View Full Version : Where do your dogs sleep?

02-17-2003, 03:46 PM
Ashlee and Nina have their own beds:) Lots of them! Ashlee has 4 and Nina has 4, if you count the crate. During the work day they sleep in their room, which is attached to the laundry room, hall way and kitchen. So lots of running around space. The crate was Nina's when we were potty training and now is left open, as a hiding place:) Right next to it is the BIG feather bed. They love it. And for the most part sleep together all day.
Then in the living room, right in front of the fireplace they each have new beds from Santa.
Now to the computer room, Ashlee has a little bed she loves and Nina just plops on the floor.
They also have their beds in our bedroom. A little space all for themselves:)
And then they have the bed we take camping. Made rugged for the outdoors:)
Do you think they are spoiled:D :D :D

02-17-2003, 03:49 PM
:D :D :D Simply adorable!!! How can you not spoiled these
precious looking puppies ? :) :) :) Very cute!

02-17-2003, 03:52 PM
Man that's a tough life!! Beds in almost every room. Spoiled...why I can't imagine why you would say that?

My thought is if/when I'm reincarnated, I want to come back to as a dog with owners like us. ;)

02-17-2003, 04:44 PM
lol :D

in our hallway, we have this little empty spot (my stairs are curved and leave that shape in the hall) and that little cirlce they make is room for mickey's cage or sleeping spot. he also has one in the living room but if he's sleepy and we're eating in the kitchen we'll bring it there so we can keep our eye on him. so, its kinda like a portable bed :p no permanent spot...

02-17-2003, 04:52 PM
GREAT PICTURES AND GREAT DOGGIES!! :) My dogs sleep really wherever they want. During the day it's usually on the sofa or the recliners. At night it's in the Big Bed with me. :)

02-17-2003, 05:26 PM
Very cute pictures!

Pepper sleeps on the couch or on the bed.
Rocky and Sheba can sleep anywhere they want
as long as it's on the ground.
Rocky likes his crate, so he takes turns sleeping
in his crate or sleeping on the cold tile or rug.

Chris J
02-17-2003, 05:38 PM
Holly sleeps in my bed 90% of the time. When it's really hot she likes to sleep on the cold tile floor in the laundry room.

02-17-2003, 05:46 PM
Cute cute pictures!!

Our dogs sleep where ever they can find room!! lol We have dog beds on the floor, a big overstuffed chair, blankets on the floor, 2 chairs on either side of the bed, and our bed...take your pick...

02-17-2003, 06:07 PM
They look like they deserve it:)
Ours sleep wherever they want (except on the furniture). They have beds, but don't sleep on them half the time!

02-17-2003, 08:50 PM
Ours used to sleep with us, but I was having back and neck pains in the morning (I wouldn't dare try to sleep the correct way and disturb them!!!), so we got them beds. Abbey loves hers, and Kito, well, he pretends not to like his. He'll fall asleep on the floor right beside my side of the bed, but if I wake up during the night, he's over in his bed!!!
Right now, they only have one each (not counting the 2 we had to throw out yesterday), but I really really want to get them a couch--the little doggie couch!! Hubby says no, but we'll see!!

Very cute pictures by the way!!!!

02-17-2003, 09:31 PM
Otis- He sleeps on chairs all over... That's why I go to school hairy!
Prince- He sleeps where ever I am!
Chubby and Digger prefer it outside!

02-17-2003, 10:52 PM
Tikeya Sleeps on couch and on my bed.. Oscar sleeps where ever his little heart disires lol :)

02-18-2003, 01:36 AM
At night Nebo sleeps in a crate in my room. No dogs allowed on couches/beds here...parents rules. :(

He has a large bed in our family room that he LOVES. It's nothing fancy, but comfy I guess!

Smokey has a bed in the kitchen, and Reggie always goes in his crate on his own to sleep.....it's his den. :)

Here's a pic of Nebo's bed:

02-18-2003, 05:56 AM
Spoiled????Whats' that...
I firmly believe that a Bed in each room of the house is the standard.......i can see that your furkids agree....

great pics!!!!!!

Love the camping one.....

What breed is Kelsy again?????
that TAIL is Stunning!!!!very Foxlike!!!!

02-18-2003, 06:24 AM
Drake has a Giant bed in the living room. He isn't allowed on mommy's new couch and loveseat, so we had a bed made for him to match our furniture. But at night when it is time to go to sleep, Drake hops on the big bed and sleeps with his mommy and daddy!

When we go camping, Drake sleeps in the tent with us.

02-18-2003, 06:31 AM
in the living room, where serious tv watching/ reading happens,alex and i get the the recliner, the cats have a corner of the couch, which is covered by a now furry sheet, and an old white chair, and duke has a blanket, folded so the maxium pawing- adjusting can be done. in the kitchen, which is where they stay while i'm at work is dukes' main bed under the table, a large foam filled pad with 2 blankets on for pawing-adjusting, alex has a foam bed, but he will stretch out on the floor when he gets too hot. in the bedroom, there is the big bed, a round sheepskin covered foam circle, a pile of blankets( for pawing-adjusting;) ) and a bean bag filled bed, and the cats have a cuddler on the dresser. there isn't anything specifically in the computer room, so i'll have to fix that.
duke had somewhat of a knock-about life before he moved in with us, he has calluses on his elbows, so i do my best to make sure the old dog has as many soft places to lie as i can manage.
i am thinking about an outdoor bed for the summer, one of those elevated cots for him

02-18-2003, 10:37 AM
Since we got the girls at shelters we really aren't sure what breeds they are. The owners gave Ashlee up and told the shelter she was a sheltie/shepherd mix:confused: And with Nina, she was returned to the same shelter twice, the shelter picked her breed, austrialian shepherd/cocker mix:confused: It depends on the day what breed we think they are... :) We keep Nina's hair cut, so her tail is smaller than it can be. It really is fox like when clean and fluffy:D

02-18-2003, 11:02 AM
Now when my husband complains about how many dog beds we have in the house, I'm just going to show him Ashlee's and Nina's. They makes Hannah and Tucker's collection look paltry.
In the kitchen we have the bunk beds. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid51/p73c6feb0deec87b4e4675d3fd89d583d/fc9ec3be.jpg
In the family room sometimes we are inclined to share.
Here Hannah models another family room beddie.
and this is Tucker's brand new bed which is placed next to the big bed.http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid51/pab73dfb8643eda445988379c38134f33/fc9ec5d8.jpg
Now just so you're not confused...at night they both sleep in the Big Bed. Hannah on top of the covers, Tucker underneath. If Tucker gets too hot, he will pop out to the beddie placed conveniently next to the Big Bed.

Dakota's Mommy
02-18-2003, 03:23 PM
Cute pics everybody, thanks for sharing! As for mine, they sleep where ever they want and think they can get away with! Here are a few pics!

Our bed!
The Loveseat!
Destiny's Bed!
The Chair!

Dakota's Mommy
02-18-2003, 03:26 PM
On the Couch!
On Dakota's Bed!
On Daddy!

On Mommy (but I don't have any pics of that), Etc., Etc., Etc. The list goes on and on.

02-18-2003, 03:45 PM
GREAT, GREAT pictures.:D :D :D Everyone is sooooooo happy:D