View Full Version : Yep you're right Kimmy...and here's my response!

02-05-2003, 04:12 PM
Here's my letter to that moronic idiot Debbie DeLeon in Lansing regarding the Ingham County Shelter. What do you think?? If you want to email her, here's her email address: [email protected]

Dear Ms DeLeon,

You are right, you will get letters regarding that hideous shelter of yours. I have read report after report on that place and I am appalled by it. I assume that you are not an animal lover or you would not condone the practices of the Ingham County Shelter. No animal deserves to be sold to research for God's sake. Every report I've read has made it clear that the shelter is very indiscriminant about who it euthanizes and who it sells to research and they are very difficult to work with if you happen to be a rescue trying to save a few lives. The last fact I know because I have talked with a couple of different rescues that hold very low opinions of your shelter.

I am disgusted that you refuse to validate the committee trying to investigate that awful place. I certainly would have expected better of a Democrat who supposedly looks out for the welfare of the down trodden. I hope the constituents of North Lansing are as disgusted as I and someone stands up and runs against you in the next election if you are to remain this narrow minded on the subject of other living things.

I would hope that you would reconsider your position on this matter, as your name is currently being circulated all over the world on a pet bulletin board. I am hoping that some of these people will come forward and express their outrage at such a ridiculous stand.

Thank you,

Molly Kendall

And here's her picture (just in case anyone wants to print it out, blow it up, and throw darts at it! lol)


02-05-2003, 05:42 PM
Hey Mugsy and Kim,

How about possibly calling the tv news stations. The one thing that shelters like that hate is publicity. Especially negative publicity.

I have never heard of a shelter selling animals to research. I think it's disgusting and the people who do it are immoral.

If there's anything I can do on my end, please let me know. Afterall, I DO live in Michigan too, am unemployed and have lots of time on my hands. I'd be happy to help out anyway I can.

Good letter Molly.

02-05-2003, 05:54 PM
email her. I think the TV stations are a great idea. Go for it!!!

02-05-2003, 06:20 PM
A girl I work with is leaving our company to go work for a company that does animal testing. I don't how how she can do it...she has Guinea pigs, something they do A LOT of testing on. But it's okay the do, plastics like knee replacements...not shaving the animal and testing skin products (her words!) Then she told me they also use cats, dogs, sheep, etc. She said she "didn't even want to know where they got the animals" I guess ignorance is bliss...or maybe her soul is only worth the $3000/yr plus vision and dental.

I will send an email to the "lovely" lady below.

02-05-2003, 06:21 PM
I emailed her also. this is cruel! thank you so much for posting it! hopefully she will resign her position.

~ Jess ~

02-05-2003, 06:30 PM
Did I miss a thread!?!? What is this referring to??

02-05-2003, 06:42 PM
Kimmy's thread about the Ingraham County Shelter has the story.

02-06-2003, 07:28 AM
Now I have found your thread, Molly. I just didn't look far enough the first time. Good for you on writing that letter, especially since it is based on solid knowledge. I hope the commission will facilitate some changes in these awful practices.


02-06-2003, 12:12 PM
Great Letter Molly! I keep rewriting mine because I've been a baaaaddd girl. ;) I want to make it look professional ya know. :)

Since the story ran in the State Journal (First color article under Local & State), I assume many saw it.

I wonder if those starting the Task Force would be interested in airing it on the news?

02-06-2003, 12:27 PM
Kimmy, that woman messed with the wrong person! lol Between all the people on PT, we could make quite a stink. Have you thought about writing a letter to the editor of the paper and express your opinions? Did you like that I posted her picture?? hehehe