View Full Version : Update on Prince!

02-13-2003, 08:40 PM
I am going to give you an update on my new puppy that I got as a Christmas present.
Well, first of all let me tell you how he got his AKC name.
On Christmas day, my really good boy friend passed away. He was a really good friend of mine, and I really miss him. His name was Taylor. Anyway, I really wanted some way to remember him. I named Prince:
Prince Taylor- White Fox
As some of you know, Prince is a samoyed, and when I got him, he looked like a white fox. That is how Prince got his name.

When I first got Prince he was about the same size as my pug otis, and now he is about three inches above Otis! It seems as if he grew so fast!
I really love him so much, and he is so smart! He is doing very well on his obedience, and I will be so happy to work with him this summer.
I will try to post some pics ASAP!!!!
Talk to you later,

02-13-2003, 08:57 PM
interesting way to name! :) and get those picks asap!!!

02-13-2003, 09:56 PM
That is a very special name for your pup.
I can't wait to see the pics!!

02-17-2003, 09:42 PM
Sorry! It may take me a while to get the pics, I am a pokey puppy!lol! :D