View Full Version : Is this idea crazy??

02-04-2003, 03:55 PM
My two kitties spend their time in my bedroom when I'm not home. I have 3 roommates and don't want to risk roommates leaving the front doors open and having them sneak out and also like to minimize their ability to wreck havoc in the house (and well, they are bengals, and like good bengals, love to get into mischeif and mayham!!). In my bedroom, I don't have a lot of floor space to add another cat tree (I already have a 5'5 tall cat tree), so I was thinking I might be able to utilize the vertical space I have - so I was thinking about attaching a "hammock" to the ceiling. (Like a ferret hammock). I have a sloping ceiling, and the jump from the top of the cat tree to where I would hang the hammock would only be a couple feet. Finn likes to jump from the cat tree to the top of my shoulders when I'm in the middle of the room. I also rent, and figure adding something to the ceiling would be less obtrusive than adding "cat shelves" to the wall (I also don't have a whole lot of wall space either).

As you can see, the kitties (Finn especially) love to be up high!!


02-04-2003, 04:08 PM
Sounds like a good idea. Ask Sasvermont about that as Miley and Graemer are also among the Flying Cat Group (She says monkeys ;). Tigris and Filou also have a picture -I'll have to scan it on tope of a door -but now with 7 they are a little less jumpy than they used to be :)

02-04-2003, 05:11 PM
Sounds like a good idea. Whoa what a balancing act!:)

02-04-2003, 08:42 PM
Sounds like a good idea.... except for one concern! Be very sure that the hammock isn't such that the kitties could get "hung" in it! I know kitties often hang themselves in mini blind cords, and the holes in hammocks are quite large. Just a thought for caution!

02-05-2003, 08:12 AM

Bengals are known for their love of high places. It's what the breed is all about! My friend has a 2 year old Bengal and has a 6 foot high cat tree. Simba LIVES in it. I think the hammock is a great idea.

02-05-2003, 08:14 AM
I think the hammock is a great idea. Remember to post a picture if you carry through with this.

02-05-2003, 10:12 AM
julijul, I think having a hammock would be a great idea. However if they jump into or from it, will a hammock be stable enough for them not to lose their jump distance by the hammock giving way or rocking?
