View Full Version : A sad story: Dolly the sheep is gone

02-14-2003, 02:15 PM
   Dolly the cloned sheep is no longer with us. Dolly was special not because she was cloned but because everyone is special.

   From the Boston globe, Dolly the sheep has gone to the rainbow bridge. (http://www.boston.com/news/daily/14/dolly_dies.htm)


02-14-2003, 02:18 PM
Poor Dolly. As an asthmatic, I know how awfully uncomfortable lung disease can be. We loved your sweet sheepy face, Dolly. I bet you were the most famous sheep in the whole world!

Graze well on the sweet green grass at the Rainbow Bridge, Dolly.

02-14-2003, 02:36 PM
:( sad that she had to go so young:(

02-14-2003, 04:11 PM
Awww. :( Poor baby. :( She was so cute. :(:(

Ps. I thought cloning was supposed to make them live longer than their average lifespan. On CNN, it says the average life span for a sheep is 11-12 years. She only lived to 6. That's just half as long as a normal sheep would live. Looks like they failed in the cloning myth. I never liked the idea anyway. Poor sheep though. :(

02-14-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I never liked the idea anyway. Poor sheep though. :(

I agree. I just don't like the idea...mostly because so many animals and beings will suffer before they "perfect" it. I hope that this will no longer be allowed by law.

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-14-2003, 05:43 PM
Poor Dolly...
I hope she was never in any pain from premature aging and just being a clone in general... Sweet little sheep I hope you are grazing well and frollicking happy at the RB!!:(

02-14-2003, 09:04 PM
messin' with nature is wrong. Cloning is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!

02-15-2003, 08:37 AM
How sad! Cloning should be banned!

02-15-2003, 10:10 AM
i think cloning is wrong unless it is done to clone organs to donate. how sad about dolly's death :( she had such a sweet face. i heard on the news that she aged faster than she normally would. my sister (she's very smart) said it might be because once you clone something you are removing cells. less cells to help build and repair tissue, and grow...i don't know if i'm making sense here :rolleyes:

may dolly rest in peace :(

02-15-2003, 10:34 AM
poor Dolly!she was a nice sheep.i agree cloning is only good for organs most of the time.