View Full Version : Price Of Gas!

02-05-2003, 01:09 PM
Has anyone noticed the price of gas in the last couple of days??? It went from $1.39 here in Michigan to $1.63 a gallon!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm glad I have a small car. I also hear it's gonna get worse. The highest I've seen it is $1.65 for regular (high test is almost $2.00/gal).

02-05-2003, 01:19 PM
I know the gas here is really expensive too but I don't know how to do the conversion. Whether it's from gallons to litres or US dollars to Canadian dollars :D Hey, I never said I was smart ;)

Anyway, if it means anything, we pay about 75 cents per litre.

02-05-2003, 01:26 PM
At Costco I filled up for $1.31 a gal. The radio said there will be a price war soon for places like Costco and Safeway, large stores that sell gas. And that it could raise the gas prics not lower it as gas wars usually do.

02-05-2003, 01:30 PM
   I used to go a web site called Gas Price Watch (http://www.gaspricewatch.com/) where you could find the best local price and see prices from other areas. This site is not working right now. Perhaps, it has closed.

   It is strange how much prices vary from state to state.


02-05-2003, 01:36 PM
I can't complain about the price-- the higher it goes, the more work (ie livelihood) my dad has (he's an oilfield-supervisor-sumthin'-rather).

It does get costly but try and remember that 1000s upon 1000s of us southwestern-ers are employed by it!

02-05-2003, 01:53 PM
I bought gas yesterday for 81.9 cents per litre! Multiply that by 4 and you have an approximate price of what it would be per gallon; $3.28. Convert that to US dollars; it's about $2.19 per gallon. Totally insane and a rip off! :mad:

Edwina's Secretary
02-05-2003, 01:56 PM
Some of the potential side effects of a war in Iraq include sky- high fuel prices, further bankruptcies in the airline industry and the total demise of United Airlines.

The recent hicks are just some companies getting in on it a little early.

02-05-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
I bought gas yesterday for 81.9 cents per litre! Multiply that by 4 and you have an approximate price of what it would be per gallon; $3.28. Convert that to US dollars; it's about $2.19 per gallon. Totally insane and a rip off! :mad:

Thank you! I was still trying to figure it out!

02-05-2003, 02:01 PM
These are the prices in Denmark pr. liter - quite a bit more than almost everywhere else. :eek:

1$ = 6.88 danish kroner

Gasoline prices in Denmark (http://www.fdm.dk/altombiler/oekonomi/benzinpriser/default.asp?mLVL1=2&mID=726)

This is bound to make you feel a little better. :D

02-05-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz

Thank you! I was still trying to figure it out!

no probs! My parents live in the US and so we are always converting money. Also, I'm so close to Bellingham some of my friends cross the border to buy gas because even with the conversion, it's still much cheaper.

Randi - those prices are INSANE!!! :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-05-2003, 02:10 PM
I have no problem with the price of gas. Here in the US it is cheaper than almost anywhere else in the world - and you can tell. In almost every other country in the world a Honda CRV would be considered a big SUV - here it's considered a small one. I really believe that Americans are so wealthy that they just waste resources without thinking twice about it - until things start getting "expensive." I would love gas prices to go through the roof so the US would become less dependent on foreign oil and tap its own resources (and give even more SW'ers jobs) - but most importantly it might stimulate the auto industry to get on it and start developing vehicles that use alternate fuels. I would absolutely love to have one of those hybrid Prius thingys that get about 50 mpg, but for many reasons it's just not practical for me right now. :( Already people are starting to realize that SUVs aren't the be-all end-all that everyone thinks. There was an article in last Sunday's paper about people who have already gotten rid of their SUVs and gone back to cars. I would love to see more of that happening, and I think it will, especially if we do go to war and the price of gas really goes through the roof.

Another reason high gas prices might be a blessing in disguise is it might bring us Americans back down to earth a little - I'm not counting on it though. :(

Ok, off my soapbox now. This is just one of my pet peeves.


02-05-2003, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I have no problem with the price of gas. Here in the US it is cheaper than almost anywhere else in the world - and you can tell. In almost every other country in the world a Honda CRV would be considered a big SUV - here it's considered a small one. I really believe that Americans are so wealthy that they just waste resources without thinking twice about it - until things start getting "expensive." I would love gas prices to go through the roof so the US would become less dependent on foreign oil and tap its own resources (and give even more SW'ers jobs) - but most importantly it might stimulate the auto industry to get on it and start developing vehicles that use alternate fuels. I would absolutely love to have one of those hybrid Prius thingys that get about 50 mpg, but for many reasons it's just not practical for me right now. :( Already people are starting to realize that SUVs aren't the be-all end-all that everyone thinks. There was an article in last Sunday's paper about people who have already gotten rid of their SUVs and gone back to cars. I would love to see more of that happening, and I think it will, especially if we do go to war and the price of gas really goes through the roof.

Another reason high gas prices might be a blessing in disguise is it might bring us Americans back down to earth a little - I'm not counting on it though. :(

Ok, off my soapbox now. This is just one of my pet peeves.


I agree with you 100%. Just that I want to get rid of our car and get an SUV! :p

02-05-2003, 02:30 PM
I've been thinking about it for a couple year so Jan. 6th I bought a 2003 Prius. :D

It's a great little car. Front end reminds me of my old VW bug., very short. Easy steering. With my first tank of gas it shows I'm getting 41MPG. I'll be able to check the accuracy better with the next fillup.

02-05-2003, 02:47 PM
Oh dear :o !! I LOVE my SUV and it is my second one in a row. Not only that, but we just bought another one, even bigger than mine!!! It takes all kinds to make the world go round. Don't you worry, Zippy Kat, between Scott and me and our gas guzzling vehicles, your father and others should be just fine!!!!

All kidding aside, it's just that everyone has their own needs plus their own "likes" and an SUV simply fits my lifestyle better, with kids, dogs, rescue work, but they do use a lot of gas! My desire would be to have my SUV with better mileage. Maybe one day that will happen. Wouldn't that be great?

02-05-2003, 02:54 PM

This might be of interest to you all.


And this will give yuou some idea of what we're paying - these prices are per litre NOT per gallon. There are approx. $1.56 to the £.
This I hope goes someway to explain the move to smaller cars - petrol is too da**** expensive!!


Kona & Oreo's mom
02-05-2003, 03:00 PM
As I read the prices moosmom posted, I thought "wouldn't that be nice!" Here in southern CA, the gas prices are higher than elsewhere in the US. I regularly pay $1.85, and that gets higher during each summer. Good thing I have an efficient car!

Miss Meow
02-05-2003, 03:32 PM
We have been paying the equivalent of >$US2 per gallon for several years now. And it will go even higher. Go pedal power!

02-06-2003, 09:25 AM
Saw this on MSN this morning. I believe the auto makers are working hard to try and come up with some alternatives for people like me who need and want a larger vehicle, but want to conserve energy and help the environment too!

Gas Electric SUV (http://autos.msn.com/advice/standardart.aspx?contentid=4020586&src=News)

02-06-2003, 10:46 AM
Thanks for that link, Logan. I know several carmakers are working on hybrid SUVs, but couldn't find as good a description as that link.

Another benefit, until at least 2005, new Hybrid owners get a $2,000 "Clean Fuel" credit on their tax returns. I'm looking forward to that next year.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-06-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Freckles
I've been thinking about it for a couple year so Jan. 6th I bought a 2003 Prius. :D

That is so cool! I love the color! One of my doubts about it is the safety rating. It passes all the government tests (has to before it can go on the road) but what about the Insurance Institutes offset crash testing? They haven't tested it yet. Toyota traditionally has great safety ratings though. (my parents were in a bad car accident a few years ago so vehicle safety ratings are very important to me).

All kidding aside, it's just that everyone has their own needs plus their own "likes" and an SUV simply fits my lifestyle better, with kids, dogs, rescue work, but they do use a lot of gas!
I've got no problem with people who actually "need" as SUV because they make use of the "Utility Vehicle" part of SUV. It's all the suburbanites around here who just drive them as status symbols that bothers me.

And I have to admit that we're looking at a Chevy Tracker because we want somethiing with 4 wheel drive to tow behind the motorhome. That way when we get to the desert areas, or places like Big Bend National Park, we can see more of it because there are many places out there that can only be accessed by 4 wheel drive.

So it's not SUV's in general that bother me, it's the waste of all that fuel just for the sake of egos. And I agree, an SUV that gets better gas mileage would be great. :)

02-06-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

.........I'm so close to Bellingham some of my friends cross the border .......

If you are in Victoria aren't you closer to Port Angeles, WA than Bellingham? :confused: Or is there a ferry that goes from Victoria to Bellingham without going through the San Jauns?:D

02-06-2003, 09:04 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like this! I totally hear ya! LOL I swear that everyone and their brother drives an SUV around these parts. What's really funny is every parking garage around here (especially downtown San Jose) is all for "compact cars", it even says "compact car" in all the little spaces. There's just one catch. Hardly nobody drives a car...let alone a compact car around here! :rolleyes: Most of the people out here have SUVs for the whole status thing, which does annoy me. If you have an SUV because of a hobby, or a job or whatever..that's fine. But I don't think that everyone here in the San Jose area NEEDS a gas guzzling SUV (specifically Mercedes and BMWs) :rolleyes: LOL LOL
I paid $2.03/gallon for gas in my car this week! :eek:

I've got no problem with people who actually "need" as SUV because they make use of the "Utility Vehicle" part of SUV. It's all the suburbanites around here who just drive them as status symbols that bothers me.

And I have to admit that we're looking at a Chevy Tracker because we want somethiing with 4 wheel drive to tow behind the motorhome. That way when we get to the desert areas, or places like Big Bend National Park, we can see more of it because there are many places out there that can only be accessed by 4 wheel drive.

So it's not SUV's in general that bother me, it's the waste of all that fuel just for the sake of egos. And I agree, an SUV that gets better gas mileage would be great.

02-06-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou

If you are in Victoria aren't you closer to Port Angeles, WA than Bellingham? :confused: Or is there a ferry that goes from Victoria to Bellingham without going through the San Jauns?:D

I should have made it more clear :) My friends in Langley go to Bellingham :) I sometimes have to stop and think that I'm not on the mainland, because that's where I consider home :)

02-07-2003, 01:59 AM
I was just wondering. No sorries needed.
Langley? Whidbey Island, Langley? I'm in Port Townsend. Small world isn't it?:D :D

02-07-2003, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by Logan
Oh dear :o !! I LOVE my SUV . Don't you worry, Zippy Kat, between Scott and me and our gas guzzling vehicles, your father and others should be just fine!!!!

Yep, now that we have a gas guzzzler, we're helping too;)
I sure didn't buy it to look "cool", if so I would have bought a sports car or something:D But my three in a sprotscar? Can you even imagine?!

02-07-2003, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I have no problem with the price of gas. Here in the US it is cheaper than almost anywhere else in the world. In almost every other country in the world a Honda CRV would be considered a big SUV - here it's considered a small one. I really believe that Americans are so wealthy that they just waste resources without thinking twice about it - until things start getting "expensive."
Another reason high gas prices might be a blessing in disguise is it might bring us Americans back down to earth a little - I'm not counting on it though. :( :)
I don't want to appear anti-American in any way, as I think that this applies to most of the so-called "civilized" world. My son sent me this cutting which I thought was rather good - any comments??!!


02-07-2003, 07:44 AM
I didn't see that particular paper Jonza but I did receive that message on the email. Made me laugh - but there again - the truth will out............................................... .............. :eek: :(


02-07-2003, 08:48 AM
I don't think most people have a suv for a status symbol, we use our Ford Explorer for everything, we go to the Navy Commissary and buy anywhere from 250.00 to 300.00 worth of groceries, we could never fit them in the trunk of a car, otherwise we would be making three or four trips to the store when we can make one with our suv. We take a lot of weekend vacations, and we pack the suv with our two dogs and the back part of the suv is loaded with luggage and dog crates, dog food, toys, gates for the dogs, etc. etc. When we go to Home depot we can fit most anything we buy in it, that we couldn't in a car. I had a VW Jetta at one time and I can tell you I feel a lot safer in this suv then I did on the freeway in that Jetta. In fact we are thinking of getting a Expedition next time. We feel we have saved gas in the long run, we always had two cars on the road and went down to one suv.

02-07-2003, 09:04 AM
OMG! I filled up last night and it was 87 cents a litre!

02-07-2003, 09:05 AM
Jackie, an Expedition is what we just bought and I can already tell we are going to love it. I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee and I love it too and it looks like an economy car next to that big Expedition!!!! :D

02-07-2003, 09:39 AM
Isn't 87cents a liter over $3 a gallon??? Whew!! And I was going to complain about $1.65 a gallon here and on Imus this morning they said the national average was $1.62. That's the first time we've ever been over the national average, albeit not by very much.

02-07-2003, 09:41 AM
I know, it's terrible. I wish I lived closer to the States, I'd fill up over there. Actually, I'd do all my shopping there, everything is much cheaper :D

02-07-2003, 09:48 AM
We just bought an SUV, but only because we take the dogs everywhere we go, and putting these 2 in the backseat of my Honda Civic was NOT an option. Hondas are very economical on fuel for the most part, so I haven't noticed much of a difference in how often I have to fill up. I agree that the price is ridiculous, but I think public transportation is not an option for some people. My parents live in a small town, where there is one bus, and it mainly picks up the elderly. My husband lives so close to his office, I've conviced him to start walking in the spring--good for him, and good for the gas tank--I live a little too far from work to walk, but I would if I could.

02-07-2003, 10:02 AM
I bought my first SUV in November (a small one - Honda CRV). To be honest we just got tired of having to pay for delivery when buys things at Home Depot, etc. and I do feel safer in it, especially now that I sometimes have my little grandson in the back seat. :) I was rear-ended in my last car (Toyota Corolla) by a Volkswagen Jetta who in turn was rear-ended by a Ford Explorer. The Jetta was totaled, my car suffered $2,000 of damage and the Explorer was fine. I have always driven Toyotas and usually got around 28-30 mpg. I am currently getting about 22 mpg. with my CRV. I don't think that's bad at all.

02-07-2003, 10:14 AM
Im not exactly sure on the exact price here, but to fill our truck up, its over 40 bucks. I mean..it doesn't even last that long :o I think its actually around 80 cents a litre..or something lol

02-07-2003, 12:14 PM
There are a few gas stations that I know will be cheaper than others and so I'll try to fill up there when I can.

I paid $1.69 to fill up near my parents house just this past Wednesday night. oiy.

I remember back in high school when I would cringe when gas was OVER a dollar! LOL!

Dixieland Dancer
02-07-2003, 02:10 PM
I remember in the 70's when there was a gas rationing in our country. You could only get gas on certain days and the lines were so long. :eek: I hope we don't have to go back to that! Then the price of gas was about 45 cents a gallon so as far as inflation is concerned, the price of gas is still a reasonable commodity at $1.45.

We use to get a loaf of bread for 10 cents and now we pay $1.99! People don't seem to complain about that as much. :confused:

02-07-2003, 02:21 PM
I drove by a gas this week that was charging 1.99 a gallon!

As far as the SUV thing, we'll be getting one when we have kids...I am NOT a mini van person, yuck. But, we wont get anything like that until we need it.

John...cute paper...whoever did it is quite clever. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-07-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
I don't think most people have a suv for a status symbol,

Ok, like I say, I've got no problem if you actually "use" it - not meaning just drive it to and from the grocery store, and I agree that people with, who actually take the dogs places, might actually need a bigger vehicle. But as an obvious example of the excess that I'm talking about....explain to me why someone, anyone would need a Hummer in the city of Chicago! And I don't mean the new "civilian" Hummer, I'm talking about the big, fat, wide one that is similar to the ones the army uses - except, of course, for the leather seats, surround sound stereo, etc. :rolleyes: I can see having one of these if you own a ranch in Texas or something, but what would be the reason to have one in Chicago, or even in the suburbs of Chicago?

Anna, I don't make it to the dog side too much so I missed the story of Huney! :( She/he looks adorable, all soft and fluffy in contrast to your other two sleek, muscular puppies. I'll have to check out the dog side one of these days and get the whole story. Congratulations on your new addition! :)

Oh, and Jonza, loved the paper! :D

02-08-2003, 01:47 AM
My boyfriend told me tonight that to convert from litres to gallons you multiply by 4.33. So 87 cents X 4.33 = $3.77 for a gallon of gas. Of course that's Canadian dollars - converted to US money it's about $2.51

totally crazy!

02-08-2003, 07:44 AM
That's nuts!! I guess I'll see today exactly how painful this is since I'm doing a transport this afternoon!

02-08-2003, 12:23 PM
I live in...Surrey BC (DON'T MAKE FUN!) and a short drive to Langley, not that I will be driving any time soon cause I flunked my road test, but it's all good gas is too dang expensive!
nomi: I heard a rumour the reason WA gas is cheaper than BC gas is because it is poorer quality gasoline.

02-08-2003, 01:11 PM
I don't know that it's poorer quality gasoline.. I'm pretty sure it all comes out of the same tank. There may be different additives though. And the reason we pay SOOOOO much is because of all the tax the gov't puts on all of it. Do you ever go to Petro Canada? That's the only place I buy gas, and they have a break down of how much is tax and how much is the price of gas. The tax is around 50%, maybe a bit more!! :eek: :mad:

02-08-2003, 01:13 PM
holy moly
and meanwhile they complain they don't have enough money for stuff
ya right!! maybe if we stop sending that souse to HAWAII probably first class, the Gov't would have more money for the public!

02-14-2003, 11:28 AM
the gas station up the street had to put a duct tape "2"
on the corner sign in order to let people know that premium was
2 bucks and change a gallon......


02-14-2003, 11:50 AM
   Gas Price Watch (http://gaspricewatch.com/) is now back online. The lowest US price they are tracking is $1.17 in Tacoma, WA. That sounds high for a low. They also track Canadian prices. If you enter your zip code it will show prices in you region.


02-17-2003, 09:34 AM
To cheer you up as you look at the prices at the pump!

You Think Gas is Expensive? Think about these:

Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 -- $10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 -- $9.52 per gallon
Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 -- $10.17 per gallon
Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 -- $10 .00 per gallon
Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 -- $33.60 per gallon
Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 -- $178.13 per gallon
Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 -- $123.20 per gallon
Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 -- $25.42 per gallon
Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 -- $84.48 per gallon
and this is the REAL KICKER......
Evian water 9 oz for $1.49 -- $21.19 per gallon

So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, or God forbid, PEPTO BISMOL or NYQUIL!!!!

Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next trip to the pumps.

02-17-2003, 11:09 AM
32 oz can of refried beans- 2.59;)

02-17-2003, 12:26 PM
I just filled up my van, I saw it was $1.69 at one station, I drove around and all the other stations by the freeway were at $1.76, so I went back to the cheaper station. I could have probably got it cheaper over the border (about 2 miles) in Minnesota, but I didn't want to waste time or gas driving over there.

02-17-2003, 12:26 PM
$1.59 at Costco Federal Way, Washington yesterday, 2/16/03

02-17-2003, 01:25 PM
$1.75 for regular unleaded at a Marathon in Fort Wayne on 2/17

02-17-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
32 oz can of refried beans- 2.59;)

Too funny! You're crazy :D :D :D

02-17-2003, 01:35 PM
It just went up here to $1.73-so it costed me a little over $13 for about 8 gallons of gas:rolleyes:

02-17-2003, 01:37 PM
Mike filled my tank yesterday and it cost $28.

Miss Meow
02-17-2003, 02:32 PM
I filled up the other day. $A1.12 per litre OUCH! which equates to about $US2.20 per gallon ...

02-17-2003, 02:38 PM
88 cents a gallon......

i have a 14 gallon tank, i put 7 gallons of gas in @ 1.77
..........that came to 88 cents a gallon:D ;)

02-17-2003, 04:44 PM
Richard, you truly are a weirdo!! lol I mean that in the nicest way you know! hehehe

02-17-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Richard, you truly are a weirdo!! lol I mean that in the nicest way you know! hehehe

new math;)

i have to laugh, otherwise.......

02-17-2003, 05:14 PM
Hey the math program that our school district adopted is more literature than it is math!! lol

02-17-2003, 05:19 PM
I just saw the premium go over the $2 mark today. (Regular was $1.87). Yikes. I was planning on getting rid of my little econo-box Tercel because it burns oil, (and the only solution is to replace the engine - ouch - the replaced engine probably costs more than what the car is worth) but maybe I'll hold on to it a little while longer.;)

I do like only having to fill up twice a month with my tiny 11-gallon tank:D