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View Full Version : Dont Let This Happen!!!!! Look Here!

02-18-2003, 07:43 PM
i know some of you do not get into the pet health thread very often, so i brought some of it here.

This was posted by RougeFerret a few weeks ago......... it scared me.

Anyone who has a ferret has seen the harness sets that they have for the ferrets. One kind is made up of a single piece of rope that has a metal bracket that allows the rope to make a loop that slips over the head and a clip at the end to go under the chest and clip onto the bracket. These are commonly known as the figure 8 type harness and lead. DO NOT PUT THESE ON YOUR FERRET! My little baby girl Rogue almost died last night because she managed to slip the loop around her neck over her shoulders and half-way down her belly. She was trying so hard to get the harness off, that she did not realize that at the same time, she was tightening the harness so tight, that it was squezzing her insides! By the time I realized what had happened, she was screaming in pain and thrashing around violently. We managed to cut the harness off with a small pair of sissors and took her immediatly to the vet. Luckily, there was no internal damage but she will be badly bruised and very sore for quite a while. Just remember to check all harnesses before you buy them to make sure this doesn't happen to your fuzz face!:(

02-18-2003, 08:27 PM
I hate that those figure 8 harnesses are marketed for ferrets. It's horrible. It doesn't work well at all. They can so easily squeeze out of them. The H harnesses are much better and they either clip or velcro...once you get it sized right it's also so much easier to get on your fuzzy. Poor fuzz. I'm glad she's ok.

02-19-2003, 12:34 PM
aww!thats awful!:( at least the ferret was ok.

02-19-2003, 12:43 PM
I know! i hope no ones pet has actully died from those. So sad! maybe we could sue! mmm.... or maybe i will be nice and just write to the company. not that i know how. :rolleyes: