View Full Version : hi i would like to ask people who have loved ones with epilepsy or have epilepsy

01-22-2003, 01:39 AM

well i found out something horrible about the movie Kangaroo Jack:( it is full of cruel jokes about epileptics:mad: which effects me and many others:( please if you know anyone with epilepsy or have epilepsy DON'T GO SEE IT:( a little girl 7 years old had to cover her ears couldn't leave cause she had a friend with her:(so please don't go see kangaroo jack its just insulting and cruel makes me cry just thinking about it:( thanks and take care:)


01-22-2003, 03:00 AM
Hi Scarlett.

I have epilepsy, too. I've had it since I was around six years old, but was only diagnosed when I was seventeen when I had a gran mal.

I've been seizure free for years, but I still get some activity when I don't totally take care of myself.

However, I don't really get upset by epilepsy jokes in general. But I haven't seen these jokes you're talking about, and I certainly don't speak for everyone with it.

Former User
01-22-2003, 03:30 AM
My dog had epilepsy and it's a rough subject for me to speak about. I surely can understand if some don't like the jokes. Haven't seen the movie though.

01-22-2003, 07:10 AM
both of my dogs have epilepsy. a co-worker died from post seizure effects. that a movie would use a medical condition that can be very serious as joke material is sad. thanks for the heads up. scarlett, could you explain to your young friend that people who make fun of others with health problems have a much larger and more dangerous problem then epilepsy?

01-22-2003, 12:07 PM
I think the movie looks pretty lame anyway.

When I was in 8th grade I had a boyfriend who had epilepsy and it was a horrible thing to witness. He was on meds all the time.:(

But I believe he kinda grew out of the siezures when he was in high school. Thanks for the heads up!:)

01-22-2003, 12:18 PM
My friend has epilepsy and she hadn't had a seizure for years and suddenly had one last year when she, I, Andy, and some other friends were sharing a hotel room at a convention.

She sat up and screamed in the dead of night, (which scared us more than the actual seizure itself), and began to shake. I held her and comforted her as she had told me what to do if she ever had one.

The others in the room were calling me a hero. :o

I didn't feel like one. I was just as scared as they were. The next morning she thought we were lying to her, since she had no recollection of it. She jokes about it to this day.

01-22-2003, 01:49 PM
Yes, I think seizures are always more traumatic for those witnessing them. I'm so blissfully unaware when it happens, but very tired when I wake up.

It's a scary thing to have, but it can be controlled. And many people grow out of it eventually.

Desert Arabian
01-22-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I think the movie looks pretty lame anyway.


I don't see why people (some) have to be so cruel these days (especially kids at my school), can't they find something else to joke about besides epilepsy??!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :(

01-22-2003, 02:40 PM
I think since epilepsy is such a scary thing to witness, that people's main way of dealing with it is through humour. Not that it justifies it, but it may explain why.

I've never heard of the movie and I'm sure I'll never watch it, but I have come across epilepsy-humour in other films and just through people in general. But I think it's one of those things that you can only be humourous about if you have it.

01-22-2003, 03:29 PM
that is very sad, but movies like that are poorly-scripted, aiming for an audience that will laugh at ANYTHING. sorry you felt bad, but don't let it get to you :) thanks for the warning :D

01-22-2003, 03:54 PM
I havent seen the movie, nor do I want to. The previews look so overrated and completely lame.

When I worked at the animal hospital, I saw many puppies and kittens seizing, and it was so sad. Their eyes rolled, they "paddled" and drooled uncontrollably. It is NOT a funny subject. It is NOT humorous for either animals or humans. What a sick media we have. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Hopefully the movie can be banned or edited if enough people are angry. (I am a bit of a protester myself) I know they wouldn't be laughing it THEY had seized. What a cruel world we live. :mad: :(

01-22-2003, 05:14 PM
I heard on the radio today that it is a #1 at the box office...but the only reason it is #1 is that it was the ONLY movie to open that weekend. :rolleyes:

Felicia's Mom
01-22-2003, 09:15 PM
I have epilepsy too. I was born with it and have taken medication most of my life. It is worse to see one than to have one yourself (in my opinion).

01-22-2003, 09:40 PM
Scarlett, my husband took his two young children to see that movie on Sunday afternoon. He says he doesn't remember anything like that in the movie.........if they did make fun of epileptics, he didn't realize that was what was happening, and of course, I think he is a pretty smart fellow!! :)

I hate cruelty of any kind, to humans or animals. I'm sorry if you have had to endure any because of your condition.


01-23-2003, 12:12 AM
here is a link to a site that lets you state your opion on the movie whether you've seen it or not i did twice lol.cause i checked and couldn't find my first but i found it right after posting my 2nd crazy huh:p

kangaroo jack review (http://www.boxoffice.com/scripts/fiw.dll?GetReview?&where=Name&terms=Kangaroo+Jack)

i had a dog with epilepsy too and felt closer to him than the 2 babies i have now.i miss him:(but i'm glad he is not suffering anymore;)

there is the link if interested:)thanks for your replies i agree its just cruel to make fun of others makes me sick:mad:

take care,scarlett