View Full Version : Beautiful Creole!

03-15-2022, 06:44 AM
Hi Creole! Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart!, and to your proud Mom too:)

What a big, beautiful, utterly adorable, American Pittie x you are, Creole; a gentle giant with a heart of gold! And SO photogenic! Your photospread is over the moon heart-melting, Creole! Oh my gosh, that face!:D

And what a heartwarming backstory is yours, sweetheart! Your Mommy knew the very moment you first walked in the door that you were the one, a case of love at first sight for her and for you! As she says, you weren't a planned addition to the pack, but some things are just meant to be, welcomed into the family by all, including dear Joe Joe the parrot!

My ex boyfriend, Robert, rescued Creole from an acquaintance of his who couldn't properly care for her. He brought her home without telling me but as soon as she saw me, she bolted for me and jumped on me, wagging her tail and sniffing me! It was love at first sight!

What a priceless gift your Mom was given when she and your Daddy, Robert, decided to part ways. He knew that you, your Mom, and Desiree were inseparable, and we are forever thankful for his selflessness!

I'm so very sorry to hear of the passing of so many of your furry and feathered friends, especially your beloved bestie, Desiree. Thankfully you and your Mom had one another to turn to for comfort and love during those sad times. And who knows, maybe one day another furry friend will join the pack! For now, enjoy your royal status, being loved and pampered to pieces, cherished for the princess that you are!

How very blessed your Mom is, having been blessed with a fur daughter as beautiful, as smart, as sweet and loving, as special as you, Creole! Inside and out you couldn't be any more special if you tried, perfection on 4 paws, simply the best; her Dog of the Day, EVERY day!

Many thanks to your Mom for sharing you with us today! Reading her heartwarming tribute, learning of the very special place you hold in her heart, and she in yours, has been such a treat! I hope you're treated to a very special Dog of the Day celebration, Creole...performing surgery on your stuffies, lol; watching the world go by from your window perch, or better yet, taking a spin around town in your truck, maybe hooking up with your pup pal, Zero; chowing down on lots of yummy treats; receiving a lengthy belly rub session, a nice massage, countless cuddles and scritches, being loved and pampered to pieces by your Mom and all of your adoring friends and fans! (Busy day!:D) Lots of love, hugs and smooches to you, beautiful Creole, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day!!!:love::love::love:

03-15-2022, 06:07 PM

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day
What a beautiful girl who know many tricks.
You are very much loved
Celebrate your special day and many more

03-15-2022, 09:40 PM
Dearest Creole June Enfinger, you are beautiful indeed! What an absolutely stunning, adorable 61.1% American pit bull terrier, 11.8% Bulldog, 10.5% Chow Chow, 9.4% Boxer, 7.2% Supermut girl you are! You are gorgeous with that warm brown coat and that sweet face with those cute perky ears and huge smiles and lovely big brown eyes. Thank you for sharing all those great photos with us. What a terrific album you're sharing with us, full of many images of you so comfortably relaxing at home! And how nice to see your dear Mama kissing you on the side of your face! I wish I could reach through the screen and down to Columbus, GA to pet you, and pet your dear doggie friend Zero and your Angel pet friends Lilly and Desiree, too! I can't, of course, but I know your loving and beloved Mama will pet you and Zero and the other Angels will pet Lilly and Desiree and give Joe Joe a few Angel-bird-treats for me :).

And what a delightful personality you have! You're full of energy and make your dear Mama, and Dad Robert and everyone else you meet, smile at your antics. The day you met Mama, you let her know right away she was the one, didn't you! You've had many animals friends over the years. You and Desiree became very close, and you've missed her a great deal, haven't you. Now you are the only pet. You all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Creole, on being chosen Dog of the Day! We hope you and your dear Mama and Dad and Zero and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats. We know that Lilly Angel and Desiree Angel and Joe Joe Angel are all rejoicing with you at the Rainbow Bridge!
