View Full Version : Worcester and Lucky

02-09-2003, 11:59 AM
Continuing the stories of senior cats, begun with Fluff the Moggy Marvel, with those of Worcester and Lucky.
Worcester is on the left and Lucky on the right

Worcester (22) has always been a cat who knows his own mind. He grew up in a house along the road from Gail and Steve Shorter in Kings Langley, Herts. But after four years the owners moved on taking Worcester and his brother with them. To the Shorters surprise (and delight) Worcester reappeared on their doorstep and promptly moved in.
Steve has a theory that Worcester is deliberately keeping going to prevent them for going on a long holiday to New Zealand! Actually, the couple confesses they couldn’t face leaving him. He gets so cross with Gail when she returns from a short break that he lifts his paw to hit out at her to show his anger at being `abandoned`. In reality their daughter and son-in-law move in to lavish care on him
19 year old Lucky was exactly that. Gail Claydon and her family found her as a tiny kitten abandoned under a prickly bush while out on a walk near Bognor Regis, West Sussex, way back in 1983.
Gail’s son had his arms scratched to pieces in hauling her out, and it became a family mission to hand-rear her, even though the vet who saw her said it might be touch and go.
Eighteen months ago Lucky was diagnosed with kidney failure – a condition that often proves fatal fairly quickly. Thankfully, her vet was able to prescribe Fortekor shortly after it had been licensed to treat kidney disease. “It gave her a new lease of life”, explains Gail. Lucky`s vet confirmed, “This really proved a lifesaver for Lucky and given Mr and Mrs Claydon more time with their cherished pet”.
Luckys lifestyle has changed considerably over the years. She has gone from being an active cat about town, to a sedate old lady who goes out only if it is nice and warm and dry. Her stiff legs will still take her up the stairs to bed at night though, and she will spend most of her day downstairs, in her chosen chair.
Prone more now to bad temper, Lucky, who still has all her own teeth, will inform her owners, gently at first, when she has had enough of being groomed, but Gail says she is great with their four grandchildren.
So what is Lucky`s secret of long life? “I think it is not doing a lot”, says Gail. “She’s never been terribly energetic, but she has always been a very confident, cared-for cat”.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-09-2003, 05:55 PM
Well, Fluff was black, and Lucky is black, so hopefully this says something about black cats living long lives. Anyone notice that Tubby is black too? ;) :D

Thanks Chris, it's interesting reading the tails of these senior felines. :)

02-09-2003, 05:57 PM
Congrats to all these wonderful kitties on their long and happy lives!!

02-10-2003, 03:33 AM
What lovely stories!

Edwina's Secretary
02-10-2003, 08:50 AM
Great stories and so very British. I would somehow EXPECT the world's oldest cat to be in the U.K!