View Full Version : Head count of only 8 this morning.

01-23-2003, 06:02 AM
There were two furkids missing this morning at feeding time. After going through my paritally awake memory, it was realized that both Fawn and Tiara were missing. Usually they are both up and ready for their cat-breakfast. So, I though OMG!, perhaps they had gotten outside yesterday when I opened the back door. I put on my sweater and went around the house calling for them, and it is COLD out there, 5 deg. F (-12 deg. C). Then not finding them, after looking through the house again, I got plenty worried. After coming back in from the outside "freezer", I saw Fawn coming down from the top of their cat tree and Tiara was behind him. They had been sleeping together in the top of their cat-tree house. Whew!. Sometimes they worry me when they do not conform to their usual habits. :)


01-23-2003, 06:34 AM
Wayne, quite understandable that you were worried! :eek: It sounds pretty cold there, and indoors only kitties would have been freezing out during the night. Glad they appereared! : They've probably kept each other warm up there. ;)

I'd prefer Fister to lay on my feet when it's cold, but he is always between our pillows. :rolleyes:

01-23-2003, 06:39 AM
Did they then give you the look that said " Daddy, why were you so worried?"

Shortly after we got Zingo, I panicked when I realized I hadn't seen him for a while. This was a weekend and I was used to him being around as I tried to do the usual weekend chores....basically tore the house apart , checked and re-checked everywhere. Went thru the whole "what if he got out when Mike left this morning? Its cold, he's not used to the area yet, he may have wandered off", the whole nine yards. Called my husband and told him he had to come home....after an hour or two of this, I went back into the spare room to see a lump UNDER the blankets that I hadn't noticed before...and it was breathing. Pulled the blankets back and just got sleepily blinked at and yawned at. He still manages to crawl up under the edges if he wants to hide, but now I know where to look!:p

01-23-2003, 06:51 AM
That is what is so amazing about pet cats, they give you that un-concerned look, especially when they show up after you have been looking for them for the past 1/2 hour :D . What was particularly worrying is that neither have long fur, especially Tiara. Normally, Fawn and /or Tiara are sleeping with me on the bed covers at night , but last night they were both gone.:confused:


01-23-2003, 07:36 AM
my Moon is gone this a.m. and it is only supposed to reach 19 degrees as a high today. where is Moon:( i do have the garage door partially open and sometimes the cats can go there to at least get out of the wind and there are throw covers but moon is getting old and i'm getting upset. my daughter-in-law is home and is looking for her but I can hardly think of anything else this morning. I hate this:( :(

01-23-2003, 07:57 AM
Lbaker, it sounds as though we are under the same forecast today. In fact, the weather channel's website, shows a very large mass of cold arctic air dipping all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Plenty cold!

Do your allow Moon kitty out at night? Normally, my furkids would love to get outside if I would allow them. The only one that is allowed outside is Tiger. But when it is very cold, like this morning, none of them want to go outside. Keep trying to find Moon, I'm sure that she is hold-up somewhere close by. A few days ago, someone posted that if you place some of their litter around your yard or even close to the door, this will draw them in, if they are prone to get lost. We will pray that you will find your Moon kitty.:)


01-23-2003, 08:06 AM
Wayne, with 8 dogs and 5 (now, down from 7) cats it's hard to keep track of who's in or out when the door is open. We try to keep the cats in at night (dogs rarely jump the fence when it's this cold) but dang it's hard when they are so determined. My daughter-in-law will call when Moon (she) is home and I will post back. I may have to leave work early, I really can't concentrate:(
Thanks for your thoughts

01-23-2003, 08:14 AM
Wayne - I have had the girls at my vet's office tell me that people have actually had to cancel their kitty's vet appointments because they can't find them. :D I can see how that happens too since kitties sure do have a way of finding that 'out of the way' niche sometimes!

Lbaker - I am hoping that Moon will soon be home safe and sound and curled up inside nice and warm. We are also in the deep freeze here in NJ. I think it's pretty cold everywhere. Brrr! Please keep us updated.

01-23-2003, 08:18 AM
One day I also couldn't find Maya & Inka anywhere ...:eek:

After 2 hours (yes , TWO !!) they crowled out of a closet stretching out , and with that "look" on their face ...:rolleyes:

Cats !!!!

01-23-2003, 08:23 AM
Pam, I agree. However the best way to keep anything from them is not to allow the thought to evoke any emotions from us. In fact, don't even think about it. Yesterday I was surfing the net looking at La Paz, in Baja California del Sur, Mexico. I kept thinking to myself about wanting to visit there. However my furkids picked up on my sentiments and began to be extra friendly!:D I suppose that they were worried that I might go away and abandon them:(


01-23-2003, 08:28 AM
MOON IS HOME :D :D that dang cat was inside the whole time asleep in a basket in the dining room under some towels:mad: she heard me, I know she did. CATS :rolleyes: She almost ALWAYS sleeps with me and whatever dogs are on the bed but maybe because it was soooo cold I had 5 of the dogs on the bed and she felt too crowded:o I'll never know, she'll never tell:rolleyes: It's only been a few hours but it seemed like forever. Thank you thank you all


01-23-2003, 08:34 AM
:D Another kitty pulls off The Great Disappearing Act!! I am so glad she is home and has been the whole time! She was just piling up some ZZZ's in a nice warm cozy spot. How totally CAT! Glad to be able to scratch her off my long list of PT furry ones that I am currently worried about. :)

01-23-2003, 08:42 AM
lbaker, I knew it! It is far too cold for our furkids to go outside, and yes, I believe she heard you, also! Just like mine, this morning. I knew they heard me. The only reason I did not look into the upper box on their cat tree is that it is up over 8 ft. from the floor, and I did not have my ladder handy to look up in there.


01-23-2003, 08:55 AM
kids, what are we going to do about kids today?:rolleyes: ;)

01-23-2003, 09:38 AM
Wayne and Lbaker- I am so glad it was just a false alarm!!

In the morning, Allie and I have this routine- I go down the basement steps to exit through the garage, and she races down the steps to claw at the wicker laundry basket (which, I might add, is 15 feet in the OPPOSITE direction of the way I go). I always go over to her and tickle her tummy when she is clawing away. This am, no Allie...so, I circled through the house, calling and calling (I always do a personal goodbye to everyone), and no Allie. Then, I thought, "Hmm..it is bitter outside today...I wonder..." sure enough, there was Allie on top of the heating duct!!! Crazy crazy girl kitty!!!

01-23-2003, 09:42 AM
I find it so amazing how a cat can just disappear into thin air. But I have seen it for myself.

01-23-2003, 10:15 AM
I have been through the very same thing. You look and look and call and call.............nothing! Then all of a sudden there they are looking at you like you are crazy! "Were you looking for me?"

But let one of them be hungry.....and you have them wrapped around your ankle with no hope of shaking them off.

I am glad everyone found their kitties!

01-23-2003, 10:23 AM
good morning Gini, thanks for not gloating about your LA weather to the rest of us in the deep freeze today :p

01-23-2003, 10:28 AM
Hi Laurie, I am originally from Ohio - and I REMEMBER!!!!

Edwina's Secretary
01-23-2003, 10:47 AM
I'd prefer Fister to lay on my feet when it's cold, but he is always between our pillows

I'll trade you! My husband was away last night so it was just me and Edwina -- and it was cold. Edwina likes to sleep on my /feet/legs/hips. By 5:00 this morning I was sideways in the bed -- from the challenge of trying to move to ease the pain in my back from 12 extra pounds up against me like white on rice!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-23-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by trinity
Did they then give you the look that said " Daddy, why were you so worried?"

Or the "What's the big fuss all about?" look. :rolleyes: Yup, been there done that with Tubby, many many years ago. Thankfully since then his tummy usually controls his movements and a good shake or two of the treat can works everytime. ;) :D

Glad to hear everyone's kitties were safe and warm this morning because it certainly is cold!!!

01-23-2003, 12:29 PM
Abby disappears too! I can be calling for her, she ignores me. I know that sometimes she crawls up under the boxspring and sleeps in there, but sometimes I don't know where she goes. Then I take out the catnip, and *poof* there she is.

I always accuse her of going back to the mothership and reporting on us humans.

01-23-2003, 07:01 PM
remember that warm air rises!

before i look down, i look UP!!!!! the natural reaction is to look down to see our pets!!!

and have you noticed that your cat(s) disappear more often during the cold snaps? when eddie lived in the high desert he
would disappear into the closet when the weather was cold.

01-23-2003, 08:13 PM
Isn't it "funny" how they do things like that? Such silly babies...glad they were all found safe and sound. :)

smokey the elder
01-24-2003, 07:51 AM
My nawteecat Smokey the Younger needed to go to the vet yesterday. She is the WORST! She disappeared and I couldn't find her for about 15 minutes. I finally flushed her from behind a dresser I thought a MOUSE couldn't fit behind. Oh, cats...