View Full Version : Nebo's semi-eventful day

02-16-2003, 02:57 AM
It's 1:30 a.m. and I'm bored so I figured I'd blabber on for a bit...

Well, this afternoon my friend and I decided to attempt the impossible and try to go for a civilized walk with 2 very wild big dogs...Lady and Nebo. It went surprisingly well. When Nebo first went up to Lady, I stepped on his leash so he could stand up and sniff her, but not jump. Jumping on dogs is his problem! I was able to get him to stay with Lady right there, and also with Reggie in the backyard and me throwing a ball in the backyard earlier...that's amazing for Nebo, lol. He would NOT stay when Melissa's brother, Craig, walked by though....I've never seen a dog so terrified of a person before.

He tried to pull at first, but every time he'd pull I'd stop and make him sit. I think I was rather getting on his nerves...lol....he walked quite well, but we need to work on heel.

Well, we got down to my house and we let them play in my backyard. They had plenty of fun with that (as usual)...and were quite talented at covering themselves from head to tail with mud. They really like to chase eachother around Nebo's dog run! Nebo was chasing Lady around it really fast...and I'm not quite sure what happened...but he suddenly just RAMMED into the corner of the dog run! He yelped and fell over...my friend and I both rushed over...she grabbed Lady. My poor puppy! He was limping really bad, and he cried out when I grabbed him...I felt him all over, moved his legs, etc. and he was ok....he stopped limping later too and acted just fine, so I think he's ok. :(

Later that evening, he peed in the house. I didn't want to drag him up to shower his legs off again (as I would if I left him in the dog run) so I left him in the crate...my friend and I went to the mall...we were only gone for about an hour. When I got home, my brother's fiance's parents were arriving right as I came in, meeting my parents for the first time...starting dinner. I didn't think about it, and I just took Nebo out and tied him up in the kitchen (he's really not bad with food around, I just didn't want him to cause any problems with the guests). He fell asleep and was a very good boy. After dinner I let him loose, but with all the people there, I didnt notice...he was at the door wanting out, but I didn't make it to him in time...it wasn't his fault though, he couldn't help it. Bad me. :(

He did his tricks for the guests perfectly...even caught the treat from his nose every time...which is quite odd, since he rarely catches it. They loved him! He loved them too, which is also odd, as he is usually a bit timid of strangers.

After they left, I was feeding Nebo his dinner. I worked on having him do some new tricks with it first (sit pretty, bow) and was just feeding him the last bit by hand while he layed on his bed. Well, the brave little poodle came over....Nebo had been really good about that before, even let him put his nose right in the bowl. But this was different, this wasn't a bowl, this was my hand he was eating from, so think he was more protective of it...it was also on his bed. Smokey came and put his nose RIGHT in Nebo's face...before I had a chance to move him, Nebo reached over and bit him in the face!! :eek: I was NOT very happy about this, and he spent the rest of the night in his crate (it happened at like 10:30 anyway)...Smokey's fine, he didn't even act like he cared afterward. Still sniffing around looking for food bits.

Umm yeah....so that was Nebo's semi-eventful day. I hope tomorrow will be better. Nebo does not care either way...right now he's sound asleep in his crate...

As you can see, I'm rather bored right now. :) Oh yeah...and this has nothing to do with Nebo...I bit my tongue HARD friday night while eating. It still hurts...really really bad...and tonight, it feels like its going numb, and now the back of my mouth on just the one side hurts too....:confused: yeah, just thought I'd share that. lol

02-16-2003, 03:03 AM
LOL! Silly Nebo! Poor old Smokey! :( Always the victim of Nebo terror isn't he? ;) Glad Nebo liked the guests. Maybe he knows they are future family! :) BTW, congrats on your brother getting married! :D

02-16-2003, 10:27 AM
Sound like Nebo was a pretty good boy. A few mistakes, but hey, he's still a pup!!!
I'm sure he will continue to improve, he sounds like he is getting so much better every day--he even left the strangers alone!!!
Good Boy Nebo!!!