View Full Version : Pet Peeves continued.....

01-16-2003, 12:40 PM
There's a thread in the General forum that started off with humans talking about their pets but took a much more interesting turn when Amberlee's kitties decided to join in. :) :) Any other kitties have something to add?

Originally posted by AmberLee
Thank you for starting this thread about pet annoyances. Our pet hooman can be a real pest!

Cassy: My meowmy just doesn't understand the allure and excitement of going outies! I gots ta sneak out to really get a good sniff of stuff and stretch my legs. Boy. It's an exciting world out there and Meowmy wants to keep me in cotton wool. I's a BIG boy now. Or, worse yet, she wants me to go walkies on a leash. How can I look like the tough guy I am on a ... l-e-a-s-h, I ask ya? I gotta slink by the next building in case the cute Siamese chick there sees me going walkies with my Meowmy. :o :mad: :o And Virgil, the Tom across the parking lot comes and sits on our patio and chants, "Leash walky Cassy, youse a dumb cat." It's humiliating. Oh, and at night when Meowmy's on her puter and tippy-typing and tippy-typing and tippy-typing away and I come in and remind her she has a gorgeous boy (me, ahem) wiff my claws on her hip she hurts my delicate ears wiff her screams. What is it wiff hoomans, anyway? My claws aren't that sharp. :(

Livvy: As you know, I am a furry love-godess. So I've got a responsibility to my fans and devotees. Lots of beauty sleep, lots of baffies, ... it's a burden, but one I gladly bear to maintain the standard, you understand. It seems like everytime I settle down for a refreshing snooze, my Meowmy sneaks up with a flashy light thing and wakes me up! She calls it a camera; I call it a nuisense. Humpf! Them flash light thingies make my eyes go ouchie! She should stop. And SOMETIMES she FORGETS to give me my nightly massage. What if I should lose my gently rounded figure? What is she thinking anyway. She should be more con-sid-er-ate, she should. Well, she's merely hooman, has a good heart, and a firm hand on the kibble dispenser, so I guess I should cut her some slack.

Hoomans: can't live wiff em, can't live wiffout em.

01-16-2003, 12:43 PM
Gus: I spoze I can't be tooooo upset wif my human Mommy, cause she did rescue
me from a cold, lonely sewer. And, ok, she did do it twice.....and the second time
was in the middle of the night and she was outside in her flannel pjs with the stoopid
little doggies on them and calling me in the sewer and even tho I was listening and
listening I wouldn't come out and then a guy in a truck went by and yelled at her if
she was ok and why was she talking to the sewer.... it was soooooo funny!!!!!!
After I gots back inside wif Squirt I told him and we laughed and laughed.
Anyways, my Mommy does have this thing where she's always rubbing at my fur
with napkins and towels an stuff....just cause I like to keep a little bit of breakfast on
my face for later or roll in the wet bathtub and then in the kitty litter she thinks she's
always gotta be cleanin' me. Sheesh! It's not my fault I got long furs and things get
stuck it them....and that doesn't bother me neither cause mostly I never even know
they're in there.

Squirt: It's about time someone asked me this! I mean, I love my humans, but they
are....well.....humans, so of course there's room for improvement! My Daddy can be
kinda weird about me getting on the kitchen counters. I mean, I'm just sitting there
sniffing things and minding my own business but if he comes in to the room it's all
about "Squirt get down!" and "No! Bad kitty!" and then he sprays icky smelly stuff
on the counter and rubs it with towels. Hmmmph. Like that helps! As soon as he
goes to work I'm right back up there anyway....

My Mommy doesn't care so much about the counter (even though she pretends she
does in front of Dad), but I don't know why she doesn't like it when I do her hair for
her at night. She pulls that plastic claw thing through it every morning but when I sit
on her pillow and pull my claws through her hair she's all "Ow!" and "What the...!"
and then she puts me on the floor. Sometimes I just hop right back up and she puts
me on the floor again and then I hop right back up and then she puts me on the floor
again and then..... well, sometimes I end up in the hallway and she closes the door.
Just cause I tried to help her with her personal grooming! Humans!

01-16-2003, 12:58 PM
Wait stop!!!! Noel! Noah! Olivia! Basil! Ouch!! They are RUNNING to participate in this thread!! OK, OK! What? Give you the keyboard and no one gets hurt?? uh oh.... :D :D

Noah: Um...can you all PLEASE tell her to STOP bringing home these other cats? I mean come on, I'm all the cat anyone ever needs. What is wrong with them? Let those other cats stay in their cage or whatever rock they crawled out from under, don't bring them to MY house! Jeeesh!

Noel: When I want to prance around and be princess, make Olivia stay away from me! How come when she hisses and I run away, you want to find me? LEAVE ME ALONE!! I want to hide from that mean, wretched old cat! Can you say at-tit-tooood??? Whatever, that old chick needs to realize who the princess is here.

As far as my mommy and daddy go, I like them. I love to cuddle on my daddy's legs and to be in the same room. My only pet peeve would be the "pick Noel up" thing...leave me down here, I like it. Well...unless there's something GOOD on the counter. ;)

Basil: My only "beef" with mommy is that she likes to force me into that port-o-prision. From there, she takes me to a really smelly place where they stick a tube up my behind!!! :eek: As if that's not bad enough, she left me there twice all day! One time I had to be squished down so they could take a picture of my inside...I tried to tell them, mommy has lots of pictures at home of me, that they could choose one of those. They didn't agree. :mad: The other time she left me there all day, I came back to daddy calling me a "GIRL!"...I don't think I like daddy too much anymore... ;)

Olivia:Well...the only thing that peeves me is when Basil gets to close and thinks my TAIL is a toy. Little nerd. Oh, another thing is when I'm all comfy warm on mommy or daddy and they remove me!! So what if they have to pee...hold it! ;)

All Creatures Great And Small
01-16-2003, 01:08 PM
My kitty sez "my mimmy just can't let me sleep, for cryin' out loud! She's alwayz callin for me and making dem silly kissy-kiss noizes when she can't find me! I'm glad she luvz me but I wish she wouldn't smoooooch me on my hed so much cuz then I have to wash my hed a lot, and my pawz too, and what the heck, mite as well do my legz, and back, and tale......."

"I also don't unnerstand why I can't just eet ONE of those ratties in that cage, since they gotz 5 of them, they could spare one - I want the big fat grey and wite one, yummy! And why can't I go outside all day, every day, without dat stoopid lookin har-ness and leesh? It's embarrassin for a big manly cat like me to haf to be seen in dat girly purple thing. A guy can't chase chipmunkz propurly wit dat stoopid purple rope on. And anudder ting, how come my mimmy getz so mad when I push open the door to the big cement-floor room wit da carz in it, an leave da door open for hourz? I likes to look for chipmunkz out there and I can't shut da door behind me, ya know. It's the loud man'z fault dat he doesn't shut da door tite enuff."

01-16-2003, 04:47 PM
Bastet: I wish my furless mummy would sit still so I can get comfy properly on the chair. she always tips me off if I knead her legs with my claws. I wish she would stop yelling at me too whenever I do something thats fun for me! She yells at me if I go out onto the green carpet outside. Its fun THOUGH! She tells me I can get fleas and other nasties but I have teeth and a tongue to get rid of those. She also doesn't like me eating the geckos. I don't see why not. They taste good.

Mummy doesn't like me sleeping in the washing machine either. Its cool in there! She always closes the lid so I have to spend ages trying to get it open. (Mind you I have given up but I am not telling my mum that). I can't think of anymore growlies about my mummy at hte moment but I am sure Iwill post again.

01-17-2003, 06:41 PM
Jan - "I don't understand why the female human can't be more like the male human. He treats me like I'm the center of the universe. When he comes home to feed me, he starts talking in a funny voice - saying how pretty I am and how glad he is to see me. She just doesn't seem to do it right.

And then she has the nerve to get upset when I try to play with her - just because I want to show her how well I've been mantaining my lovely sharp claws - she's not impressed when I give her a demonstration on her hand. Silly human."

01-18-2003, 02:53 PM
They have a completely different rhythm of life. The only good thing : they vanish during daytime, so you can sleep without them disturbing you. But they must have had enough time to sleep wherever they are. So I cannot understand that they don't do what any reasonable purrson does when it gets dark: playing.

They are good in hunting. They bring home good food. But then they spoil it and BURN it. Can you imagine.

I think they try their best. But they're sooo stupid. You really have to try hard until they understand. If they don't listen to my words I have to kick īsome stuff around. I would prefer more suave methods but as I've told before -they are soooo stupid.

01-18-2003, 07:51 PM
Texas- my meowmie is pretty good. She feeds me special food on the counter. BUT she shoves pilly things down my throat alot. She sometimes mistakens me for a face towel, as she wipes her face all over me alot. She needs to get this firemaker thingy fixed, cause everytime she leaves the house it stops workin to good!

Georgia- my meowmie is 'ok'. She likes to pick me up ALOT, which I don't really dig.

Tennessee- my meowmie is good, mostly. Thing she really does that gets me is talk baby talk to me ALL the time. I am 6!! I am BIG! She can talk baby talk to Dakky (but not too much), but not me.

Dakota- my meowmie is ok, but, she hollers at me alot for going after Minnie. I don't like that.

Alabama- my meowmie is purrfect, except for the times she doesn't pay attention in the morning after her shower. I do not like jumping on her and hearing her scream. It is not a good way to start our mornings.

Minnie- meowmie is doing her best, I suppose. Cept, why does her face get wet sometimes when I do the littlest things, like purr? What is wrong with her?

smokey the elder
01-19-2003, 09:02 AM
Mobius: What is the big idea bringing in all these strange furkids all the time, and closing off part of the house?

Diva: Why can't I go upstairs and jump and play like the other cats?

Pixel: Leave me alone and let me be inscrutable.

Diamond: Why don't you let me help you with your fancy work?

TicTac: Can you give me more belly scritches?

Smokey the Younger: Why do you INSIST on picking me up? I HATE it!

Bosun: Why do you torture me with the evil feather on a stick?