View Full Version : Breed Help

02-08-2003, 09:04 AM
My mom said in a few years, I would be able to get a job at her office (working with computers too, so I can visit Pet Talk!), and when I do, she might allow me to support my own dog. I know it will take lots of responsibility and of course money, but what I am concerned about right now is finding the right breed. I was thinking of a Scottish Terrier. I want a small dog because I have adapted to big dogs all my life with a Great Dane, Collie, and GSD, so I would like to take care of a little dog. Has anyone had any previous or present experience with a Scottie? I heard they are hard to train, but are great watchdogs. Has anyone ever had a Scottie?:)

02-08-2003, 09:18 AM
I haven't, but a woman I teach with has 2 of them. I will ask her on Monday and let you know.

02-08-2003, 07:10 PM
Keep in mind that any type of terrier will be high energy and more difficult to train (hard to keep their attention, I think) Also, don't forget about grooming requirements. People that have Scotties (my customers at the grooming salon) really are loyal to the breed, but I find them "bitey" things. Never knew one that would not bite you if it felt like it. Just my 2 cents.

02-08-2003, 08:39 PM
Yes, I know, which is what will make it more of a chalenge. I have never trained a dog before, and I think it will be a great experience for me. Oh yes, I know all about grooming requirements. My 1st grade teacher once told my mother about her old Scottish Terrier (I had been carrying around a Scottie stuffed animal in class, and she said it reminded her of her old dog [I think that stuffed animal is still in the attic somewhere, it is what made me come to love the breed]) and she said that they do nip and nibble a lot. :)

02-14-2003, 05:24 PM
I don't think that Scotties would be hard to train, because I have heard the Samoyeds are hard to train, and my Samoyed, Prince, is very intelligent. I think it would be fun. I would look up the breed though!
Good Luck! :D :D

02-14-2003, 05:39 PM
Never owned a Scottie, but the ones I have heard stories of are stubborn, and real scamps! Lorna Doone (my Great Aunt's dog of her youth) was a lap dog - when she felt like it - who kept her large human family on their toes! Not a dog that you can neglect ... but then, no true terrier is! :)

02-16-2003, 01:17 PM
i have never owned a scottie but i read in books that they need to be traind WELL as a pup. The ones i know are noisy maybe that is because they are protective.
more lap dog suggestions would be..
1. yorkie
2. Bichon Frise'
3. maltese
4. dachund
5. bulldog
6. pug
7. jack russel terrier
there are many many more:D

02-16-2003, 03:27 PM
Thanks everyone! I will be sure to keep this all in mind when it comes time for me to get my pup! :D Of course I have Lady for now, and I wouldn't trade her for any Scottie in the world!

02-17-2003, 09:19 PM
also keep in mind that teriers become very attached and aggressive toward ppl that they arnt assocated with ..

I suggest a shih tzu :




Lhasa apso:

Mini pinchers:






Mini poodle: http://ftp.yellowpages.co.il/dsites/urib/P5020033.jpg


good luck chooseing have fun with your new baby :D