View Full Version : Koxka!

Miss Meow
01-12-2003, 05:32 PM
Yesterday Tabasco was watching his favourite Spanish tennis player, Juan Carlos Ferrero.

Unfortunately Ferrero lost, but at least his smallest fan was happy! :)


01-12-2003, 06:03 PM
OMG! That is so funny!!!!! Tobasco is sooo intent on the screen, what a weirdo :D Is Tennis his favorite sport?

01-12-2003, 06:31 PM
My cats enjoy hockey, even though I don't. :p They like to watch the players zip across the screen. So cute!! :D

01-12-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
They like to watch the players zip across the screen. So cute!! :D

Cats are very into 'zippy', aren't they?

01-12-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

Cats are very into 'zippy', aren't they?

definatley!!! :D :D

01-12-2003, 08:57 PM
Nicole, that sure is a cute picture of Tabasco. :) Sunny also likes to watch t.v. If something moves quickly across the screen, he'll try to catch it with his paws. :)

Miss Meow
01-12-2003, 09:11 PM
Our fuzzy-faced weirdo :) likes a bit of tennis. He was watching the cricket, but it's so boring this season that we turned it off. Sometimes he watches those home improvement shows where you destroy someone's backyard and make a cheap and tacky change to it over a weekend - now that's weird!

One thing I find curious is he's a boy but wasn't watching the Kournikova game that was just on. Maybe he truly is a tennis fan and likes to watch the game, not the players ...

01-13-2003, 03:22 AM
Oh that Tabasco is one of the cutest boys around here. Send more pix please!
Filou showed some talent to play tennis when he was younger. I always hoped he could make a living out of that (like Boris Becker) and get his parents rich:D But it didn't happen.

01-13-2003, 03:51 AM
My cats do love tele too , here!! Look at Maya :rolleyes: :p :p :p

01-13-2003, 06:53 AM
Hayley watches hockey and cartoons! I thought she was the only one!

01-13-2003, 07:18 AM
Juni watches football, her favorite team is Brasil, our favorite team too, but I guess from different reasons. I bet she likes their colors - yellow and green, we like how they play.
Vasea also liked Brasil.

01-13-2003, 07:20 AM
My cats are not really "couch potatoes". Why watch an old TV screen when you have live action in the next room.....(Mice zipping around it their aquariums):D :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-13-2003, 10:25 AM
That is so cute!

T & P could care less about the TV. :)

Miss Meow
01-13-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni
Juni watches football, her favorite team is Brasil, our favorite team too, but I guess from different reasons. I bet she likes their colors - yellow and green, we like how they play.
Vasea also liked Brasil.

Our other small weirdo is a big Agassi fan

Pickles gets the ringside seat while Tabasco is relegated to the grandstand (coffee table)

01-13-2003, 04:16 PM
Oh, Tabasco you look so interested! Was ithat a macht ball?
We hope when Carles Moyà (stress the "a") play you will cheer him up like crazy !:p
The only time the furries has shown
any interest on TV was in one kind of cultural talk presented by two man, that are very close friends in the real life; and you could sensed the feeling and good atmosphere between them. When the kitties heard them just jump on top of the TVset, bent their little heads down to the screen and watch and listen for a while. It's a pitty I don't have a picture it was so funny.

By now they they are only interested in the heat that comes from..:rolleyes: like this...


All Creatures Great And Small
01-13-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
My cats are not really "couch potatoes". Why watch an old TV screen when you have live action in the next room.....(Mice zipping around it their aquariums):D :eek: Indeed, or rats zipping around in a cage with tantalizingly wide gaps in the bars...... (except the rats kick the kitty's a** every time - he's such a wimp!)

Koxka, what a lovely picture of your kitties enjoying the warmth!

01-14-2003, 01:19 AM
Nicole! Do they have your kitties shifts to wach TV? Only one by one are allowed?:D

01-14-2003, 03:02 AM
I was watching Animal Planet this morning. There was a story about a doggy. Juni was watching it too. I guess, it was mainly because of the sounds and the doggy jumping all the time.
Usually, she uses the tv as a couch (not so much after we have the heating, more in the summer).

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-14-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Pickles gets the ringside seat while Tabasco is relegated to the grandstand (coffee table)

That is so neat that they take such an interest in the TV. :D :)

Miss Meow
01-14-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by koxka
Nicole! Do they have your kitties shifts to wach TV? Only one by one are allowed?:D

There is plenty of room for all! The two small ones love the TV, the big cats have no interest. That's a great picture of your cats!

I forgot about Carlos Moya, hopefully I'll see him play Friday :)

01-14-2003, 06:55 PM
Thank you for the compliments ACGAS and Miss M. :)

There is plenty of room for all!

Miss, I was just kiding!

You brought me back to the prehistoric years of Jimmy Connors, Borj and this crazy red headed boy I don't remember the name ...I have lost interest in tennis since.
But sure I will switch on EuroSport Channel tomorrow ;)