View Full Version : Funny dog names

02-15-2003, 02:38 PM
Lots of people name their dogs after something or someone, or maybe after something funny the dog does. There's almost always a story about why a dog has a certain name. So, just for fun, tell me the names of all your dogs and why they are named that.
For exaple, my dog, Scamper, has a really strange name. When we got him from the pound, I was probably about five and I noticed that he liked to scamper in the park. I named him Scamper because of that.
I can't wait to read about your dog's name. :D

02-15-2003, 02:52 PM
Lady Ashlee Rose, came from the shelter with the name of 'Asher", but we changed it to Ashlee. The double 'ee' thing since we had Tonee, Kelcee and Shep-ee. And she needed a middle name , so came the Rose. Rose is from Rose Nyland on the 'Golden Grils', who is played by Bette White, a REAL animal lover. I know ,pretty strange way to get a name... And we think they are all special, thus the Lady, Queen and Princess parts.

Nina came with her name and maybe we will change the spelling of it to Neena, so we can keep the doulbe 'ee' thing going. And her middle name Grace is after Princess Grace:)

Kelcee was named after Ann Kelcey on 'L.A. Law' I was watching the show the night before I went and picked her up and thought it would be a great name for her. The Yorel part is Leroy spelled backwards after her brother (RB).

02-15-2003, 02:53 PM
Kito--when we got him, we had been trying to think of names for a while, but when we got his papers, his mothers registered name was Nikita, and we thought that was cool--we shortened it and made it sound like a boy's name (I think)

Abbey--she was already named at the rescue when we got her, but it's funny, when they got the three dogs (she and 2 others), they were A, B, and C--they became Abbey, Baxter, and Chester.

Max (my parents dog)--my dad had a dog named max when he was growing up, they named him that in memory of the other one!!

02-15-2003, 03:00 PM
mickey's name is just because we all found it very cute and it suited him :) pretty exciting, huh? :D if we hadn't name dhim mickey, my dad loves the name simba and we would have probably named him that.

02-15-2003, 03:18 PM
Sadie was just a name Rlph cameup with that we both liked

Cincy is short for Cincinnati, where Ralph and I went to school and met :)

02-15-2003, 03:45 PM
Wilma-I just really wanted to use a little old lady name.

George-he reminded me of the big cartoon guy that says, "I'm going to love him and hug him and call him George."

Joxer-a rather intellectually limited character from Xena played by Ted Raimi, one of my favorites.

Buford-he's a hick. Named after Jackie Gleason's character Buford T. Justice in Smokey And The Bandit.

Norbert-goofy cartoon character beaver from The Angry Beavers.

02-15-2003, 03:57 PM
Queen Sally Hunter
is my dogs full name. Queen and Hunter are just names because she is a hunting dog and Queen of the house.......pretty much.
The name Sally has a long story. Well here is a long story made short.
I used to have a dog named Sammy when I was a baby, we sold her and then got a dog named Lady when I was in third grade we ended up selling her to. Later on we got Sally. I named her from Sammy and Ladys names combined and came up with Sally. sammy and sally both have 5 letters and s, a and y in them. Lady and Sally both have l, a, and in them. WEIRD huh :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: :) :D
that is the story of Sally's name.

02-15-2003, 09:09 PM
Dúna - I named her that because the word "Dúnn" means those soft feathers on birds, and when some thing is really soft it is called "DÚNmjúkt", (soft like Dúnn). She was such a soft little furball that we thought that the name Dúna really suted her.

Ísis - Her full name is Ísabella Ísis. We loved the name Isabella but also Ísis, we named her both because we couln´t choose. When Ísis was 2 weeks old she looked just like an Polarbear (in our country we call them ÍSbjörn) so I wanted to have a name that started with the letters Ís (means Ice, like Polar in polarbear). Then we found Ísabella Ísis :)

02-15-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by primabella
mickey's name is just because we all found it very cute and it suited him :) pretty exciting, huh? :D if we hadn't name dhim mickey, my dad loves the name simba and we would have probably named him that.

Simba! What an awesome name!!!!!!!!

I named my buttsy boy, Simba, because The Lion King is my favorite movie of all times. If i could choose now, i'd pick a much more unique name.

02-15-2003, 09:30 PM
My husband named Louie. Louie's full name reads... Louis Qwilleran Winthorpe....."Louis Winthorpe" was Dan Ackroyd's character in "Trading Places". The 'Qwilleran' is from The Cat Who... series of books. We were going to name our first 'skin-kid' that. Decided to only have furkids so Louie got the name.:D

"The Beans"

Mocha Bean-(Siameezer) I was working at an Espresso stand.

Garbonzo Bean-(Siameezer) I got Bonzo as a buddy for Mocha....Had to keep with the Bean names.:)

02-15-2003, 09:49 PM
Peach - her full name is Chester's Sweet Peaches. Chester was her daddy (he was my 100 lb baby boy). And we figured Peach would fit - sometimes she's a good peach, sometimes she's a bad peach and most of the time she's a sweet peach.

Max - Baron Von Maximillian XXX - he's a little dog and he needed a big name. Of course most of the time, he's Bubba, Twinkie or Little Bitty Buddy - all of which he answers to.

Carly - Her full name is Carly Simon. The neighbors we rescued her from had already named her and it seem to fit. She only answered to her name when she felt like it anyway and we didn't want to give her too much of a challenge. She's kind of a ding-dong.

Molly - Her full name is Miss Molly Cupcake. Dick wanted to use Cupcake in her name because then we'd have a twinkie (Max), a ding-dong (Carly), a cupcake (Molly) and a Peach. Don't ask me - it made sense to him.

02-16-2003, 10:21 AM
LOL! :p awesome names u guys. thanks 4 answering my thread.

02-16-2003, 11:32 AM
our name story isn't very exciting...
Ruby had her name when she was surrendered to the shelter. She was about 1 1/2 when we got her so we didn't want to change her name. I like it though, I think it suits her :)

02-16-2003, 12:41 PM
Annie- Came with the name Lil' Ann and thats kinda hard to saw quickly

Buck- Because his reg. name is "Buck Naked" Poor Buck.

Odie- His name was ollie, but I couldnt stand that name!

Dutchess- Because she was bought with another rotty pup, named Bishop and they acted like royelty, but later on bishop 1 was stoled.

Bishop 2- Was bought to and named after Bishop 1.

Blueberry- The color of her eyes.

Memow- Who knows how we came up with that.

Peppy- ummm..she looks like a peppy.

Ozzy- she's all black and kinda reminded us of ozzy osborne.

Soni De- I liked the name sonny and the name Dee so I put them together and changed the spelling.

02-16-2003, 12:47 PM
Reggie--my brother suggested it, and we just all liked the name

Smokey--we got him when we were kids, and we named him...what can I say....lol...a very unoriginal name...but hey, he's black like smoke

Nebo--there's a mountain around here called Mt. Nebo. I just thought it'd be cute. Most people around here look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them his name.

02-16-2003, 04:05 PM
Katie - Her registered name is Katie Mae Conway. She was named by my Dad after his mother, Katie Marie Conway.

Bull - Bull came with his name, which at first thought was so unoriginal. "Oh he looks like a pit bull, let's call him Bull." After a while though I notice him headbutting me when I didn't pay attention to him. Maybe that little trait gave him his name I don't know.

02-16-2003, 05:08 PM
I don't have very interesting stories.

Lolly - She was named that by her original owners (her mother was Tootsie). I adopted her when she was going on 6 yrs old so I kept the name. I have grown to love it :)

Reece - His name at the shelter was PAUL SMITH so that had to be changed :D I named him Reece because he loves peanut butter, he's the color of peanut butter, and he's sweet like the candy. I did change the spelling a bit.

Peka - She came with the name. I sometimes call her Paquita though. Or Peka Boo :)

Shiloh - I almost named her Shadowe, but when the vet asked me her name, I blurted out "Shiloh". I have no clue why. I really like the name and think it fits her well.