View Full Version : Man tried to beat his dog with a shot gun

01-24-2003, 02:45 PM
Winchester, Virginia-AP -- Police say a man tried to beat his dog to death with a shotgun -- but wound up shooting himself to death instead.

Police say the Winchester, Virginia, man called his wife at work yesterday and told her that their dog had bitten him and he intended to kill it.

Police went to the home and found Raymond Poore Junior covered with dog bites and suffering from a shotgun wound to his abdomen.

He died later at Winchester Medical Center.

Police say the shotgun must have gone off while Poore was using it to beat the 30-pound shar-pei. The stock of the weapon was broken and there appeared to be blood and dog hair on it.

A Winchester animal control officer took custody of the dog. There's no word on how badly it was injured

Dixieland Dancer
01-24-2003, 03:09 PM
How incredibly stupid this man was. I can not believe he would actually beat the dog with a loaded gun and have the barrel facing him. :confused: :confused: Perhaps this is a case of the human gene pool cleansing itself. :eek: I hope the dog heals and finds another home. I feel really bad for the poor wife. :(

Cisco's Mom
01-24-2003, 04:20 PM
:( :( :( :(

01-24-2003, 06:17 PM
Talk about Devine Intervention !!!

I too hope the animal can be re-homed. Any animal will try
to defend it's life. I'll bet this was not the first time the man
beat that dog either. I hope the dog can be helped.

01-24-2003, 08:16 PM
OH wow!!

01-24-2003, 09:20 PM
:eek: He got what he deserved! Like Lizbud said "Divine Intervention". Amen to that !!

01-24-2003, 09:39 PM
Must have been scary for the wife to get a call at work from her husband saying he was going to kill the dog. I hope the dog will be okay and have a much better home. :eek: :(

01-25-2003, 09:37 AM
my opinions-1) she's much better off without him, what kind of loving individual would call and tell someone they were going to kill their pet? want to bet he beat her and/or their kids? abusers often abuse ALL species in the household. 2) divine intervention indeed, want to imagine gods' response to that behavior? 3) this will be a darwin awards winner (fyi-www.darwinawards.com) cynically yours joyce

01-25-2003, 09:47 AM
Divine intervention indeed!!! What a moron:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-25-2003, 04:11 PM
on another site i belong to, people are saying the dog was put down. i am looking for that artical now. here is another story on the man and a photo of the dog being subdued by the authorities.

Fatal Backfire

Police Say Winchester Man Accidentally
Shot Himself Beating Dog With Gun

Byrd Newspapers

WINCHESTER — A man accidentally shot himself in the abdomen during a fight with his dog Thursday, police said.

Raymond Richard Poore Jr., 43, was pronounced dead at the Winchester Medical Center. Police said he called his wife shortly before his death, telling her he was going to kill the pet because it bit him.

His wife called 911 at 6:39 p.m. when she returned to their trailer at 2880 Packer St. to check on the situation.

Winchester Police Capt. David P. Sobonya said when Poore’s wife came home she found her husband unconscious. He had sustained a single gunshot wound to his lower left abdomen and injuries from the couple’s pet shar-pei.

"To speculate what happened, the manner of death appears to be accidental," Sobonya said.

A Stevens over-and-under, single-shot, .22-caliber rifle/.410-gauge shotgun was recovered from the trailer, and police said Poore may have used the end of the gun to beat the dog. By doing that, the barrels of the gun were pointed at Poore.

Sobonya said the plastic stock of the gun was broken off, and the weapon had blood and dog hairs on it.

"The safety or mechanical firing point of the weapon was located at the point of the break," Winchester Police Lt. Greg Printz said.

An autopsy revealed that Poore died of a gunshot wound from the shotgun barrel.

Printz said Poore had only one injury that was consistent with a dog bite.

On Friday, the Winchester SPCA said the city’s Health Department now has the 30-pound dog and plans to test it for rabies.

Shar-peis originated in China over 2,000 years ago and were bred for hunting and dog fighting.

The wrinkly-faced dogs are considered to be independent and sometimes stubborn, protective of their territory and wary of human and animal strangers, according to PetsMart.com.

The Web site also warns that the Chinese shar-pei is not a suitable pet for inexperienced dog owners.

01-25-2003, 04:20 PM
OK, here's the rest of the story...

Nation & World: Saturday, January 25, 2003
Man killed trying to beat dog to death

By Ian Shapira
The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — Debbie Poore told police that her husband of three weeks called her at work Thursday evening to say their dog, a 2-year-old Shar-Pei, had bitten him on the hand — and that he was going to kill it.

She raced to their Winchester, Va., mobile home, she said, and found Raymond "Raven" Poore, 43, dead or dying in a pool of blood with a gunshot wound to his abdomen and the dog, still alive, with its throat torn open and gashes on its face.

That was the scene, and police were left to interpret the mystery.

Winchester police Capt. David Sobonya said Poore, a construction worker, apparently was beating the dog on the head with the butt of a rifle-shotgun when it discharged and hit him in the lower abdomen. Police said there was dog hair on the butt of the weapon, which had a .22-caliber rifle barrel atop a .410-gauge shotgun barrel and was used to hunt small game.

Poore's death is being considered accidental, according to Lt. Greg Printz, but the investigation remains open while police wait for autopsy results and other forensic evidence.

"We have not ruled out anything at this point," Printz said.

The dog, a female named Bailey, was destroyed yesterday morning by Frederick County animal-control officers at Debbie Poore's request. The couple had received the dog from a friend about eight months ago.

"When an owner makes a request for a violent dog to be euthanized, it's granted," said Susan Bobinsky, executive director of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which runs the shelter where Bailey was taken Thursday night. In less severe cases, Bobinsky said, animals are given 10 days in which to show improvement in their temperament.

Shar-Peis — the name means "sand skin" — are known for short coats and loose skin that lies in folds on their faces and bodies. They aren't known to be aggressive, said Joyce Hanes of the Mid-Atlantic Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue Operation, which has rescued 600 neglected, abandoned and abused Shar-Peis in 13 states.

"In the 20 years I've been in the business, we've had to put three of these dogs down for suspected aggression problems," Hanes said. "These are very protective animals. And, if they growl, they're saying, 'I'm afraid of you.' "

Debbie Poore, a Frederick County food-service employee, said her husband had a history of sparring with the dog. "But I kept telling him, 'You shouldn't play rough with her,' " she said, declining to comment further.

01-25-2003, 09:27 PM
I cannot believe how angered I am by that story. That dog did NOT deserve to be killed. Stupid wench...she deserves the same fate. That guy got what he deserved and that was too kind. Women like her give the gender a bad name. I'm sure he abused her too, once an abuser, always an abuser and she was stupid enough to stay with the idiot, so who loses out...as usual...the dog. AAAARRRRGGGHHHH...I can't even thinkk straight it makes me so mad.

01-26-2003, 12:46 PM

I too am amazed at the stupidity of some people.Even when
the woman had an option to turn the dog over to a rescue
group, she chose to have him put to death.:(

My only consolation is to imagine these two souls(man & dog)
arriving at the throne of the creator of all living things. God
asks the man, "Son, how did you come to be here?", just as
the dog's soul/spirit is being escourted unquestioned by God
onto the Rainbow Bridge to heaven. Can you imagine how this
guy could explain himself to his maker? The man had free will,
the poor animal did not. R.I.P. dear pup.:(

01-26-2003, 12:52 PM
What a great picture that paints Liz. You are so right with your points. That poor dog didn't have a chance.