View Full Version : Jack Russell Terrier's Question

01-31-2003, 05:31 AM
We have a JR right now on a home visit and he is fitting in with our family beautifully. We have always had Pugs (3 in total all now deceased) and the JR is our 4th pet.
This little guy (about 1yr old) is a very welcome addition to our family.

Is there anything we should be watching out for in his attitude? Are there any good books or websites out there to give us insight into the breed?

We are dog lovers and want this little guy as part of our family but any additional advice or info is greatly appreciated.


Gayle :) :)

01-31-2003, 08:57 AM
I would definately do some reading. Try your local library for some books or Petsmart (do you have them there?)has an entire library on different breeds and specific books for JRT's. Anyway, good luck and we'd love to see some pictures of your new friend.

01-31-2003, 09:56 AM
Hi Gayle,

I've a friend who has a JRT. She loves Idgie to death, but Idj
hasn't always been the easiest dog to live with. She's called
me many a night about ready to pull her hair out with frustration,
over housebreaking and dog aggression and activity level
and endless pulling on the leash.

There's a Jack forum that she goes to for advice, that might
be helpful for you. The folks there are very informative and
upfront about the breed, so it'd be a good place for you to
ask questions about Jacks. I go over there and read it from
time to time, because they've usually got funny stories to
tell about their dogs. JRTs could maybe test the patience of
a saint, but they definitely aren't boring.:)

Here's the link:



02-06-2003, 02:30 PM
One thing to look out for is defintly when they turn a certain age you should watch out because they might become aggressive and a little more active.. :eek:

My friends just got a JR and they have had their dog alittle bit over a year and thats when they started having problems.. Im no expert but this is what ive heard.. Good luck to you and your puppy. :mad: