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Russian Blue
01-26-2003, 03:41 PM
One minute Nakita can look like she gained 10 pounds and the next minute she looks so sleek!

Here's Nakita before her amazing weight loss!!

The 'Before' Picture!

And here she is after her amazing weight loss!

The 'After' Picture

I wish I could change my appearance so easily!!


Miss Meow
01-26-2003, 03:46 PM
Ha ha ha! In the first pic, it looks like even her eyes have gained weight!

01-26-2003, 03:51 PM
I know exactly what causes this tremendous weight gain. It is called excess cuteness. See, what happens is Nakita goes around for a while, and all she hears is "OMG, you are so cute" or "OMG, what a funny talented cat you are" or "I have never seen one as beautiful as you, Nakita" and she swells and swells and swells up to the point where she BURSTS!!!!! Then, the cycle starts all over again.

I will start this cycle...you are so serene looking that I could just stare at you and feel my blood pressure lower.

01-26-2003, 05:14 PM
I just wanna plant a wet kissy on her head in the first photo. Her fur looks soooo inviting. Nice and soft.

01-26-2003, 06:47 PM
that first picture she looks exactly like a statue, it's amazing.

Is she a purebred Russian blue, purchased as such, or is it a guess from a shelter person or someone inexperienced? I am only asking out of curiosity not out of judgement. There are Blue cats in other breeds (like British blue or american shorthair and even mixes) and to me they can all look very similar if not exactly the same.

01-26-2003, 06:52 PM
I think that she's adorable whether she looks fat or thin. :) I'd love to see more pics of her.

01-26-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Russian Blue


Mom, if you don't stop pointing that funny flash box thingie at me, I'm gonna hold my breath until I pop!

Russian Blue
01-26-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
that first picture she looks exactly like a statue, it's amazing.

Is she a purebred Russian blue, purchased as such, or is it a guess from a shelter person or someone inexperienced? I am only asking out of curiosity not out of judgement. There are Blue cats in other breeds (like British blue or american shorthair and even mixes) and to me they can all look very similar if not exactly the same.

I think she looks like a statue or kitty soldier here:



And to answer your question, yes she is a purebred. Here is a description of the breed from the Cat Fanciers' Association Breed Profile:

"One of the most outstanding features of the Russian Blue is a short, dense coat of an even, bright blue color with each hair dipped in silver. This silver tipping gives the Russian a silvery sheen and lustrous appearance that can best be appreciated in natural light. Russian Blues come in only one color, blue, and one coat length, short.The density of the coat causes it to stand out from the body and allows patterns to be traced in the coat which remain until you smooth them away. In lovely contrast to the blue coat, the Russian Blue has large, rounded, wide-set eyes that are a vivid green. The head is sometimes described as cobra-like which aptly describes the broad, medium wedge and flat profiles. The large, pointed ears are wide at the base and set rakishly toward the side of the head. The body of the Russian Blue is fine-boned, long, and firmly muscled."

After researching for over a year (!), I decided a Russian Blue would be perfect for me at this point in my life. Before the research I never thought about getting a purebred, but now have a high respect for ethical breeders.

I bet from asking one question, you didn't expect a whole Russian Blue lecture, now did you?! But now you are a Russian Blue expert!


Russian Blue
01-26-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by boscibo
Mom, if you don't stop pointing that funny flash box thingie at me, I'm gonna hold my breath until I pop!

:D :D

01-26-2003, 08:04 PM
I have to ask, was that first photo taken of her reflection in the mirror?
She does look like a statue or a cute stuffed animal and her eyes look so GLASSY!
She is beautiful in every photo you have posted but in that first one she looks too cute to be real!:eek:

01-27-2003, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by Russian Blue

I bet from asking one question, you didn't expect a whole Russian Blue lecture, now did you?! But now you are a Russian Blue expert!

Thank you. But of course now I have another question. (hee hee)
I assume that you picked this breed because of personality traits, not just looks, so how would you describe their personality?

01-27-2003, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I know exactly what causes this tremendous weight gain. It is called excess cuteness. See, what happens is Nakita goes around for a while, and all she hears is "OMG, you are so cute" or "OMG, what a funny talented cat you are" or "I have never seen one as beautiful as you, Nakita" and she swells and swells and swells up to the point where she BURSTS!!!!! Then, the cycle starts all over again.

I will start this cycle...you are so serene looking that I could just stare at you and feel my blood pressure lower.


Nakita, whenever I see you my heart begins to beat. As mom of an Abyssinian I know that there are cats who look as cute as can be but are little rascals.
How about you. Are you so sweet? Tell us about the dark side of your character. We'll love it too, I guarantee.

01-27-2003, 10:54 AM
I love the first picture of Nakita. Where did you buy her? In Ontario?

Russian Blue
01-27-2003, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

Thank you. But of course now I have another question. (hee hee)
I assume that you picked this breed because of personality traits, not just looks, so how would you describe their personality?

When we started looking for a cat, we were living in a condo. So we needed a cat that had a quiet temperment and could look after itself during the days. Russian Blue's temperments are playful (but not destructive), intelligent, shy, and devoted to their owners. They are small cat (Nakita will only be 4-5 pounds full grown) and shed very little. Also the breed usually has no medical problems and can easily live into their late teens and beyond.

Nakita I think exhibits some non-Russian Blue characteristics. She is not shy but will greet visitors at the door and jump in their laps to go to sleep. She can be very vocal when she wants to be!! But I would say Nakita chirps and does these 'moans' (like a bored kid) 85% of the time (especially when I spend to much time on the computer and am ignoring her!). Many people also say that Russian Blue's are the Doberman's of the cat world (because of body shape and devotion).

I brought Nakita home in October, and she has never growled, hissed or scratched me. Even when she went to the vets, there was no growling or hissing! She even purrs when we cut her nails!! I think because both my partner and I are giving her our undivided attention and she knows she will get a treat! She is totally gentle when we play her, but she gets quite psychotic when inanimate objects, like the black shoelace (!) are tempting her!!

What can I say, she is a total love bug. Also, Russian Blue's are known to be big on shoulder riding and Nakita is no exception. As soon as my S/O comes home, she hops right onto his shoulder.

When Barbara asked to tell of her dark side, I honestly cannot find anything to say. I've had no problems yet, and she totally listens to when I talk to her. Every night before bed, I just call her and she comes running and joins us for the night. Maybe she is part dog???

I'll stop now before I write a novel! Hope this answered your question!


Russian Blue
01-27-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
I have to ask, was that first photo taken of her reflection in the mirror?

The photo was taken looking through one of the French Doors. No mirror, just looking through glass.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-27-2003, 11:53 AM
What I like is that big grin in the first pic, along with those big eyes. :D

She certainly sounds like a character!

Terry had a Russian Blue a long time ago - Smokey. There were at least two things that Smokey did that convinced Terry he was the smartest cat in the whole world. The first was - Terry would close him in a room (I think he said laundry room) when he was at work. Obviously the Smokester didn't like being confined, so he figured out that all he had to do was lift the heat register out, climb through the pipes, lift the register in another room and he'd be free. Terry would have never believed a cat capable of this until he came home one day and Smokey was not in the room. Terry couldn't figure out what happened until he notice the register laying on the floor, and another one laying on the floor in the living room.

The second thing Smokey did was one time Terry came home from work and he heard this water running/tinkling. He couldn't figure out who would be in the house going to the bathroom, so he went to check and here was Smokey, spread eagle on the toilet going to the bathroom. Terry figured Smokey had seen him using the toilet and figured out that's what it was for. Terry never trained him to do that or anything - he was amazed!

Unfortunately, at a very young age (a little over 1 year old) Smokey was diagnosed with some kind of heart problem and had to be put to sleep. Terry doesn't go into detail because he was so devastated at the loss of his amazing kitty.

It sounds like Nakita has a lot of the traits that Terry described in Smokey. What a sweety she is. :D

01-27-2003, 12:23 PM
Well, it sounds like a wonderful breed. I am glad you found Nakita and that you found us to tell about her.:D

01-27-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Russian Blue

...she gets quite psychotic when inanimate objects, like the black shoelace (!) are tempting her!!

Oh I didn't expect more dark side than something like this.......
She is so pretty she can't be a nawteekat :D

01-27-2003, 01:15 PM
Thank you so much for the information! "I never knew that"!!!! I certainly never knew she would be such a tiny mite! 5-6 pounds? I think mine reached that by 8 months:eek: :eek: :eek:

Though I love all kitties, regardless of origin, I must admit, she is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. (Don't tell the herd, please!)

01-27-2003, 01:29 PM
Basil wants to know how come Nikita acts like him....and how come her fur on the outside is like his fur on the inside (undercoat)????

They are amazingly similar! Basil only wieghs 6 pounds, is a huge love bug, loves people and other cats and is very talkative. Too funny! :D

Basil isn't old enough for a crush...and he's a mommy's boy. But I think that when he's older and out of his baby stage (:( sniff), he may just develop one for Nikita! ;)

01-28-2003, 07:56 AM
I love BOTH Nakitas.

I looked at the Bluemews cattery page. She looks like her Daddy!:p :D

01-28-2003, 09:35 AM
Nakita is my favorite kitten :) Russian Blue has been my favorite cat breed since I was a little girl. Our family's first cat was grey and part Russian Blue. If I would be as beautiful as she is, I would pose with the same glamour ;)

Originally posted by Cataholic
I know exactly what causes this tremendous weight gain. It is called excess cuteness. See, what happens is Nakita goes around for a while, and all she hears is "OMG, you are so cute" or "OMG, what a funny talented cat you are" or "I have never seen one as beautiful as you, Nakita" and she swells and swells and swells up to the point where she BURSTS!!!!! Then, the cycle starts all over again.

I will start this cycle...you are so serene looking that I could just stare at you and feel my blood pressure lower.
It sounds very familiar. Juni hears this all the time and from (at least!!!) three people. We have a saying in Romanian - When you praise someone, his/her ears grow longer. See how long Juni's ears are?