View Full Version : Hayley has to go for a car ride!

01-29-2003, 08:11 AM
Hayley has to visit the vet tomorrow for her needle. The thing I hate about this is she hates being in the car. She cries all the way to the vet office. I hope my husband can come with us so I can at least play with her through her carrier on the way. When we went home to Mom and Dads for Christmas my husband discovered Hayley likes to have mommy in her sight. He said everytime I was out of her view she would cry and when she could see me she was fine. I hope he don't have to work overtime tomorrow! Do you think that what he says is true and Hayley is really a lot better when she can see me in the car?

Russian Blue
01-29-2003, 09:16 AM
Of course! When we picked up Nakita we had to drive 4 hours back home. I originally covered her carrier and put her in the back seat.

But within half an hour, I went and sat in the back with her. She curled up and went to sleep right after that.

Do you bring her carrier out in view before you go to the vets? You should and put some catnip or her favourite treats in there, so she sees some advantages not just the disadvantages of her carrier!

Hope everything goes well tomorrow!


01-29-2003, 11:26 AM
Emily is very very good in the car. Once it is moving she falls asleep, but getting her into the carrier is a different story :p :p

So this time I decided to take Tanner for a couple of car rides before our first visit to the vet. This way I thought that he might get some positive re-enforcement before any negative experiences. :D

He is learning to be good in the car, but I still haven't taken him to the vet yet (that will happen in the next couple of weeks).

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-29-2003, 12:31 PM
Yes I think it makes a difference. It's assuring to her to be able to see you which makes her calmer. Sometimes I put Peanut (in her carrier) on the floor of the passenger seat so she can see me. It seems to help a little with her so if your husband can't go along, try putting her in such a position so she can see you. When I'm at a red light I'll also stick my fingers through and pet Peanut. She seems to like that too. Good luck and let us know how it all goes. :)

01-30-2003, 11:13 AM
Well it looks like Hayley gets another couple of days before her car ride to the vet. They had to change her appointment to next tuesday. My stomach is starting to settle a little now that I know I have more time. It really upsets me that I have to upset her!

02-04-2003, 10:49 AM
Well today is the day Hayley has to go to the vet. I hope everything goes ok.

02-04-2003, 10:15 PM
Hope it went well. Any update?

02-05-2003, 08:11 AM
Hayley is back from the Vet's. She cried all the way to the vet's office and then all the way back. It made mommy very sad.:( She had a really good checkup. The doctor said she is very healthy and other than her having to get spayed in march she doesn't have to get another needle untill next year! She weighed in at 4.4 pounds (1.98kg). She would not let the vet take her temperature but Dr. Speer said that she appears very healthy so it was not necessary to put her under any more stress than she already was. (Being at the vet office is stress enough for Hayley!)

She is very mad at me. She started hiding from me last night and even slept under the bed instead of on top with me.:( I hope she will be over this really soon. Mommy promised she would not do this again for a really long time (not untill around march 28th).
She will be really mad at me when we get back from the vet's office after that visit!

02-05-2003, 10:30 AM
Haley rosie, most cats will usually protest being in a carrier, and worse yet, travelig in a car. I tried to place their carrier up so they can look out the window. But all that did was make the situation worse. They are not like a dog in this respect. I have found that placing the carrier door so they can see you, and so you can have access to them for some scritchies, seems to work the best. Yet, some of them will protest regardless of what you do. Remembering the day I brought King Otis home, he meowed a couple of times and then curled up and went to sleep for most of the 50-mile trip (75 Km).

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-05-2003, 11:06 AM
I'm so glad Hayley had such a good check-up. And don't worry, she'll come around soon. What Wayne mentioned about putting the carrier so she could see you in the car might help some next time.

Congratulations sweety on such a good check-up. Hope you get extra treats for being such a good girl. (Oh, and extra treats would also help her like you again. ;))

02-05-2003, 11:09 AM
Glad to hear everything went alright! And yes, I too think it makes a difference if your cat can see you or not. However Oliver will cry no matter how close I am to him, little whiner boy ;)

Russian Blue, that is one hilarious signature :D

Cinder & Smoke
02-05-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by wayne0214
... tried to place their carrier up so they can look out the window. But all that did was make the situation worse.
They are not like a dog in this respect.

Wayne ~ Ya dont knowe *our* Kat! :rolleyes:

Hey Haley ~

Boots da Kat uzed ta be a *yeowlur* inn kar - hidin unner da frunt seet an *howlin* allua way to the White Coat's :eek: Place.

When he got sick wiffa plummin problemz - he did a Lotta kar ridin... Back 'n forth to da Vet an kommutin ebery day wiff us to werk so we kuld Kat-Sit an keep him feelin better...

He got so he *liked* kar ridin!
Nebber likes bein inna porta-prizon box ~ rather wear a leash string an wandur round. Hiz favurite place wuz standin onna frunt seet, frunt pawz up onna dash, anna *lampy shade kone* pressed tite onna windyshield :cool: wiffa lil earbonez flickin round like radarz unner da kone. Quite da site fur allua passin moturistz - lotta folkz pointin finnerz an wavin atta Kitty as we motured by! :D