention than others and i think that owners dont understand this, and get the wrong breed for them...
i love pitbulls, they r such sweethearts
my friends dog got attacked by one the other day and it had to get surgery :( but the owner was a complete loser....my friends husband started yelling at him and the owner just acted like a complete jerk :mad: some ppl...

02-19-2003, 09:28 PM
I know most dogs behavior depends on how they are treated by their owners..

02-19-2003, 09:51 PM
Tinker (RB) was severly injured by a pit. Of course TINKER attacked the pit and was trying to kill HIM. My fault, he got off the leash and the pit was leashed with his (too young, too small) owner trying to control him. I had NO control over my dog. MY FAULT. Any dog can be dangerous, some just have more muscle & power.
Some chihuahuas (the above mentioned Tinker) would be put down if they had that kind of strength. They would be branded 'killers" and banned.
I know a poodle that would have to be destroyed if he had the muscle to maime and kill, he's quick with the pearly whites and you have to watch him, but he's a "harmless" little poodle. :rolleyes:
I'm not saying anything bad about these dogs, just trying to make a point.
Our American Staffordshire, Zypher (RB) was VERY strong. I didn't trust myself (100 lbs at the time) to walk him alone. If he saw a cat- shoom!! Gone! ALL pet owners have to have control over their pets regardless of whether it weighs 10 lbs or 110 lbs.
I personally love the breed.

02-20-2003, 12:07 AM
Well, I'm a bully girl myself! lol I love the pits, staffies, bulldogs, mastiffs....all of them. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for pits, tho. Our family dog (pit mix) saved me from being kidnapped when I was just 9 years old! She lived to be 16 and I still miss her. I try to do as much pitbull PR as I can. I make sure all of my pits are extra well trained. I don't take them to off-leash dog parks (too much potential for bad PR) and I've got one in training to be a certified therapy and Reading With Rover dog. :)

02-20-2003, 09:03 AM
Those pics were all so scary. I hope I never run into one of those on the street:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

02-20-2003, 09:42 AM
Those pics were all so scary. I hope I never run into one of those on the street

LOL!! Me, too! Imagine the slobber!!:D :D :D

02-20-2003, 09:52 AM

You guys know Bull too well

02-20-2003, 10:41 AM
Pits are such sweeties....I lov them too...yet I have never owned one I would lov too. Love the pix of them tikeyas_mom...thanx for sharing~!

02-20-2003, 11:16 AM
What is the Shenica incident? Was someone attacked? I haven't heard of this.

02-20-2003, 04:38 PM
Me either - I never heard of the incident, but that would be because I live in Australia!! :D

02-20-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
What is the Shenica incident? Was someone attacked? I haven't heard of this.
really?! wow that was like everywhere lol....two mastiff cross dogs (one of them crossed with pitbull) attacked and severly mauled a girl named shenica....she was lucky to live, she had lost so much blood and her face was almost entirely impossible to get it to look normal...they had to take skin off her legs and put it on her face :(
here is a pic of what she looks like now that her face has healed

02-20-2003, 06:42 PM
heres the story, i found it on the net and copied it:

Early on the morning of December 22, 2002, Shenica and her friend Natasha, were walking a friend home. As they returned from dropping their friend off, 2 dogs, who they had noticed earlier in their walk, approached them. They were big dogs and Shenica was getting increasingly nervous about them. The dogs began to jump up on Shenica. It seemed at first to Natasha that they were playing, so she said to Shen, "Come on, Shen, they're just playing, let's go." Shenica huddled over the hood of a car to avoid the dogs and then said to Tash, "They're biting me! They're biting me! Help me, Tash!" The aggression displayed by the dogs quickly escalated into an attack of nightmarish proportions. As they continued to bite Shenica, Tash yelled at the dogs to get off of her. The dogs paid no attention and continued to attack Shenica's face, head, and arm. They knocked her to the ground and then began to drag her away, holding her by her scalp and left upper arm. Shenica screamed and tried to fight the dogs off to no avail. Tash began to scream as loud as she could and soon people from the neighbourhood began pouring out of their houses with pots, sticks, and anything else they could grab to try and fend the dogs off. It took several desperate attempts before the dogs finally let go of Shenica and then ran away. Sadly, by this time, Shenica had sustained devastating wounds to her head, face, and left arm. As she lay on the ground, those around her were not sure if she was conscious; some even wondered if she was alive. By this time, three other friends had arrived to help. They came close to comfort her but some were so shocked at the extent of her wounds that they backed away, crying. Shenica heard them crying softly in the background and spoke in a clear voice, "Tell them not to cry, I'm okay." She was then rushed by ambulance to Vancouver General Hospital. Several hours later, she underwent nearly 8 hours of surgery. Thus began her journey of recovery and healing.

02-20-2003, 06:48 PM
OMG!! That's a horrible, horrible story! Did they ever find the owners of the dogs. Were they wild dogs? Sounds more like they were the fighting mastiff breeds (fila, presa etc.). I'm assuming the dogs were caught and destroyed after the incident?

02-20-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
OMG!! That's a horrible, horrible story! Did they ever find the owners of the dogs. Were they wild dogs? Sounds more like they were the fighting mastiff breeds (fila, presa etc.). I'm assuming the dogs were caught and destroyed after the incident?
yes, they were actually right in front of their house when they attcked shenica...they got the owner and the owner said she used them as guard dogs....she never said anything about them being family pets or anything like that...she just said she got them when the crime rate went up, which leads me to believe that she didnt care much about them....
the dogs were destroyed a while after...i think a week or two, i cant remember....they were actually really cute and looked so sweet licking the chain of their cages awaiting their doom...:(

02-20-2003, 06:58 PM
this gives more info on the dogs:
VANCOUVER -- A teenager who was viciously attacked by a pair of dogs looked like she had been mauled by a wild animal, says a plastic surgeon who spent more than eight hours operating on the girl's face, head and left arm.

Dr. James Boyle said yesterday that the entire right side of Shenica White's face was shredded.

"This is the equivalent of a bear or cougar attack that really to me, in an unqualified way, looks like an animal looking for a meal," Boyle said.

Shenica, 14, is expected to undergo years of reconstructive surgery to repair the life-changing damage from the attack early Sunday.

Viviana Zanocco, spokesman for the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, said the teen will have some skin grafts in the next couple of days.

"She was dragged down the road by these dogs by her hair so part of her scalp came off and detached from her skin," Zanocco said.

The animals will be put down, police said.

Const. Sarah Bloor, a spokesman for the Vancouver police department, said the owner has agreed to have the dogs euthanized. Police are also trying to determine if a charge of criminal negligence causing bodily harm will be laid against the owner.

But that would require a history of similar aggressive behaviour by the dogs, Bloor said.

Police are also assessing the dogs' living conditions to assure the owner's yard was suitable for them, Bloor said.

The girl was attacked at about 1:30 a.m. Sunday while walking back to a slumber party with a friend.

The teens had just returned from walking another girl home about a block away.

That's when the two mastiffs pounced.

Bloor praised the quick actions of neighbours, who heard the girls screaming and ran out of their homes with pots, pans and sticks to ward off the dogs.

"As the friend watched in horror the neighbours assisted the girl that was harmed, getting the dogs off the girl.

"We couldn't have had the success with this young lady in surviving without the community being there."

The animals may have escaped from their owner's back yard through an open gate, Bloor said. The man reported his pets missing Sunday morning and had no idea what had happened overnight when he went to pick up his dogs at the city pound several hours later, she said.

"He's absolutely devastated," Bloor said. "He wasn't expecting to be met by a detective and advised that he was under investigation."

The man released a statement yesterday, saying he wishes he could turn back time.

"I never intended this to happen," he said. "I would do anything for the girl involved in the incident."

02-20-2003, 07:13 PM
Thanks so much for posting this. We in Aussie never saw that story.

I feel so sorry for the girl and really hope she heals and recovers soon

I also feel sorry for the dogs. Obviously the owner really did not care, train, or look after them. How would they know any different other that to attack someone scared of them if they were "Guard Dogs"?

I agree with you - the more I know people, the more I love my dogs.

02-20-2003, 07:14 PM
The incident sounds really similar to that terrible incident in San Francisco where the poor woman was mauled to death in the hallway to her apartment by the two Presas. That was a very clear cut case of owner negligence. I mean, who on earth is going to keep two 125 lb, aggressive fighting dogs in an apartment for goodness sake! And they tried to blame the poor victim. *shakes head* It's people like this that drive me crazy.

If I had any indication at all that my dogs had people aggression, I wouldn't have them. It's just not responsible.

On a lighter note, Joxer (my pit/boxer mix therapy dog) are going to be in a photo shoot for Seattle magazine tomorrow! Some positive PR for a change!

02-20-2003, 07:24 PM
heres one of the dogs :(

02-20-2003, 10:45 PM
yes it is quite sad actully .. Ppl believe that the dogs were ariginally guarding a grow opp .. but they jumped the fence. They were tainer killers .. :(

02-21-2003, 08:47 PM
Such vicious dogs!:rolleyes: