View Full Version : Zippy You Have Us all.....

01-13-2003, 09:47 AM
You have all of us here on tender hooks.....we need more info, up to the minute stories of the latest antics, and pictures of that little rascal Piper!!! Come on, be a champ and put us all out of our misery...the suspense is starting to get to us!!!!!! :D :cool:

Heather Wallace
01-13-2003, 01:20 PM
Oh, thats nice. I hope Zippy will show us some more piccies soon.

01-13-2003, 01:51 PM
;) Work's been keepin' me fairly busy...

This is *THE* binkiest bun I've ever seen! (I have quite a few binkies caught on film--will try to load those after work.)



Man! You'd think her momma would wash those dirty feeties, huh?! lol (newspaper print rubbed off on them ;) She's on her Grandma's lap, in this pic. )

Ok... back to work for me... will post more later this evening! :)

Aspen and Misty
01-13-2003, 02:06 PM
OOO She is soooo cute!!!!! Omg How adorable! I'm so in love! Awww!!!! I can't wait to see more of her and her more of her!!


01-13-2003, 03:11 PM
OH what a cutie-pie :)

I love the pic of her on her back,feet in the air, on Grandma's
lap..... Soooooo Cute...:)

Edwina's Secretary
01-13-2003, 04:04 PM
A doll! And what about K'Cee??????

01-13-2003, 04:33 PM
How precious!!! I want to give her a big old schmoozie!!!:D

01-13-2003, 05:11 PM
Aww it seems like he's getting cuter by the minute!:D

01-13-2003, 05:52 PM
Oh no, I can't open the pics!!!! All I should have to do is click on the boxes with the red X, right?????? Do I need special software?

01-13-2003, 07:23 PM
From the other threads I recall the big black dot on her nose, but this thread clearly shows another, smaller, dot below. Cute. And also shows her ears in the uppity and down positions (depending on situation).

01-13-2003, 08:18 PM
way too sweet. I want a bunny now!!!!!!

01-13-2003, 08:41 PM
Oh, Tonya, Piper's adorable!!! So you have 2 buns?? Lucky you! I want a bunny!!!:) ;)

01-14-2003, 01:26 AM
Oh, Tonya, Piper's adorable!!! So you have 2 buns?? Lucky you! I want a bunny!!!
Sarah, Tonya only has Piper and K'Cee her kitty. Sophie went to the rainbow bridge and is our bunny angel looking over us, in Oct. I know you haven't been on much. But I thought you knew that. :)

I just love seeing pics of that adorable bunny and kitty!!! They are sooo sweet!

01-14-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
A doll! And what about K'Cee??????


My binky movie(s) didn't upload--I'll try it again tonight. Until then, here's a few more pics...

(One ear up, one ear down...I love that disgusted look on her face!)


01-14-2003, 03:59 PM
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cute, it makes me tear up! :)

Aspen and Misty
01-14-2003, 06:14 PM
O she is just so adorable! I love them ears! LOL


01-15-2003, 07:17 PM
What a little cutie patootie Piper is, and K'Cee, she's beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures:)

01-15-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Oh, Tonya, Piper's adorable!!! So you have 2 buns?? Lucky you! I want a bunny!!!
Sarah, Tonya only has Piper and K'Cee her kitty. Sophie went to the rainbow bridge and is our bunny angel looking over us, in Oct. I know you haven't been on much. But I thought you knew that. :)

I just love seeing pics of that adorable bunny and kitty!!! They are sooo sweet!

Oh, oops!:o Thanks Staci!:) ;)