View Full Version : Episode 2 of Ebby and her collar

01-25-2003, 07:54 AM
Took the bell off and put the collar on her again. (this was at around 9.20am today).

Okay, so you manage to get it on again.....

Think you`re clever do you?


Checked on her around 10.20am after taking Bob for his walk, and there it was, right in the middle of the floor!
I could swear I heard her laughing..........


01-25-2003, 08:43 AM
ChrisH, :D LOL, I had a good laugh at this sequence of pictures with captions. I especially like the 2nd photo.


01-25-2003, 09:53 AM
Hehehe. I know who is clever:D :D

01-25-2003, 10:05 AM
LOL! :D:D:D Smart kitty! She KNOWS she's the boss. :)

Edwina's Secretary
01-25-2003, 12:18 PM
Chris...how very funny and sorry to say...I do believe she is laughing at you!

She wants to see just how many times.....

01-25-2003, 12:58 PM
It looks like Ebby won again!:D
Just curious what kind of collar it is, does it buckle or is it a stretchy elastic one like a breakaway collar?
Maybe you need to try a different kind to keep her from taking it off.

01-25-2003, 01:50 PM
Chris, what a delightful sequence of photos/captions. I particularly love the 2nd photo! You have a very beautiful, clever, and determined fur-kid there.

I'm happy for you and your happy family.

01-25-2003, 03:08 PM
He he he poor Chris...prolly thought she had it easy with a kitty, compared to Bob, eh?

01-25-2003, 03:10 PM
LOL! Sally never likes her collars either, except she hides them and we never find them! I loved the second pic!:D

01-25-2003, 03:32 PM
That is so funny! She is just like Noel...we tried putting on one her a few times, only to come home and find it on the ground. ;)

Too cute! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-25-2003, 05:09 PM
Hmmmm....does it mean something that the collar ended up right next to the mouse? Hmmmm...just what is she trying to say?

So, who's going to be the one to last. Is Chris going to keep trying or is Ebby going to win and Chris will give up on the collar idea. Tune in again for the next episode of "Ebby and Her Collar." The new prime time hit, right here on Pet Talk!


01-25-2003, 06:20 PM
popcornbird - LOL! Smart kitty! She KNOWS she's the boss.
Barbara - Hehehe. I know who is clever
Edwina's Secretary I do believe she is laughing at you! She wants to see just how many times.....
Vermontcat It looks like Ebby won again!
Cataholic He he he poor Chris...probably thought she had it easy with a kitty, compared to Bob, eh?
Oh you are all so right!:D :D

Vermontcat, it has elastic and a buckle! the first time she got it off the buckle was undone but today it wasn`t! :confused: I think I may have to look again at the different types.:)

T&P`s Mom. I am going to try again, but it all depends who is boss in this relationship in whether I succeed or not! (and I think we all know who that is)

Amberlee , that is so nice, thank you.:)

Wayne, Britt and NoahsMommy , thank you also.

I am glad you all enjoyed!:)


01-25-2003, 08:47 PM
This is a funny thread!!! :D Chris - looks like Ebby also rules your house !:D :D Same as mine ;)

This is my favorite, and your caption is so perfect! Look at her eyes! It looks so furious! :eek:

01-26-2003, 06:46 PM
Great pics. :) Cats can be so stubborn sometimes.