View Full Version : Golden Retrievers

01-30-2003, 11:50 AM
I know there are some golden moms out there, I just have a couple of questions:
I met a wonderful golden last night--Galileo (the next time I go to this girl's house, I'll get pictures), but he had a paw problem. She had to have surgery done on him, but his one paw still sticks out a little, and it looks almost like a flipper--she said it was from inbreeding, and that got me thinking. My stepmother had to have her golden put down (RIP MacDuff) a few years ago, because he was so MEAN--he attacked other dogs, almost to the point of death once--behaviorist couldn't help, and that was the vet's recommendation--she came to find out that he was inbred, and every other dog in his litter was also extremely aggressive.
How does the inbreeding turn such a wonderful dog into an agressive animal?

and, what is the normal weight for a golden--I think Gally was a little overweight, but I'm not sure what exactly they're supposed to weigh.

01-31-2003, 09:31 PM
i read some statistics, and the fourth dog on the list that has to suffer from aggression problems due to inbreeding is the golden retriever....
Apparently the reason dogs can be aggressive and such due to inbreeding is because of the limited gene pool. Deleterious genes become widespread and the breed loses vigor.
I'm guessing that aggression in dogs that have been inbred is more like a mental dissablity...like if two sibling humans had a child, it would most likely be mentally retarded...
Male goldens are approx. 65-75 pounds and females are approx. 55-65 pounds according to AKC.
How many puppies were in his litter?

02-04-2003, 06:51 PM
do u know how many pups were in his litter?

02-04-2003, 09:26 PM
I'm sorry for the late response, my stepmother said there were 6 pups in his litter.

02-04-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
I'm sorry for the late response, my stepmother said there were 6 pups in his litter.
np ;) i just wanted to know, cuz i read that the least amount of pups in the litter, the more incest in the family. guess there wasnt too much incest...goes to show that even just a bit can ruin a wonderful breed.