View Full Version : Basil's Eyes are Still Drippy...

01-13-2003, 05:12 PM
Basil's eyes are still weepy. We use the eye cream that the vet gave us at least two months ago, but the next day, his eyes a weepy again.

I really don't know what to do. He was diagnosed with conjuctivitis and we were given amoxicilin for him.

Then I brought him in again about two weeks later because his eyes were still watery, that's when they gave us the eye cream to use it for 5 days.

Then he started getting boogers and his breathing was worse, that is when he was diagnosed with feline asthma.

Every other day, David has to put the eye cream in his eyes so he doesn't get his watery eyes. If we miss a day....here's comes the drippys. The last few days, he has his boogers again.

I know this isn't normal...I know that one of the vets (there are five in the office) is really, really great and thorough...I'll call and make an appointment with him.

Does anyone have any other advice for me? I want to be armed with lots of information so they can fix this.

01-13-2003, 05:24 PM
No, I have no advice. It just sounds like getting a second option from the vet you've a good rapport with is the best way to go.

Good luck and I'll be praying for you.

01-13-2003, 05:47 PM
Thanks Pauline. :) I just made an appointment for Thursday with Dr. Canin. He's very in tune with the cats, I really like him. He even asked about how Basil was doing with his breathing thing when I brought Olivia in...pretty neat huh?

01-13-2003, 07:18 PM
Good luck at the white coats on Thursday, Baby Basie! Sounds like it might just be the result of asthma/allergies:confused:

Everything up there is so connected. Maybe it is a blocked tear duct? I guess not, cause it is weepy...I guess I would want to know if Basil is in pain, and if it is serious.....good luck, and please let us know as soon as you can!

01-13-2003, 11:49 PM
Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear that Basil is still having problems. :( I sure hope that this vet can help him. All fingers and paws are crossed here. Good luck.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-14-2003, 10:20 AM
So sorry to hear that poor Basil is still having problems. :( Hopefully this vet will take a little more time to look into it since the other remedies aren't working. Poor little Basie, hope you're feeling better real soon! Please let us know how it goes and what this vet has to say.

01-14-2003, 03:45 PM
no help with info here, but I do want to wish you the best of luck. We all know that the diagnosing is the hardest part. Once you have the answer, the treatment can hopefully cure the problem. (I think I'm rambling) Well...best of luck and give Basil an extra hug from me.

01-14-2003, 03:50 PM
Thank you for all your well wishes and support for Basie. I too, hope we can figure out why his eyes keep dripping, poor guy. I hate taking him to the vet, the port-o-prision isn't very popular with him - unless he's trying to keep away from the vet tech with the thermometer. ;)

01-14-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
... unless he's trying to keep away from the vet tech with the thermometer.

Snort! Excellent point: very 'cat' attitude. {{{hug}}} So glad you are keeping your sense of humor.

Miss Meow
01-14-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
... unless he's trying to keep away from the vet tech with the thermometer. ;)

Even I close my yes when that's happening :)

Good luck. ToughCookie has had a lot of eye problems but was making a lot of progress. Maybe she'll read this or you could PM her? Her specialists may know an eye specialist in your part of town if it comes to that.

01-15-2003, 04:24 PM
Fingers and eyes crossed over here Kelly! Do hope Basil's trip to the WHITE COATS!! solves the problem and starts giving the little furboy a bit of relief. {{{Hugs}}} coming over to you both (oh yes and for Noah , Noel and Olivia xxxx)


01-15-2003, 04:27 PM
how are Bassets eyes now?

01-15-2003, 11:39 PM
He may have had a touch of URI. Allergies don't seem to cause such an effect. Do some research on Feline Upper Respitory Infections and see what you come up with. Only you know exactly what his symptoms are, but URI sounds like the cause when ruling out allergies. Poor wittle wone :(

01-16-2003, 03:49 PM
Thank you JillLovesMinnie! I went and checked it out and the symptoms are there. The only thing that I'm curious about is why Basil is the only one that has this? I found out the URI is contagious if they "use the same food bowls and caretaker" and that's us! :) Interesting...leave it to my Basie to be different! :)

Thanks for the URI idea, I'll ask the vet tonight.

01-16-2003, 04:01 PM
Just because URI's are contagious, doesn't mean they all have to get it. Just like a family of people, not everyone will come down with the cold. Hope You've found the cause.

01-16-2003, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Just because URI's are contagious, doesn't mean they all have to get it. Just like a family of people, not everyone will come down with the cold. Hope You've found the cause.
Interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks! :)

See all the great stuff we learn here? :D

01-16-2003, 05:19 PM
Oh No! I'm late.

Not Sweet Basil! He knows he's one of my favorites.

All I can say is be persistant. I had a cat to the vet once and got no help and took him to another and they fixed him right up. Of course I was getting hysterical.

My prayers are with Basil, the special and unique.

01-16-2003, 05:36 PM
Thank you rosethecopycat. :)

I'm taking Basie to the vet in a little under an hour. I waited until today so that I could get in with this specific doctor. He'll know what to do, I have a lot of faith in him.

I'll let you know as soon as I get back.

01-16-2003, 06:20 PM
Your very welcome Noah (and Basil) Mommy !! Help is just around the kitty korner ......

I take it he's back now :D

Hopefully all news is well, (I am wondering how he took the ride to and from !!:eek: )

01-16-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by JillLovesMinnie14yrs
Your very welcome Noah (and Basil) Mommy !! Help is just around the kitty korner ......

I take it he's back now :D

Hopefully all news is well, (I am wondering how he took the ride to and from !!:eek: )
We're back! Turns out, he has allergies, just like his mommy. :) The vet gave us Chlorpheniramine tablets, 1/2 a tablet, twice a day. If they work, we can order them in a liquid form in any flavor Basie wants. :)

The vet suspected it was only allergies because they've outruled conjuctivitus and URI before. Hopefully and prayerfully this will work. I sure hope so.

Basil hates leaving the house. He's the only one that is no where near curious about the outside. I wanted to put him in his harness and just carry him in and he freaked out. I've got a ton of deep scratches from that lesson. So, the porto-prision it was.

He's a good boy at the vet and thinks if he closes his eyes and purrs ("Theres no place like home, theres no place like home") the people will go away. ;)

Thanks again for your help and concern everyone. :)

P.S. The vet checked out Basie's teeth. On the right side inthe back, it looks as though his gum is overtaking his tooth. His gum is a bit red. Poor thing. We'll be watching that too. Has anyone heard of that before?

01-16-2003, 08:55 PM
Ah cool man!! Allergies are nothing at all :D !! Good news to end a not so great day, I just hope that Nomi's kitty has your luck as well!! Kiss Kiss Basil goodnight, glad to hear the good news :D

01-16-2003, 11:04 PM
Kelly, I'm so glad that it was only allergies. I sure bet that you're also relieved. Now you and Basil take care. :)

01-17-2003, 06:07 AM
please don't think I am trying to put a "damper" on good news, but do we know WHAT he is allergic too. That sometimes is the problem with allergies, they don't know WHAT. If you know what, then I'd say GREAT NEWS !!!!! we can "fix" it.

Either way I am SURE glad that it isn't something more serious.:)

smokey the elder
01-17-2003, 07:09 AM
Allergy testing can be traumatic and tedious for the cat. We have a cat with allergies in our rescue group. Unless it's a food allergy, which must be resolved, it's usually better to treat the symptoms. Try to observe if anything triggers the sneezing fits.

Good luck and feel better, Basil!

01-17-2003, 12:40 PM
Thanks everyone! :) I too, hope and pray that Bassett has the same luck as Basil...these kitties sure attach themselves our hearts.

Anyway, our usual docile Basie will NOT take these pills. We got one of those pill shooter things from the vet and its still not going to happen. We tried to pry open his mouth, throw the pill in and close his mouth; he spit it right out! I crushed it and mixed it with milk...nope, not having that. I even put cream cheese on the end of the pill shooter, nope, spit it out again! :rolleyes: David put the pill inside a treat...he ate around the pill. Little bugger!

So, the vet said to crush up the pill and mix it with baby food. We are trying these particular meds on a trial basis to see if they work. If they do, we can have them compounded and made into chicken flavor...yum. ;)

01-17-2003, 06:27 PM
Now, I know all kitties are different..but, with Tex, who I pill twice a day, I make sure he is on the counter, that he knows I am getting ready to pill him, and then I pretend my first finger and thumb are like a screw driver ( I had to stop and make the motion to see what it looked like, and screw driver isn't quite right, maybe more like a little drill?), and into the side of his mouth I go. I do not "force open" his mouth as much as I wedge it open. I don't think he would enjoy the hand over his nose too much. I hold his head still with my other hand. So, right hand, with pill between the first finger and thumb, and left hand to the left of him. (Now, this procedure also works from a ground position, with Tex between my legs, but, I don't have to get that physical with him).

Then, because at first Tex was a sneaky boy, I had to stand watch to make sure he wouldn't spit it out. Now, I just keep him clamped up until he swallows...and he does it pretty quick by this point!

Good luck and I am glad it isn't anything serious...

01-17-2003, 08:20 PM
Wow Cataholic,

I didn't know Tex needed two pills a day.
I was all fed up after a few weeks of pilling Mr. Jones for his initial URI and Snowy's syringe full in his little mouth when he was a baby.

What were we saying about patience....?

I hope Basil can learn to take his pills so he can be a happy boy.

Cinder & Smoke
01-17-2003, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
... usually docile Basie will NOT take these pills.
We got one of those pill shooter things from the vet,
and its still not going to happen. :mad:

Hey Basil ~
Iz yer MeowMee doing it rite?? :confused:

Dad an Boots, our Kat, have the pill-shooter drill down pat!
Startz wiff Dad goin inna Fridge fur three Temptations Treat nuggetz. Kat dashez inna kitchen; leepz up onna kounter; leanz round the fridge door an helpz Dad kount to three. Then they have a race to see who can get inna baffroom furst. Kat leapz up onna vanity an startz doin hiz Happie Danz an hed-buttin at Dad whilst Dad getz wun pill anna pill shooter outta the kabinet.

Our pill shooter izza kross tween a giant syringe ann huge ball point pen... Plastik tube thingy wiffa place to hold it tween yer furst an sekund finnerz, anna plunger to push wiffa thumbie. Dad pullz the plunger back a lil bit, then forces the pill in the end - itz got 4 lil slitz to let the pill be inserted but not fall back out. Pill loaded; tyme to *grab da Kat*...

Now Dummie da Kat wunts the treetz inna worst way - takin da *pill* is jest a minor inneruption onna way towardz gobblin treetz... :D Treetz are sittin onna towel rack within view... Kat turnz onna *PUrrrr motor* full tilt...

Dependin upon Kat'z *level of excitement*; sumtymez takez boffa Dad'z pawz to *turn da Kat* (facin North) unner Dad'z left arm wiffa left paw ober Kat'z hed - thumbie on wun side of the jaw; furst finner onna udder side. Gentle *squeeze* anna Kat'z jaw popz open...

Enuff pressure applied to *keep* da Kat frum movin around, and wiffa mouf WIDE open; Dad'z right paw holdz & insertz the shooter - OBER the Kat'z wadded up tongue likker ~
(*THAT's* the trick - OVER the tougue and part way DOWN the throat!)

Quick push wiffa thumbie an *POP - da pill'z downa hatch no matter WHUT da Kat duz wiffa tongue! Kat nebber skipz a beet wiffa *PUrrrrin* - cept fur an okkazional Gaaakin :p sound.

Treetz are due *Immediatley* - affore the pill shooter getz put away fur the next dose!

We shuld Note:
Doc Mike (White Coat) taught Dad ta do it wiffa pair of *Forceps* - thoze shiney medikal plierz that lock shut. They werk'd OK, but Dad wuz alluz gettin em *locked* too tite or bustin pillz...
Da plastik Pill Shooter iz sorta Dad-proof. :rolleyes:

Anudder Note:
Furst few tymes dint werk out so gud...
Dad wuz a lil *timid* bout shuvin the shooter downa throat too far - anna Kat makin Gaaakin noizez wuz a sereeus distrakshun, too! They got da *Brite Idea* to praktis by shootin Temptation Treetz stedda pillz! Kat dint get to *savor da moment*; but a half duzin Temptations inna tummie dint hurt nuffin! They've settled onna three to wun ratio - Wun suksessfuk *pill shoot* iz wurth Three Temptationz!

Praktiss, Praktiss, Praktiss - makes fur a Purfikt *Pill Shoot*!
And itz a LOT cheeper than makin up spechul Flavored Meds! :D

01-17-2003, 11:38 PM
Now be a good boy Basie and please take your pills so you can be a happy healthy cat. :)

smokey the elder
01-18-2003, 08:47 AM
Sometimes you can get a cat used to taking pills. Like Cinder&Smoke sez, practice and bribery work wonders!:p

01-22-2003, 04:56 AM
Cinder & Smokey...your cat language is hard to read!

Ahum...Noah's Mommy...HOW is Basil now!? Getting much better or? Found a way to not have him spit out the pill?